Naruto gathering 2006!!! Fanime Staff took my "Countdow

Started by Blue Impulse, May 30, 2005, 04:54:26 PM

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I have to agree that Dattebayo sucks ass.  Their audio sync is always off track with the video.   Anbu is the best in my opinion.   and serajwl, that's a kick ass shot of the dosu's you posted ^_^
What Are Ya Buyin?


Does any one, know where i could buy a spiked calor?





Naruto Cosplay Group!
Time: unknown
Meeting place: Fountain (then move?)
Estimated members: 30

Last updated: June 21, 2005
Anko - Touya no Miko
Chouji - Meet_the_sess
Dosu â€" Blue Impulse, dosukinuta4
Gaara - zst-Xkn (friend of dosukinuta4)
Hinata - digimel11
Itachi - sadistic-otaku, ThndrMge, Itachi no Jutsu
Jiraiya - Waruiko
Kiba - Nav
Kisame â€" Blue Impulse, Itachi no Jutsu's friend
Kimimaro - serajwl's friend
Rock Lee - Rikun, Drunken_Master
Sasuke - hellangel's brother (chibi version, if hellangel goes)
Tayuya â€" Doorbell
Ten Ten - Touya no Miko, serajwl's sister

Basic Sound - The_Merchant
Bondage Ninja - fighter_for_hire

Who else is left out?
-Serajwl is still in the deciding process
-hellangel is choosing between Akatsuki Itachi, Orochimaru, and Gaara (if she attends)
-jess3zor might be Kiba
-KindaRandomKris is choosing between Gaara, and Fuun/Yukie, Inner Sakura
-WhispyMurmurs is choosing between Orochimaru, Neji, and Kimimaro
-Anyone else not mentioned, leave a comment!

Touya no Miko

Hey, don't forget me! The unloved Tenten! I'm also gonna be Anko at the con too.
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!



any room for another rock lee? ^_^

i vow to construct my Pocky Weights (R) Mk. II by next year's con, or else I will run 300 laps around the convention center! On my arms!


And my God, did you people not see the two Gai-sensei's that I hung out with? The one playing DDR with Kakashi, and the other one singing songs in the dealer's room about his enourmous p3n1s? if you people want proof, just ask.

P.S. if anyone knows how to make/get a sake bottle just like the one from the show, that would be awesome. although I liked my Sobe-> Sake bottle gimmick, it's not as recognizable as an actual sake bottle.

Funny thing from last year- some random person in the dealer's room walked up to me and offered to sell me a kunai leg holster and a shuriken pouch for 20 bucks. considering i was looking all over for those, of course i said yes. now if only someone would randomly come up and sell me a chuunin jacket...

wow, the PS ended up longer than the actual post. :p
Gai: OK, Lee! Take them off!
Lee: Hai, Gai-sensei!
Everyone: *GASP*
Gai: The weights, Lee- I meant the WEIGHTS!!
Lee: Oh. *puts pants back on*

=T____T= *hiccup* I'm enjoying my youth.

Touya no Miko

Quote from: "Drunken_Master"any room for another rock lee? ^_^

i vow to construct my Pocky Weights (R) Mk. II by next year's con, or else I will run 300 laps around the convention center! On my arms!


And my God, did you people not see the two Gai-sensei's that I hung out with? The one playing DDR with Kakashi, and the other one singing songs in the dealer's room about his enourmous p3n1s? if you people want proof, just ask.

P.S. if anyone knows how to make/get a sake bottle just like the one from the show, that would be awesome. although I liked my Sobe-> Sake bottle gimmick, it's not as recognizable as an actual sake bottle.

Funny thing from last year- some random person in the dealer's room walked up to me and offered to sell me a kunai leg holster and a shuriken pouch for 20 bucks. considering i was looking all over for those, of course i said yes. now if only someone would randomly come up and sell me a chuunin jacket...

wow, the PS ended up longer than the actual post. :p

Lee-kun, honestly I think you are getting hooked on that sake.
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!


I'm sorry Tenten. I promised Sakura-san I wouldn't come home like that every night. We might've already gotten a divorce if it wasn't for the kids.

</amusing yet hypothetical situation>
Gai: OK, Lee! Take them off!
Lee: Hai, Gai-sensei!
Everyone: *GASP*
Gai: The weights, Lee- I meant the WEIGHTS!!
Lee: Oh. *puts pants back on*

=T____T= *hiccup* I'm enjoying my youth.

Sesshie's Nina

Quote from: "Drunken_Master"
P.S. if anyone knows how to make/get a sake bottle just like the one from the show, that would be awesome. although I liked my Sobe-> Sake bottle gimmick, it's not as recognizable as an actual sake bottle.

Try a World Trade Market....or some kind of weird import store. Those kinds of stores are always getting demands for oriental styles. If you can't find it could always take the cheap way and buy a vase and paint it....but that's getting pretty desperate. Try the World Trade Market store, good stuff.

PS If anyone lives near a World Trade Market, go to the candy ailes, and look for a 'Munchie' Bar. My friends and I call them dirty candy bars cuz they have the phrases "Eat Me" and "Devour Me" and "You Know You Want To" and all different kinds of suggestive phrases. It's hilarious when you see them for yourself. teehee
Sesshoumaru is my bishi....not yours....

I love being's so fulfilling :-D

Forget about Naruto. It's all about Nathan.......stupid Cartoon Network.........



I'm still kind of deciding between, Neji or Ten Ten ^^'; I still need to get the full blown pictures of them so I can kinda plan out their costumes.. >.< Anyone know of a good place?


Quote from: "Sesshie's Nina"
Try a World Trade Market....or some kind of weird import store. Those kinds of stores are always getting demands for oriental styles. If you can't find it could always take the cheap way and buy a vase and paint it....but that's getting pretty desperate. Try the World Trade Market store, good stuff.

Hell, if can't find a decent sake bottle, I'm bringing in a whole Sake barrel on my back. XD Gai-shensheiiiii~~~
Gai: OK, Lee! Take them off!
Lee: Hai, Gai-sensei!
Everyone: *GASP*
Gai: The weights, Lee- I meant the WEIGHTS!!
Lee: Oh. *puts pants back on*

=T____T= *hiccup* I'm enjoying my youth.


donno what im gonna be...maybe kiba, it would be easy and cheap ^^
Dont forget your fanny-pack.
My pouch can only hold so much.


Lee! i could probably make you a descent sake bottle out of paper mache... or hell, you could lol.


Kiba is kinda hard to get right, i was lucky, most of you prob saw me walking around. My jacket costed me 60 bucks plus my pants where 30, and my socks and flip flops went around 7 bucks total for that, so be ready to fork down a good amount of money for a good kiba costume, i got mine tailored for me >D


I'm still caught trying to figure out a way to get a headband plate made but fuse it with my basic sound ninja mask....Luckily there's plenty of time.....except of course when I'm wearing it to AX in less than 2 weeks.
What Are Ya Buyin?

Touya no Miko

Quote from: "Drunken_Master"
Quote from: "Sesshie's Nina"
Try a World Trade Market....or some kind of weird import store. Those kinds of stores are always getting demands for oriental styles. If you can't find it could always take the cheap way and buy a vase and paint it....but that's getting pretty desperate. Try the World Trade Market store, good stuff.

Hell, if can't find a decent sake bottle, I'm bringing in a whole Sake barrel on my back. XD Gai-shensheiiiii~~~

*shakes head* lee-kun, honestly.
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!