Things that need to not happen at Fanime

Started by PyronIkari, October 22, 2007, 09:22:07 PM

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Quote from: THEBROTHERHOOD_CEO on February 03, 2008, 04:21:46 PM
well, what do you do suggest be done about it?

you could run away, but i like to hold my ground, and why should I have to run from creepy glompers?

I guess you could shout "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME" but then you end up looking like a spaz.  Then everyone looks at you like you're the asshole, not the crazy bitch molesting you.

You could kick them in the nuts.  But there is always the if the person complains, you could have your badge stripped for defending yourself while being groped, though you are WELL WITHIN your rights to do so, and that is absolutely terrible. 

So what is to be done?

Could you please watch you're language?  Also, the threats of violence (i.e. kick them in the...) really do nothing for your argument. 
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


a thousand apologies. but it is the sentiment that matters, the essence of the argument, is that being creepy and otherwise socially uncouth has become the status quo, and if you object, it is YOU who is to blame, not the complete stranger who is attempting to smother you.


Quote from: THEBROTHERHOOD_CEO on February 03, 2008, 06:04:47 PM
a thousand apologies. but it is the sentiment that matters, the essence of the argument, is that being creepy and otherwise socially uncouth has become the status quo, and if you object, it is YOU who is to blame, not the complete stranger who is attempting to smother you.

EXCUSE ME?!  It is I who should be blamed?  Where did you read my opinion on the matter?  Who are YOU to judge me!?

I do not support random glomping.  I never have.  I have an issue with people touching me without permission.  Not that you bothered to find that out before you accused me. 

My problem with YOU CEO is obvious to any rational human being.  I asked you to watch your language and not threaten violence.  A lot of people have filters that will block this site if there is a lot of foul language and I personally find threats of violence as vile as the threat of being power glomped.  I won't waste my time being nice enough to ask you to watch your language again.  I'll just report you to the Mod. 
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Quote from: THEBROTHERHOOD_CEO on February 03, 2008, 06:04:47 PM
a thousand apologies. but it is the sentiment that matters, the essence of the argument, is that being creepy and otherwise socially uncouth has become the status quo, and if you object, it is YOU who is to blame, not the complete stranger who is attempting to smother you.

Ah, and the obvious base of the person comes out, despite trying to hide it behind his grammar and speech.

If you had read this thread, or any of the like threads, you'd know the majority of our stances on this. You really are a socially inept boy, so it makes so much sense why you post the way you do, and why you're setting up this little "Brotherhood". This little superiority complex and everything, it's really quite pathetic, and frankly, it might fool some people, but for a lot of people it doesn't hide your ineptness.

It's not true that it has become the satus quo, it's that most of the normal people don't talk or care to do anything, and usually just ignore it, even if something does happen to them. They just don't speak up or make an issue out of it because they're either lazy or don't care enough to do so. I'm curious as to how or why you think you know so much about the state of conventions, the trends, etc. when you don't know much outside of attending for what, 2 years you said it was? I've been attending since I was 14, I know people that work at AX, Fanime, Acen, Otakon, Akon, and a number of other conventions, some of them being chairs. I know a lot of higher ups, and I get numbers and I've seen changes over the past decade.

I've been every part of a convention, a dealer, a contributor, an attendee, a staff member, a "volunteer", a background worker...

What do you do about this problem? What you can. You cannot stop people from action, but you can let them know that they shouldn't do it. If you've read this thread and the others, you would know that people have given many options of why and why they would not work. You'd realize that glomping someone without permission is battery. And that person has every right to press charges if they can prove that something happened in result. A damaged costume, someone that has psychological issues against contact, etc. Conventions discourage the action, but they can't stop someone from doing it. If someone does it, report it, the con will remove them.

But as I said, if someone glomps you and you react by punching then in the face... you have sel...



Quote from: THEBROTHERHOOD_CEO on February 03, 2008, 06:04:47 PM
a thousand apologies. but it is the sentiment that matters, the essence of the argument, is that being creepy and otherwise socially uncouth has become the status quo, and if you object, it is YOU who is to blame, not the complete stranger who is attempting to smother you.

