Started by LadyKaren, February 07, 2008, 06:08:22 PM

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Granted, you get a daily planner with leaky pen.

I wish it wasn't so.... (T_T)

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted! It will not be so. Instead it will be it!

I wish for a pony :P


You got a dead pony.

I wish my name wasn't written in the Death Note.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted! Your name is now written in two Death Notes.

I wish Ryuk followed me


Granted. You turn into an apple with legs.

I wish it would just rain already.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted! It will rain for 5 secs.

I wish Ryuk and Rem had a battle royale against Light and L


Granted, but instead of a fight it will be a dance off. :P

I wish I was still at Fanime...
Granny Weatherwax didn't hold with looking at the future, but now she could feel the future looking at her. She didn't like its expression at all.
-Wyrd Sisters


Granted, but you're really sick and are no longer having any fun and are laying in bed miserably, jealous of the happy congoers below.
I wish we could go back to Fanime in about a week.
Cosplay 2013
Friday night: RWBY (incomplete)
Saturday morning: Arrietty
Sunday afternoon: Ruby w/ Adam (RWBY, no scythe)
Monday: Arrietty


Granted but it's on the same week as JesusCon and protestors overwhelm the Fanime and attendees turn into Jehova's Witnesses.

I wish this Sierra Mist wasn't stale.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted. The Sierra Mist is no longer stale. It is now just flat.

I wish that at Fanime my legs and feet would never hurt.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Granted but they hurt excruciatingly at any time that isn't Fanime.

I wish I had some more ketchup.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted but inside the ketchup is only corn syrup and NO TOMATOES
I wish I could figure out WHY I CANT LOG OUT!!!!!O.o"  :P
Cosplay 2013
Friday night: RWBY (incomplete)
Saturday morning: Arrietty
Sunday afternoon: Ruby w/ Adam (RWBY, no scythe)
Monday: Arrietty


Granted, but this knowledge is so powerful that it causes your head to explode.

I wish my lips weren't so chapped.
Granny Weatherwax didn't hold with looking at the future, but now she could feel the future looking at her. She didn't like its expression at all.
-Wyrd Sisters


Granted, hobos start trying to kiss you in order to moisten them up.

I wish it wasn't so complicated.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted! It will now be alittle less complicated.

I wish some animes were easier to understand.


Granted. All the characters talk really slowly and in a deeper voice and the subtitles take up the whole screen.

I wish I could stop looking at sasukeuchiha92's avatar.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Granted! You will stop looking at it for 10 minutes and then resume looking

I wish it wasn't so hot outside


Granted, now it's the next ice age.

I wish I didn't have to walk to work.
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


Granted.  You now have to use a pogo stick to get to work instead.

I wish I was paid today instead of tomorrow.
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


Granted, but some hobo steals it all before you have the chance to do anything with it.
I wish I was having fun with friends right now instead of holed up at home cleaning.
Cosplay 2013
Friday night: RWBY (incomplete)
Saturday morning: Arrietty
Sunday afternoon: Ruby w/ Adam (RWBY, no scythe)
Monday: Arrietty