Ranma 1/2 Cosplay Gathering 08?

Started by ~~Loktera~~, June 21, 2007, 12:35:56 PM

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Just curious to see if there are indeed enough people interested in doing a Ranma 1/2 Cosplay Gathering at this years shindig?

I've already confirmed that I am going as Tatewaki Kuno.

So, if there are any souls who are as excited at cosplaying it "old-school"

Then lemme know and I'll edit you to this post!

When: 4:30 PM, SUNDAY.
Where: Fountain in front of Convention Center. (unless you have a better idea)

Input is needed pls :3

Here's who's doin' what.

Loktera :: Tatewaki Kuno
zoup :: Ranma (Male) & Ryoga
SkaKitti :: Genma (Human & Panda)
BrightHeart76 :: Ukyou
narutofan17 :: Ryoga

Spency_G: Ranma male version
Fox: Ranma female version
Pat: Mousse
It all really depends how well the lies are told...


You BET'CHAself that I'll come as Ranma Saotome... THIS time. And if my commish doesn't deliver in the next... 4 days, I'll just start work on it myself. No matter what, ZOUPZUOP2 WILL BE RANMA SAOTOME (male. Don't have the figure for female...), and I'll SO be there. ;3
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


I'm commissioning human AND panda Genma for my friends next year. ^_^
Cosplayer: 03-?
Fanime Staff: 04-?
Sorawarudesuka Cosplay


I recently sent a complaint via BBB to my cosplay commissioner of about ¾ of a year ago, so I should be seeing something in regards to my cosplay soon. In the meantime, I'm considering also cosplaying as Ryoga, seeing as I've found an odd fondness for bandanas lately. All I'd need is a shirt, stuff to tie around my legs and a red umbrella (not to mention the right bandana) and I'd have another cosplay.
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


I'm working on a Mousse costume right now!  I'll do my damndest to be there
"I am the Bad Wolf,
I create myself.
I take the words.
I scatter them .. in time and space.
A message to lead myself here..."


nothing like old school for the win,

I have random Chinese clothing and technically I could pull a ranma myself.

I'll try to mix things up if I have a random yellow shirt and and old bamboo umbrella and a bandana lying around...

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Girl Ranma's another one of those "If all else fails" plans for me. Seeing that people are really into the Naruto and Bleach these days, it'd be refreshing to see some eighties anime cosplayers out there.

Damn, I can remember when Ranma 1/2 was THE popular anime of the collective fandom...XD
fanime 2019 kaws purae: Misora (Kamen Rider Build)/Jushin Thunder Liger (NJPW)/ Kalina (Girls Frontline)


Ahhh, back when the series everyone loved wasn't ONLY what was being showed on Cartoon Network or Adult Swim... *sigh*

...who am I kidding? Wasn't Ranma on CN for a little bit? And I only got into it in, like, the early thousands. Ne'er mind.
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Agree with you on the sighing over the fact that people only pay attention to the major fanbase anime.

Ranma 1/2 was never on CN--as I recall, their old anime lineup was Tenchi Muyo, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Canaidate (? I can NOT spell today) for Goddess, and InuYasha (Holy Hell! A five year run and still no plot development in that show.)

I got into Ranma when I was in elementary/middle school, borrowing the VHS tapes from my local video store. Ah, the memories...
fanime 2019 kaws purae: Misora (Kamen Rider Build)/Jushin Thunder Liger (NJPW)/ Kalina (Girls Frontline)


Quote from: TofuHiruma on October 26, 2007, 07:14:55 PM
Agree with you on the sighing over the fact that people only pay attention to the major fanbase anime.

Ranma 1/2 was never on CN--as I recall, their old anime lineup was Tenchi Muyo, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Canaidate (? I can NOT spell today) for Goddess, and InuYasha (Holy Hell! A five year run and still no plot development in that show.)

I got into Ranma when I was in elementary/middle school, borrowing the VHS tapes from my local video store. Ah, the memories...

I have the first FOUR seasons on VHS... i think i should give it away...

since I have ALL Seven Seasons on DVD AND the movies AND the OAVS...

and my room looks like an anime store...

Anybody wants the Ranma 1/2 VHS? they need a good home. (FYI their Dubbed if you could handle it) ::)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


waaaaa this is the first year i can't i lost my Ranma shirt >.<


WOOOO!!!!!! I'm goin to cosplay as Ryoga!!!!!!
Tsunade! Where are you?!! I promise I don't bite.

Fanime 2010 Costume:
King Dedede


Sweet! Let's update the main post with that little tidbit! (And, chances are quite slim I'll be going as Ryoga. Push comes to shove, I'll have to think of some other cosplays that are less demanding... Takumi of Initial D, maybe?)
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Baring disaster I'll either be Akane or Kasumi for part of fanime.  Gotta love the classics of anime.   :D
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Whichever one works, although a Kasumi would be a nice change to the sometimes frequent Akanes...

Nice! We may have a good set of people in '08!
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


I bring this thread LIEF! EHL AYE EEH EFF! LIEF!

Any updates on this? Anyone change their minds and not doing this? Anyone inspired to join us? My plan is still set to go as Ranma Saotome-kun; as for Ryoga, it's less likely.
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Just updated the first post

Please fill me in on what time you would like to get a gathering together for a group shot, also, a good location for said group shot would be helpful as well.
It all really depends how well the lies are told...


Update: Chances VERY small of me going as Ryoga. In fact, due to finances, a LOT is in question... if I do go to Fanime, it'll definitely be as Ranma S.

And, we need to get a gathering going!! We're not on the list yet, so we need a date and time. (Sorry to parrot, Lok... but this does constitute a good bump in attention, so might as well restate it, ne?)
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Alright! I bump this thread not just by bumping, but with... DUN DUN DUNNNNN... A DILEMMA!

I need hair. Specifically, I need to scrape together a working Ranma Saotome wig for this whole thing to work out. As such, I'm considering buying this wig and restyling it:


However, a few concerns:

* Not sure how the restyling would go. The back end flips up a good bit and I'm quite new with the whole cosplay thing (yes, even now).
* Is there a better wig for this purpose... at a similar price? I really like how Amphigory's pricing is going with this (shipping considered).
* Should I just grow my hair out, spray-color it black, and grab a pigtail extension instead? Much riskier, but a good bit cheaper.

Your thoughts plzkthx. If this doesn't stay up, I may just repost as an individual thread...
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.