You know, I don't even need to spend the effort addressing how ridiculous your posts are, or how disturbing of a person you come off as. You might have a fun time making a fool of yourself on the forums and in public by making irrational statements and disgustingly pathetic insults, but I'll just sum it up into one sentence.

You are an idiot.

As for all your pointless inquiry, for the sake of argument, you could... you know, read the rest of the thread?

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


im a regular hannibal lecter.

and carebear, i was being rhetorical when i said you were to blame.  read the sentance again, and compare it to the post previous. you will see that I am actually quite anti-glomper.  perhaps you should taper your sensibilities so that they are not so delicate - even if i wasnt actually on your side, if i were to insult you, as you can see i have been insulted on this very thread and others, you have to develop a thick skin.

you have to realize that the Internet is a jungle, a place where expression is by and large untamed; people like jun or pyron troll around and act like they own it. its amazing how much spare time people have. you just have to get used to them.

as for my language, i cleaned it up.  as for the violence you refer to, when someone is battering you, as someone else put it, you have the right to defend yourself, but it might not stop trouble from falling around your head.


Quote from: THEBROTHERHOOD_CEO on February 03, 2008, 09:32:40 PM
im a regular hannibal lecter.
Hannibal Lecter was a genius... you sir are the opposite end of the spectrum.

Quoteand carebear, i was being rhetorical when i said you were to blame.  read the sentance again, and compare it to the post previous. you will see that I am actually quite anti-glomper.  perhaps you should taper your sensibilities so that they are not so delicate - even if i wasnt actually on your side, if i were to insult you, as you can see i have been insulted on this very thread and others, you have to develop a thick skin.
Obviously, I know that was your stance. Now here's the issue, everything you said was already covered, and unlike you we can talk about things without bringing up retarded circular logic and inferences.

you have to realize that the Internet is a jungle, a place where expression is by and large untamed; people like jun or pyron troll around and act like they own it. its amazing how much spare time people have. you just have to get used to them.
Oh really. You haven't a clue what trolling is, if you think this is trolling. Showing you how you are wrong, and not stupidly accepting it, doesn't mean I'm trolling.

Quoteas for my language, i cleaned it up.  as for the violence you refer to, when someone is battering you, as someone else put it, you have the right to defend yourself, but it might not stop trouble from falling around your head.

Really, because we have this problem at conventions all the time.


Quote from: THEBROTHERHOOD_CEO on February 03, 2008, 09:32:40 PM
im a regular hannibal lecter.

and carebear, i was being rhetorical when i said you were to blame.  read the sentance again, and compare it to the post previous. you will see that I am actually quite anti-glomper.  perhaps you should taper your sensibilities so that they are not so delicate - even if i wasnt actually on your side, if i were to insult you, as you can see i have been insulted on this very thread and others, you have to develop a thick skin.

you have to realize that the Internet is a jungle, a place where expression is by and large untamed; people like jun or pyron troll around and act like they own it. its amazing how much spare time people have. you just have to get used to them.

as for my language, i cleaned it up.  as for the violence you refer to, when someone is battering you, as someone else put it, you have the right to defend yourself, but it might not stop trouble from falling around your head.

Good Lord, I can't believe I'm wasting more time on you.  But here I go.

First off, my handle is not carebear.  If you're going to refer to me at least bother to use the right handle. 

Second.  No I don't have to "taper my sensibilities" (whatever THAT'S supposed to mean).  You accused me baselessly.  I defended myself.  Grow up.  I think that's the base of my problem with you.  You THINK you are important and mature and I don't know... special.  But, at least to those of us on the board, you're not.  You're an annoying little jerk with delusions of grandeur.

Keep ranting and claiming moral superiority (or whatever it is you do) for all I care.  I'm sure you'll post some useless response to this, I'm not going to waste the time to read it.  I've wasted more then enough of my good time on the bad waste of space you are.
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Things that need not happen at Fanime: The Brotherhood showing up, i have nothing personal against this cult/gang/bunch of morons, but it would be a nicer event knowing they are not there.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.




