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Messages - dinahtron

Quote from: Zirphex on May 31, 2013, 01:36:17 PM
Quote from: dinahtron on May 28, 2013, 10:46:48 PM
On Saturday and some of Sunday I cosplayed as a red-headed Felicia from Darkstalkers

And on the other parts of Sunday I was Deadpool again :)

Please let me know if you took my photo! :>

Are you the Deadpool that had on the green backpack? walking around with a deadpool wearing a maid outfit and a baby deadpool?
nope not me
On Saturday and some of Sunday I cosplayed as a red-headed Felicia from Darkstalkers

And on the other parts of Sunday I was Deadpool again :)

Please let me know if you took my photo! :>
I'll be going attending Fanime as Felicia on Saturday so unfortunately I will not be able to make it :<
Hello everyone :>
I was lady deadpool last year and I will be going to Fanime as lady deadpool once again :)
Hey guys! :)
I was dressed up as Lady Deadpool and Bunny Deadpool..
pretty much i would go back and forth between the two haha. Lemme know if you took any pictures please! I would like to see them.
Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on May 14, 2012, 02:45:41 PM
Quote from: dinahtron on May 14, 2012, 02:39:54 PM
I'm pretty down to meet new people this year :)

I usually go with my cousins but they won't be staying in the hotels and will most likely be leaving early so I'll be alone for some time. I'm going as Lady Deadpool and I will be attending the saturday and sunday raves so hit me uppp :)

HELLO! Welcome, it would be awesome to hang out. Are you gonna be here in thursday? Cause were having a get together over dinner later that night. There is alos one on friday as well but they are still working out the times.
Hey! I'll only be there from Saturday-Monday so unfortunately I won't be able to make it to that dinner :(
I'm pretty down to meet new people this year :)

I usually go with my cousins but they won't be staying in the hotels and will most likely be leaving early so I'll be alone for some time. I'm going as Lady Deadpool and I will be attending the saturday and sunday raves so hit me uppp :)
I'll be going as Lady Deadpool (without the blonde hair, though; My hair is dyed red) and I'll most likely be at the Saturday and Sunday dance :)

Mod edit: its called a dance
I'll be there as Lady Deadpool :)
Looking for a room!
Introduction: My name is Dinah Castillo (that's pronounced dee-nah cast-ee-o). I'm a 16 year old girl and I am desperately looking for a place to stay that's close by the convention because I hate walking.
Hotel information: I'll be needing a place to stay from saturday-monday. This means that if you are checking in on Friday I will NOT be able to give you the cash then. I will only be able to pay you back on the day I get there, which is Saturday afternoon.
Cost: Since I'll only be staying Sat-Mon, I'm not trying to pay a lot. I'm okay with $85 and under but if needed I could try and go a little over.
Contact: You can add and message me on facebook or send me an ask on my tumblr and Ill usually reply pretty fast.
Miscellaneous: I don't mind if there is smoking or drinking because I was actually going to bring some "stuff" as well, but not too overboard. I also don't mind how old my roommates are as long as you aren't a creep. I will promise to be 100% respectful to other's and their belongings as long as you are respectful to my belongings as well. I will most likely be attending all the raves so I will be coming in late, but I promise to keep quiet and not disturb any sleepers. I'm pretty chill and mature for my age and I'm hilarious as fuck and we could be new friends so message me and let me know please!