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Topics - Glitch

*Knocks judge gavel on glass table. Breaks glass and hides gavel.* Ladies and gentlemen. This meeting of us victims who had to vacate our homes in byo/b has come to order. Fanime has told us that this disaster was due to volcanic activity, but we have reason to believe it is a cover up for something worse. It is very likely someone purposely attacked our homeland. We are through the looking glass people. *dramatic music.* Any opinions or further information anybody else would to share? *sips dr. pepper.*
Forum Games / Blame AX 2:This time it's personal
May 18, 2009, 11:36:09 AM
Due to the terrorist attack on byo/b, this topic snuck around to this section. Here we go!!</Mario>

AX sent sleeper cells to flame and destroy byo/b.
I am the age that alot musicians usually have died on. Cheers for me on this birthday! ^^ (no, this is not a suicide message XD)
I finally got my weekly show up. ^^
Fanboys all around enjoy.
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Craptacular music. XD
March 02, 2009, 11:22:11 AM
I've been working on my project/band for sometime, but I finally got music finished. Despite having no good equipment(my head phones are the microphone!) I made something resembling songs. Behold Chibi Riot!
At least give me an A for creativity and effort. ^^ The sounds of fandom in it's glory.
Forum Games / Negative campaign ads
October 21, 2008, 02:34:27 PM
Pretty simple. Make a negative attack ad on the person who posted before you. Since this is the first one I'll pick on the mods(They know I kid. ^_-)

*looming voice.* "The mods say they their here to clean up the forums, but what are they really up to? Mod is actually short for Moderate. As in they recieve quite a moderate sum of bribes from Pocky lobbyist. Don't let them ruin the forums. Don't let them ruin fanime. And don't let them ruin america.*image of the flag and a bald eagle fades in.* "
-I am glitch and I approve this message.
So what are your thoughts on this? I'm hoping it isn't a complete screw up like back in 1994.
Things in the Universe / X-men frog
June 26, 2008, 01:42:12 PM
The mutation has already started!
Things in the Universe / b-day
May 05, 2008, 10:06:09 AM
Today commerates a momentus occassion.....but enough about the battle at puebla, today is my birthday. It will be good day. Along with that I will recieve my associates degree in the summer. Not really related to my birthday but I thought this would be a good time to announce it. So cheer y'all.
Things in the Universe / Sacrifices for fanime
April 25, 2008, 02:51:00 PM
As the title says, what have you sacrificed due to saving up money for fanime?

I've had to settle for not seeing certain concerts. Turisas/paganfest on may 9th, and dethklok on june6th. Not to mention I'm not eating out at any resteruant from now until fanime.
General Anime Chat / Detroit Metal City
March 28, 2008, 02:44:22 PM
This manga has a plot that is very one dimensional,yet I find it very amusing. XD
It is a very bizzare death metal parody about a pop loving guy who find himself the lead of a metal band.
An anime version is set to come out this summer.

Anybody else read translations of this?
Forum Games / (unlikely) Guests you want for fanime
December 03, 2007, 12:50:19 PM
Pretty simple layout. Post a guest you want for fanime that is very unikely to come. Then post your reason why you want them here.

I want Moi dix mois. They'll put on a great show. All we need to do is raise registration to 300 bucks to afford them to come. Nobody will mind I'm sure. :]
So how will you celebrate this beloved of all days?
I will personally go around posting flyers all over my college that remind people that is ninja day on the 5th. The flyers won't actually lead people to event, they simply remind them when the day is.That's it. XD
I will also show up to school in a ninja mask.If I can, I will record this and post it on youtube for everyone's enjoyment. I will enjoy a ninja burger on this day aswell.
Here's a picture of all us ninja having a picnic last year.

Boy that was a busy scene.
So how about you folks?
General Convention Discussion / Fanime 2007 videos
June 07, 2007, 04:58:07 PM
I'd thought we could all share our videos from fanime.

Here's what I call the hentai night trilogy.
It's mostly a few of us waiting for the hentai room to begin on saturday night. Cameo appearances by members of this board!

Edit: it's safe for work. Unlesss "Horse!" is considered offensive to some anti-horse-ites.
General Convention Discussion / Dining Out
February 19, 2007, 04:54:28 PM
Glitch here folks. :D
Anyway,I intend to have a nice dinner sometime during fanime(probably japanese but any will do).Anyone know which of all these restuarants in downtown are actually good for dining out?Preferbally one within walking distance of the convention.
Originally I was just gonna record me and my friends,but then I suddenly got the urge to interview random people at the con.It was quite amusing.I'm just hoping nobody was overtly irritated by my presence.Here are the videos.Enjoy.  I don't like my tone of voice on this one since it sound like I'm pissed at the king.^^;

I would like to thank all the people who are in these and hope it's okay that I have these up on display.^^
Ideas and Suggestions / chibi moshpit
June 03, 2006, 12:00:41 PM
I almost feel stupid for suggesting this,but here goes.

Since we can't mosh for liability reasons,I was thinking we do the next best thing.We could attach small 2 foot (or some size around there)high figures to the end of a stick.The figures would be made out of paper mache(or any durable material you may choose).Then we form around a cloth or paper circle that's placed on the ground,turn up some metal/j-rock, and have all the figures bash into each other.We could also run in a circle and have the lil guys circle pit aswell.Hell,we could even make them mosh to up beat ayumi hamasaki.And maybe use the cloth circle as an arena for mini sumo matches where the winner gets a pocky box.