None of us really care about the comments posted here, so why get upset over nothing? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so lets try and stay on topic.

Things that need to not happen at Fanime (this title hurts my brain by the way) <insert over used "Grammar Time" animated gif here>:

1. Disorganized line staff.
- Last year not only were they disorganized but they were rude and uninformed of even the most basic Fanime Con line faqs, i.e. "Can I hold a place in line for my friend?," "What happens to my spot if I need to use the restroom?" etc, etc. I had the most trouble in the Masquerade line where they had to reverse certain parts of the line in order to straighten out the direction it was heading, this in turn was upsetting because it then placed people who had waited much longer in the front, now in the back. If they had been paying attention to the line ahead of time, we could have prevented this little mishap. This year, a little improvement will go a long way.


personally i only glomp people with a GLOMP ME SIGN but i dont know if i want a bunch of random ppl glomping me 4 my costume


Quote from: YoureMyHiro on February 05, 2008, 01:11:02 PM
None of us really care about the comments posted here, so why get upset over nothing? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so lets try and stay on topic.

thank you=)

seeing people sleep in the hallways. it makes me sad that they aren't getting healthy sleep.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


I can't believe we're even on the topic still....=_=
Tsunade! Where are you?!! I promise I don't bite.

Fanime 2010 Costume:
King Dedede


Quote from: dibbly on February 05, 2008, 07:13:17 PM
Quote from: YoureMyHiro on February 05, 2008, 01:11:02 PM
None of us really care about the comments posted here, so why get upset over nothing? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so lets try and stay on topic.

thank you=)

seeing people sleep in the hallways. it makes me sad that they aren't getting healthy sleep.

they probably stay up late because they are a night person. I like being outside at night


Quote from: JohnnyAR on February 09, 2008, 08:31:41 PM
Quote from: dibbly on February 05, 2008, 07:13:17 PM
Quote from: YoureMyHiro on February 05, 2008, 01:11:02 PM
None of us really care about the comments posted here, so why get upset over nothing? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so lets try and stay on topic.

thank you=)

seeing people sleep in the hallways. it makes me sad that they aren't getting healthy sleep.

they probably stay up late because they are a night person. I like being outside at night


She isn't saying anything about people staying up late... she's talking about people that sleep in the hallways, because they're too cheap to get a hotel room or otherwise. Sleeping in the hallways, on the complimentary chairs, in video rooms, under stairwells, under tables, etc. etc. etc. is bad for the person, and against the rules of the convention/hotels.

Not people that stay up late, and sleep during the days. They are fine.


Quote from: PyronIkari on October 22, 2007, 09:22:07 PM

Dead serious, if this girl touched me(thank god I wasn't in a costume she recognized/liked) I would have decked her in the face. This is exactly what I was talking about in the forums previously. People that have absolutely no self-control nor respect. They think it's perfectly okay to run and jump onto people they don't know merely because they have a costume on? You can obviously tell at least one of those people were disgusted when she jumped on them, yet... these people still think it's fun and cute?

You're being too much of a scrooge! its innocent fun its not like its rape xD


Quote from: punk_parfait on October 24, 2007, 02:20:12 PM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on October 24, 2007, 02:06:34 PMits not that its bad or anything, just that some people dont know exactly how much force they are putting into said glomp itself.

Some may be careful when they go for a glomp, but there are some that go into it like they're trying out for the high school football team: full force without thinking.

This is true... people don't embrace people randomly on the street and if they do it's not really well received so I'm not sure why this happens at cons so much. I suppose I'm just used to it.

thats the spirit of con.=D is con like walking in the street? no, people have costumes and generally expect to even have their pictures taken with random people and more or less meet/be amongst other fans. You can't tell me you can compare that to an average walk down the street.


Please, read the previous eleven pages of this thread, and you will understand that to some of us IT IS NOT FUN. It's offensive, upsetting, a violation of personal space to some of us.