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Messages - mrsanticafe

I agree with Antic Cafe, Utada Hikari, and I think someone mentioned Gackt? I'd really like to see alice nine. come to the US to perform because I missed their performance at JRR 1.
Am I the only one who feels like it never happened and I just dreamed about it?
@ Milan -huggles- I am still depressed as well. Finals is keeping me busy at the moment, but when I am on vacation and there's not nearly as much to think about depression will return. ><
Was I the only one that got kind of depressed when I got home? There were other reasons, but I was kind of sad because they came and went. Now we have to wait another year until they come...if we get even that. I am going to attempt to see them in concert when I go to Japan at the end of the summer.
I guess I don't mean 'crying, crying' (my bad on wrong word choices, sorry) because I didn't see any tears from his eyes, but assumed he had gotten a little emotional. I just speculated that from his body motion during one of the songs because it moved the way a person would as if they were crying....and the fact that someone behind me said "awww, he needs a hug!" And I he crying or something? But couldn't really tell.
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert pics?
June 04, 2008, 04:18:41 PM
Does anyone know if there's a way for fans outside Japan to be apart of this fan-club magazine?
My bad on naming the wrong song. >> But it looked like he was crying from my perspective. You couldn't see tears, but it was his body motion. I heard one of the fans behind me say "awwww, he needs a hug!"

My friend and I wanted to hug the staff members, but we only got to hug one. ;_; So we're sending virtual hugs to you all staff members!
We've mentioned this in the other threads about Antic Cafe actually. They only played an hour, but they got several songs within an hour. I was surprised how many new songs they did from their newest album because during the other tours they mostly performed old songs. Not that they didn't perform any of their old songs. I think they did a couple.

Miku cried during Orange Dream (I think that was played) or so it seemed and we all wanted to give him a hug! He also spit water at the audience, which made a few girls quite happy. He threw his waterbottle and I heard a guy caught it.

I was in front row while all this was happening on Takuya's side. I believe it's just like any concert they would have had in Japan. We were all so squished together. People from the back kept on trying to get to the front, but that was impossible! There was no room and I couldn't even turn side-ways!

Miku went from one side of the stage to another. The same with Kanon and Takuya. The crowd waved like crazy whenever they went to their side.

I was very proud of them, especially Yuuki and Takuya! Takuya was surprisingly sexy on stage! He made me such a Takuya fan-girl. >< I was so proud of the fans with the support they gave the two new members.

I just wished I could have enjoyed the concert more. It wasn't the music, but I was terrified of the crowd. I wore flipflops, so I was trying not to get stepped on. I had no time to change once we lined up.

I'd like to know the exact count, but I think they were almost sold out with the 3,000 tickets? I heard over 2,000 fans came.

During the autograph session not much could have been said. I'll never forget the way Teruki reacted when I told him "I love you." He was first in line to give the autograph. I made him giggle. It was cute! And he was the first guy I've ever said that to.
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 29, 2008, 11:16:56 AM
Even if it was about an hour it appears as though they played most of their songs on their newest CD including one of their old songs. That's pretty good in my opinion.

I am curious if I am the only one here intrested in going to Japan over the summer and seeing Antic Cafe August 30th for their 5th anniversary?
Quote from: Tony on May 28, 2008, 01:58:42 PM
Wow! That's awesome. Yes, Jun, you should totally have sex with that guy - or rather, one of them. And have him join staff.

Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 28, 2008, 03:41:04 PM
Now I can really see why they cancelled the meet and greet. ;_; Poor guys! Thinking no one was interested when there were already so many lined up outside. Good thing you explained it to them.
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 27, 2008, 01:10:39 AM
That shouldn't be a surprise. The band was busy and the site warned us that they'd play for about an hour long.
I'd love to meet any of the An Cafe cosplayers. ^^
I might try to cosplay as Tohru Honda. I don't know, though.
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 20, 2008, 09:25:33 PM
Just realized. My PM box is working.

If anyone wants me to teach them some really basic Japanese to introduce yourself to the band in their language, let me know (your name and where you're from and stuff).
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 20, 2008, 09:20:04 PM
Did it send?
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 20, 2008, 09:07:10 PM
I sent you my picture, but I don't know if my PM box is working or not.
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 20, 2008, 08:59:14 PM
I'm willing to give away my myspace privately for anyone who wants it. I will be arriving Thursday and may be holding a "JRock Revolution" sign up because I know some people from that site are going...
Big Event Showcase / Re: An Cafe concert tickets
May 20, 2008, 08:51:37 PM
-blushes at my own username and bangs head against keyboard- Ouch...

I'm glad someone sees me as nice online. Tone can be hard to show through text.