Are we (Anime Imports) running Magic the Gathering at Fanime this year?

Started by Frank_Hood, January 30, 2014, 07:19:51 PM

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Two years ago, we at Anime Imports ran Magic the Gathering for Fanime.
Last year we wanted to, but since Wizards of the Coast requires three weeks notice for any events run outside the store, and we didn't hear back until day zero we were unable to come and run MTG.
I really enjoyed being part of Fanime two years ago, and don't want a repeat of last year.
All My boss needs is conformation that you want us to run magic for you, and that we will have industry badges.
Two years ago we had a few awkward situations as we were there as a business, but had staff badges since we ended up being in the gaming room.  One was over tournament entries and the rest were people begging us to sell them gaming supplies which we couldn't, since as staff we can't sell anything.
If you do want us there, My boss has a schedule of MTG events we will run, which if you post on your website will get Wizards of the Coast to send cool stuff for prizing.  Two years ago we had quite a few people who didn't bring their decks since they didn't know there would be MTG events, so getting the schedule up should help with that too.
I will watch this thread and do what ever you need me to do to avoid a repeat of last year.


Please contact us at marketingATfanimeDOTcom.

We look forward to working with you.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator
