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Messages - lummy

I know this may have been answered, but I would like to put in my 2 cents. ....ka-ching

I've been going since....... 7th grade? so like 10 or 11 ish (currently I'm 23). What I have observed is that general other fanime attendees will likely be concern about other attendees well-being (if they are aware enough, and not fangirling about)

If you and your group are in a position where it feels unsafe, be aware of your surroundings, you're likely not going to be wandering the streets of San Jose at night in any case, but if you feel unsafe you can go to any hotel counter or Fanime Staff and they will try to help you as much as they can. (aka wait with you at a shuttle stop or even escort you back to your hotel.

Also, make sure you have a schedule of everything that is important. In your case it would be the shuttle run time.

As someone said above the convention is usually still busy at all hours of the day and night, You will be safe in my opinion.

A good idea is to also get to know people at the convention, see if you hotel neighbors are con-goers, exchange phone numbers, like a emergency contact type thing(though some people are wary of passing out information like that). You should also look up the police phone number and put it in your phone. 9-1-1 usually isn't fast enough in extreme situations.

well I think that ended up being a few cents more.......ka-ching.
If they charge you for not using something, Ask for the manager. My experiences have taught me that if your charge something you don't want, you should complain loudly (or sue, or argue, etc).

Its very bad service to charge someone something they don't want, but then again I can understand the fanime "special" pricing, and how they would charge you, because you booked the one with a roll-a-way.

Maybe further down the line you could change the reservation.

Anyways best of luck.
Quote from: PunkDrunker on January 17, 2011, 10:10:46 PM
I don't see anything about fridges on the fanime hotel list, but if you check each hotel's website, they usually list it.

The Sainte Claire says they have mini-fridges in select rooms, but everyone I have talked to who stayed in it previous years said they had a mini-fridge in their room. :)

The hotel list doesn't say, but when you click the hotel name it give you a more in-depth description of the hotel.
Quote from: Rin_chan on January 17, 2011, 11:56:39 AM
I used my older brothers debit card to book my room (since my new one is in the mail and won't be here for a week at least) who do I contact to change the card info? Do I just go back to my reservation and edit it? Or do I email housing directly?

A friend had to change cards last minute at last years Con and just edited his reservation info.

Thanks for any info.

I think you contact CMR for any changes. Which also should mean what card you use to reserve.

Edit: You can change the card info on the Change your Reservation on the site.
What you can do, is say you don't need the roll-a-way at the hotel, they have to honor your request. This happened to me once.

Its a bit more iffy, but the hotel knows whats best, they wouldn't risk anymore Bad reviews.

Edit: I had an after thought, It says guaranteed, which means you have the option, but its there if you need it, (at least to my knowledge of the english languages, that means you have an option)
Quote from: foester on January 17, 2011, 09:40:28 PM
There were mini fridges? Was it a suite? The hotel list says they don't have fridges, but if they've got them in regular rooms, that's great!

The Hilton lists mini-fridges in rooms.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Hotel age question?
January 15, 2011, 11:39:02 AM
I've checked into a hotel when I was 16, I didn't know there was a age requirement.

But its always good to check.
Well some of the Hotels say they were renovated recently so I guess more and more are getting High-tech.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Hotel Deposit
January 14, 2011, 10:20:14 PM
You will not be charged until after the event.
I noticed that most of the hotels say that under the 100% Smoke-Free.

Does anyone know if theres also a HDMI port?
I gots a PS3 and would love to bring it.
Quote from: EvilBunnyKid on January 14, 2011, 08:50:41 PM
Quote from: lummy on January 14, 2011, 08:48:29 PM
Quote from: EvilBunnyKid on January 14, 2011, 08:42:26 PM
Am I doing something wrong?

I go to

--->Location link
--->Reserve Today link
Then I get sent to --->'Housing Home'...
and thats it...nothing pops up where there should be the registration...

I quoted someone else who had this problem, since I had a problem too.
I was using google chrome for my browse and nothing came up for me either, so I opened the site with firefox and it was perfectly fine. I hope its something similar, because its a simple compatibly issue.
I saw ur link as well...but I tried dl Firefox but it wont dl...

did you try
I wish i could help more, maybe (heaven forbid) internet explorer?
Quote from: EvilBunnyKid on January 14, 2011, 08:42:26 PM
Am I doing something wrong?

I go to

--->Location link
--->Reserve Today link
Then I get sent to --->'Housing Home'...
and thats it...nothing pops up where there should be the registration...

I quoted someone else who had this problem, since I had a problem too.
I was using google chrome for my browse and nothing came up for me either, so I opened the site with firefox and it was perfectly fine. I hope its something similar, because its a simple compatibly issue.
Quote from: Rin_chan on January 14, 2011, 08:43:07 PM
I've never booked a room myself before so I have a quick question for you all. I'm either booking at the Fairmont or Saint Claire and I'm wondering if either charge right when you book a room? I won't have money until next month but I really wanna get my room as soon as I can.

as far as i know they don't charge until after the convention. Since, they'll need to keep your info for things like room service and other hotel things.

They only need your credit card info to hold your room.
Quote from: ice queen on January 14, 2011, 08:18:42 PM
ugh...anyone else having problems trying to regester for a hotel >.> or shall i refresh like a mofo.

I had problems at first using Google chrome, it wouldn't load, but I opened it it firefox and it worked, I don't know if its a similar problem.
I can't stop staring at my confirmation e-mail.

THANK YOU THANK YOU again for such hard work! I'm so freaking excited!!
Yay! Thanks for the hard work!
I guess maybe I had no problems because I used a credit card, but when I stayed at the Fairmont it was the price the third party people told me in the e-mail confirmation. I guess its a little different with everyone. Something even came up and I had to leave early and they didn't charge me for the last night, I guess it depends on how nice the person at the desk is and how well they do their job.

As for this year, I've been bouncing back and forth from Hilton and Marriot, I'm likely going to stay at the Hilton though, since they have mini fridges.
^ I've had lower level rooms level 10-15-ish, and we had vents and our windows opened... like a crack, but enough to stick your hand out.
^ sometime within the month hopefully.
The place that Man Vs. Food went to is called Henry's World Famous Hi-Life and I checked where it is and its about a 17 min walk from the convention area. Its like a sport bar type restaurant.

301 West Saint John St., San Jose, CA 95110