Persona cosplayers?

Started by KindaRandomKris, December 03, 2007, 08:26:08 PM

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Hey all,
I was planning on going to '08 as Fuuka from Persona 3 and was wondering if anyone else was planning on cosplaying from that game (or the general SMT series), or if, you know, anyone had ever even heard of Shin Megami Tensei. It, along with various other Atlus games, seems to be a rather... obscure fandom.
Proud SJSU Spartan - because hell is warmer than San Luis Obispo.
I take random people's AIM sn's and put them on my buddylist.
And then I never talk to them and forget who they are.


Hey, right now I just conivced my group of friends to go as Persona 3 characters as well. Hopefully by the time Fanime rolls around you'll be seeing a Junpei, Mitsiru, Akihiko and an Elizabeth.


I'm thinking of going as either Pharos or Ken Amada. I haven't decided because I don't know where I could find the fabric for Pharos' clothes and Ken's outfit seems like it would be really expensive...

Anyway, I will be one of them for sure.



Possibly another Mitsuru. 

I'm so indecisive.  LOL


Co-Captain/"The one who talks too much" of MANime!,17203.0.html


I've been teetering on whether or not to cosplay as Ken (i need a wig! guuuh), Maiko (easiest to cosplay!-- hopefully) or a Persona (.. yeah), but I will be there!


I'll be bringing Chidori, it would be awesome if we could get a Jin and a Takaya too =3


Ah, now I kinda wish I went ahead with trying to make an Elizabeth cosplay. Oh well, I've got too many cosplays on my hands as it is.


Hey I have a question to all the Persona cosplayers out there. Are you going to buy or make your Evokers? Since its almost a sin for someone cosplaying a member of SEES to be without an Evoker I'm really struggling to think of a way for our group to all be packing Persona summoning heat. I've tried buying a gun lighter on Amazon because they look pretty darn close to the real thing but the thing is waaaaay to small.


I believe it's most common to either build one out of cardboard and paint, or to buy a silver airsoft gun and mod it a little. I dunno, I probably won't have an evoker in time for Fanime.
Proud SJSU Spartan - because hell is warmer than San Luis Obispo.
I take random people's AIM sn's and put them on my buddylist.
And then I never talk to them and forget who they are.



how come no one cosplays from a series... when it's good? They always cosplay from the series after it turns shitty. Persona 1, 2EP, 2IS, those were great! 3... not so much at all.

Maybe i'll get off my ass and finally do Persona 1 cosplay like I've wanted to.


Quote from: PyronIkari on February 08, 2008, 07:43:20 PM
Maybe i'll get off my ass and finally do Persona 1 cosplay like I've wanted to.

Who were you thinking of going as from it?


Guuuh, does anyone have a proper screenshot/photo of Maiko? I've spent the past few minutes trying to put her whole outfit together, but all I could catch was a pink t-shirt (I think there was a rainbow on it?) and her jean jacket & skirt.

I'd love to see how her hair's actually made up as well. x]



I'll bring my Arisato costume then


I bought a cheap dollar store gun, spray painted it, and am going to fix it up a bit.  Nothing fancy.  Though, I have to repaint the tip to adhere to weapons policy. 

And I am 100% sure I am going as Mitsuru.  I just need to work on my holster.  Everything else is ready.


I have a friend who'll be bringing his Minato cos to Fanime; if I have time, I may make a quick Persona 3 cosplay as well~ :3
ℓα ℓαℓ αℓα~
ccs sakura [9O%]
hatsune miku [9O%]
secret! [9O%]
2O1O? ideas pending ~
私は愛する~사랑해 × loveyou ♡
synesthesia C:


Crud looks like our group is going to have to raid the dollar store for evokers as airsoft guns are banned. Either we get a new supply our we just pose with them outside. Also since we do have a few persona cosplayers going to fanime maybe we should arrange a date and time for all of us to meet up and do a mini photoshoot.


Hey guys, I think we did well this year.  To my estimations...

Minato: 3
Junpei: 2
Yukari: 1
Mitsuru: 3
Akihiko: 2
Aigis: 2
Apathy-Syndrome victim: 1

I had fun (I was a Mitsuru).  Hope you guys had as much fun as I did.   I found another Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Junpei after the gathering.  D:   Hopefully the RPG gathering will reunite us all, SEES members.


It was my first shot at cosplay (along with Miranda/Jessica/Aigis) and I had a blast. Its nice to see a cult game get such a good following going.

Props to everyone and their outfits and lending to the overall awesomeness of Persona.

PSN: Saint-Vegas | MSN: [email protected]
Fanime 2008: Persona 3's Junpei Iori.


Wow, looking through the con reports and various pictures from fanime posted, it seems that there were a lot more P3 characters at the con than what showed up at both the Saturday and Sunday gathering. It would have been totally awesome but hey its an anime con so no biggie. I will say it was a total blast meeting you folks, chatting with you, sharing meals and even sword fighting (you know who you are :D)

This goes without saying that if you manage to find any photos of the P3 cosplayers at fanime or if you have your own pics then by all means post them here as we would love to see them.

BTW I was a Akihiko cosplayer, the one who always had his jacket slung over his shoulder.