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Messages - Amanojaku

Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB old FanimeCon program books
November 27, 2018, 06:12:38 PM

So as my signature says, I've been going to FanimeCon since 1999.  Over the years I've kept all of the previous year's programs.  I'm big on nostalgia, and its fun to flip through now and then and remember previous years. 

WELL, those are all gone now thanks to the Camp Fire that ravaged my town of Paradise, CA and burned my apartment and everything inside to the ground.  T___T

If anyone is willing to sell me their good condition old FanimeCon program books, I would really appreciate it.  I just need 1 of each year.  PM me please :)
Registration / Re: Badge numbering
October 30, 2018, 01:56:10 PM
I registered as soon as it went up and I'm in the very low 69000 range.
Quote from: 72no on May 29, 2018, 10:17:28 PM
but I kind of felt like I was at a "people that couldn't go to EDC" party when the hiphop stuff came up.

Kind of an odd comment; Hiphop isn't the main type of music at EDC.
I didn't attend this panel, however the situation you described is one of the reasons I stopped going to fan panels many years ago.  Either discussion/interaction was severely limited, or at least in the case of panels on topics I'm interested in, I often found myself more knowledgeable on the topic than the individual putting on the panel.
General Convention Discussion / Fliers
June 26, 2018, 11:29:10 AM
I noticed the long tables where people drop fliers for other cons/events wasn't in it's usual place this year.  Was this moved somewhere else and I missed it, or gone completely?  Arguably a huge waste of paper I realize, however I always enjoyed picking up one of each and sort of collecting them.
Quote from: sakaki on May 31, 2018, 05:13:08 PM
@Amanojaku Nah dude the problem with crappy judges is that the quality of the show will be brought down even more. Look at this year and how there were so few entries. I haven't competed since 2013 because nothing has ever gotten better (thought about it in 2016, then thought better of it). And i can tell you in 2013 there were a ton of amazing entries. Having novices win Best in Show with crap costumes DOES effect everything. Also not much motivation to enter when it sounds like most of the winners got $100. They had better prizing in the past.

I was mixed on the hosts. It seemed like some people enjoyed them. They were ok, not really much different from last year. And i mean at least they were better than some past shows (sorry Wendell).

Ah, I see.  Yeah it did seem a little short on entries this year.  I hadn't been to the Masquerade in a number of years so it was my first time seeing these hosts.  To my surprise though, most people did seem into it.  Were they being themselves, or the characters they were dressed as?  It felt like I was watching a bad fan dub.  Either way, I didn't get it.  Maybe I'm just too old to enjoy whatever it is they do lol.
General Convention Discussion / Paramedics
June 03, 2018, 01:17:20 PM
I noticed two incidents this year, each one in the evening outside in front of the convention center, where paramedics were assisting somebody laying on the ground and eventually driving away with them.  Did anyone see what happened?  Are they okay?
Way too many hotdogs, and not enough corn this year.  What the hell guys? :o
Quote from: sakaki on May 29, 2018, 11:06:15 PM
OK now that i'm not hungover any more i have to say something about the masquerade.  WTF is going on??? This year was such a freaking joke it is not even funny. So it looks like the judges were giving awards to everyone who did anything but a skit, like it's some kind of talent show. Oh, girls were dancing with their butts hanging out. Clearly that's good enough for Best in Show!!!! Oh, a Doomfist (WTF is Overwatch doing in the contest anyway??) did a flip. That's good enough for an award!! And the Space Marine got nothing and it looked amazing!! If non anime things got awards why didn't he?? This thing has become such a joke with terrible costumes winning the biggest awards. No wonder the good cosplayers stay outside and just take photos.

The only thing I agree with you on is that the Masquerade was bad, but not for any of the reasons you listed.  I don't care about butts or non-anime costumes winning.  What made it unenjoyable for me were the hosts.  Annoying, and not funny.  I didn't care for their shtick at all, and never have I missed Ric Meyers more than I did during this year's Masquerade.
Big Event Showcase / Re: MusicFest tips
May 09, 2018, 03:52:15 PM
Depending on the guest, its not unreasonable to plan on lining up at least an hour before the scheduled time.  That line can wrap around the block.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Waitlist Experiences
February 12, 2018, 01:53:01 PM
I've had very positive experiences when I've been on the waitlist for anything other than Hilton/Marriott.  There was a period of about 3 years where by the time I got in to reserve a hotel, only stray days at the Double Tree were left, and each time I waitlisted I managed to get the whole weekend at Double Tree before convention time.

While on the phone with Housing one time, I asked the likelyhood of switching hotels to Hilton or Marriott.  I was told that its incredibly unlikely to get Hilton or Marriott via waitlist UNLESS you have at least 1 day booked at one of them already.
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on January 19, 2018, 02:26:31 AM
That is just how fanime hotels roll. Many Congoers will go in groups and stuff as many people as possible into a single room to save cost, beds be damned.
And somehow, they always end up next door to me x-x
Quote from: Amanojaku on January 16, 2018, 04:15:43 PM
17th at 7am!  I registered within 10 minutes of it opening up.

Got the room I wanted, no issues, very smooth process.
Panels and Workshops / Re: Supreme Pro Wrestling
January 16, 2018, 04:18:31 PM
At the summer SacAnime, they incorporated the winners of the Cosplay Wrestling Federation panel into their main event, which was pretty cool.  I didn't catch it this year at Winter though.
17th at 7am!  I registered within 10 minutes of it opening up.
I'd probably check it out.
Registration / Re: 2018 Reg Opens Nov 7th
November 15, 2017, 05:24:17 PM
An hour after it opened up, I looked at my twitter feed on my phone and saw the link.  Clicked it, did the whole registration from my phone and had zero issues.
So what actually happened?  Someone had their phone out?
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Food Trucks!
July 13, 2017, 06:12:01 PM
I saw at least one food truck somewhere between the convention and the Jack in the Box at night.