Question about badge pickup?

Started by Tsubasakissu, May 17, 2013, 11:32:29 AM

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Is badge pickup REALLY starting at 7 this year and only going till 10 PM?
Every year it takes far more than 3 hours and we normally start around 3-4 PM, if things are running on time.
Someone please tell me that 7PM is a joke? A typo? Because in order to get a proper space in like you practically have to get there 9 AM-1 PM. 7+ hours in line just to wait to wait to pick up your badge is kind of... intense?
Someone tell me they typoed?

Jesse Uppercut

7-10PM is the official statement however I believe with the move to the Fairmont and improved preparations, the Registration Pick Up process will have improved ten fold when compared to last year. I also believe this really will accommodate those who may not be available until the early evening due to other responsibilities like work, school, etc. Additionally, Ive never seen any staff turn away anyone who was already in line even after the cut off time. These guys work hard to get everyone in and out, I've heard it's tiring work!

I can understand your concerns but even the the wait in line can be fun! You get to meet new people, catch up with a buddy and sometimes game network if you have the same game and portable console as another!
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Quote from: Jesse Uppercut on May 17, 2013, 12:00:18 PM
7-10PM is the official statement however I believe with the move to the Fairmont and improved preparations, the Registration Pick Up process will have improved ten fold when compared to last year. I also believe this really will accommodate those who may not be available until the early evening due to other responsibilities like work, school, etc. Additionally, Ive never seen any staff turn away anyone who was already in line even after the cut off time. These guys work hard to get everyone in and out, I've heard it's tiring work!

I can understand your concerns but even the the wait in line can be fun! You get to meet new people, catch up with a buddy and sometimes game network if you have the same game and portable console as another!
Well, something else that REALLY pisses me off is that Im hosting a meetup for day 0. Its officially on the thing. And because I figured we'd start reg at our normal time, that 7 PM would be a good placeholder for the gathering. But here I am, disappointed yet again with this convention and its horrid planning. And I 100% cant have the gathering earlier, because we need to secure places in like. and 8 would be too soon after reg opens, and 9 would be too late. Seriously, did they actually think this through? 3-4PM is a prime time to start. If you wait till people get home from work, the lines will be even more massive. Every year they start around 3-4 and even after constantly getting people in and out, more and more people show up ESPECIALLY around those times. Meaning that they have even more people to deal with at once. The logic of "we will wait till people get off work to start" doesnt work, because people will keep showing up super early like every year and itll get even more swamped in around 7pm, like every year, but with the added bonus of people who came and waited earlier.


More on how the logic of trying to accommodate those who have work/school/whatever and dont get there till later doesnt work:
If you were to truly accommodate them, then you wouldnt wait till they got off work to start. Youd start at four, like usual, and keep going until 9-10 PM, thereby giving them more time to acquire their badge. What is being done is the opposite of accommodation, its infact making the line they have to wait in 2-3 times longer. And at first waiting in line is fun, until you realize that youre waiting in line and that youve been waiting for hours and that youre tired, hungry, thirsty and need to check into a room that you cant check into because youve been waiting in line. And then the hotels will suddenly have a huge flood of people, all at the same time, making check-in time even longer of a wait. At least before it was more spread out.


I'm sorry you are unhappy with the times we have set. While we would love to open at a specific time that is most convenient for all our members, we are constrained by many factors that make it so that we must open at 7. It's unfortunate that it has inconvenienced you, but sometimes things are not within our control. We appreciate your understanding.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



this is particularly wonderful news for those of us getting panelist badges. we can only start picking up our discount badges at 6:30 on Thursday, so lining up early for us is a moot point... if we can even pick up our badges on Thursday, I don't even know.

I stand corrected ^^;

Acey Arisen

This is terrible.

This is absolutely terrible and I'm disappointed.
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Quote from: luluko on May 17, 2013, 12:48:13 PM
this is particularly wonderful news for those of us getting panelist badges. we can only start picking up our discount badges at 6:30 on Thursday, so lining up early for us is a moot point... if we can even pick up our badges on Thursday, I don't even know.

Hi, you should email panels. There should be a special procedure and time you can register.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Quote from: ewu on May 17, 2013, 01:02:55 PM
Quote from: luluko on May 17, 2013, 12:48:13 PM
this is particularly wonderful news for those of us getting panelist badges. we can only start picking up our discount badges at 6:30 on Thursday, so lining up early for us is a moot point... if we can even pick up our badges on Thursday, I don't even know.

Hi, you should email panels. There should be a special procedure and time you can register.

yup, I had already done that and I just got a response. ^^

Eurobeat King

While I'm not going to Pre-registration on Thursday, I will say that I can understand 7:00pm starting registration would be fine for smaller conventions.  Back in 2001 when Yaoi-Con got started, pre-registration opened on Friday night around the evening, but there weren't too many people.

But this is Fanime, and people are used to arriving very early (like 7:00am in the morning) to wait in-line for pre-registration when it opened at 3:00pm on previous years.  This year I'd hate to be there in-person to see the line at 6:45pm next Thursday night, everyone crammed into that ballroom(s) at the Fairmont..

One non-convention example of craziness was at my work-place Wednesday night.  My theater had an advance screening of Star Trek : Into Darkness and normally we have screenings at 7:00/7:30pm.  That night we had it at 9:00pm, meaning that more people would get off from work and show up in the huge line, and people kept cutting in-line or joining their friends who had been there since 9:00am.  The # of complaints my staff and I got because of the line-cutters was too much.  And by 8:30pm the promoters still hadn't let people in, the lines went out the back-hallways and security yelled at us, etc.  ughhh  :P  Such madness happens when you choose to have something start at a later time. 

I wish the Fanime staff good luck with everything next Thursday, and hopefully everyone runs smoothly.  :)
"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."


Quote from: Eurobeat King on May 17, 2013, 01:35:04 PM
Such madness happens when you choose to have something start at a later time. 

I just wanna clarify that we are not choosing this time. It would be interesting to open on Wed and have my staffers 1) pass out for exhaustion and 2) still have way too long lines because most people can't take 3 days off from work. OR we could have chosen to not open at all on Thurs because of this time constraint and just open on Friday. But we choose to open on Thurs and 7 is the earliest time we can open....

Thanks for the good luck wishes:) At least hotels have generators if the power goes out:)
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Quote from: ewu on May 17, 2013, 01:41:04 PM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on May 17, 2013, 01:35:04 PM
Such madness happens when you choose to have something start at a later time. 

Thanks for the good luck wishes:) At least hotels have generators if the power goes out:)
At least there's that xD

Aoi Memori

I won't precisely be there for Thursday but I do see concerns in FB especially for those that are set up for the Swap Meet. Will they have a special line or something in order to get through faster to set up?
Fanime 2013 Line-up
FFX Yuna - Friday
Umineko Maria/KH Xion - Saturday
Evangelion Sun dress Asuka- Sunday
KH Xion - Monday


Quote from: Aoi Memori on May 17, 2013, 03:27:21 PM
I won't precisely be there for Thursday but I do see concerns in FB especially for those that are set up for the Swap Meet. Will they have a special line or something in order to get through faster to set up?
Please see this thread:,18453.0.html
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


Is there any info from those of us picking our badges up at Clockwork Alchemy (the DOuble Tree hotel) on Thursday?


Quote from: InfinityThief on May 17, 2013, 04:51:42 PM
Is there any info from those of us picking our badges up at Clockwork Alchemy (the DOuble Tree hotel) on Thursday?

The hours and services of Registration will be the same as FanimeCon's.
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook