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Messages - Tsubasakissu

Quote from: demetria656 on January 08, 2012, 06:13:51 PM
I'll be glad to be England,Greece or Egypt.
I told you you can be my egypt already, love xD this is Jaidin
Quote from: chococookies_ld on January 08, 2012, 05:37:29 PM
I'm going mainly as China again this year so I'm always up for helping other fans!
May I see pics of your china?
Also, which panels would you like to apply for?
Quote from: obliviousedward on January 08, 2012, 04:44:50 PM
I've never done a panel before. Buuuuuut I'll be attending the con as Canada this year. I also have an Austria cosplay set up from last year. If you need either of those, gimme a holler. :3

(Don't have any pics of my Canada cosplay at the moment, but I do of my Austria, if you want me to post any.)
May I see pics of your Aus cosplay? c:
Also, which panels would you like to apply for?
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel
January 16, 2012, 10:37:34 PM
Quote from: Alias Cognomen on January 08, 2012, 04:26:46 PM
Quote from: AngelWings on January 04, 2012, 11:04:52 PM
If Jaidin is free that weekend I'd be willing to take the drive out to the city for your next presentation.
Wow, It would be great if we are able to meet at AOD in Feb.
Sweetness! Im going to AOD!
Could you all either message me here or on my facebook? c:
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel
January 08, 2012, 02:13:30 PM
Quote from: AngelWings on January 04, 2012, 11:04:52 PM
Gah remind me to not look away from the forums for so long! First I find out reg is up on Friday and now this. My vocabulary does not have enough words to describe how amazing this is to me. My name is Arianna and I just liked your org on Facebook. If Jaidin is free that weekend I'd be willing to take the drive out to the city for your next presentation.
Whats your FB again, dear?
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel
January 08, 2012, 02:11:16 PM
Quote from: Alias Cognomen on January 05, 2012, 01:49:17 AM
Hey, Alright!

I think that this will link to the pre-panel preparation discussion. It is in a separate group just for us.

Our schedules are proving difficult to have us all get together at once, so I posted a preliminary outline of some topics to cover. Feel free to post more or make revisions to the outline (If you can, I've never used a facebook group page like this before).

Is Panel registration on Friday, too?
No D:
Im not sure when Panel Reg is open!

But, sorry for being away for so long! I liked and posted on your FB page, so that we can better discuss things, since I'm on FB more often then not rather then the Fanime forums~
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to thank you all for attending and to thank all of my lovely panelists!
We WILL try out best to return better with pretty much the same cast.
But what would you all like to see next year?
Anything that you didnt like this year?
Any other feedback is loved!
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel
December 11, 2011, 04:07:01 PM
Quote from: Alias Cognomen on December 08, 2011, 01:12:37 AM
Actually we don't all have facebook pages. We mainly use Google chat and Skype when we need to internet-chat.
I just made a page under the name Prenomen Sobriquet Cognomen (just to be extra sneaky).
I have also made a Facebook organization called "Zombie Outbreak Response Team" that everyone can use to communicate. When we get closer to the con we can also use the page to gather interest in the panel. I haven't presented at a con as big as Fanime, so I'm excited for the possibilities!
Oh, and my real name is Hunter!
My name is Jaidin c:
And could you link me to these pages? I cant seem to find them!
But, yeah, around January, we can discuss the panel more in-depth.
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel
December 06, 2011, 08:50:27 PM
Quote from: Alias Cognomen on December 06, 2011, 11:09:01 AM
Hey there! I am a member of a small group that loves to do zombie panels at conventions. The next one we are doing is at Animation on Display in San Francisco We started with making a professional-level Zombie Apocalypse Webinar ( and have had great success bringing humorous short zombie videos and interesting panel topics. One of the most popular things we have done is having one panelist cosplay as a zombie and field a QA session about life as a zombie. We have mixed serious emergency survival techniques with humor to keep it enjoyable. I have even created custom zombie-themed presentation software to improve on the typical power-point slides that are used by most panelists.

I think it would be great if we worked together to make a Fanime Zombie Panel the best it could be. Right now we have one member between jobs, so there are only three of us who can go Con-hopping. If we all worked together I know that we could create some intriguing content for this panel, more people working together would make for an easier time both writing and presenting. I would like everyone who wants to present a zombie panel to be able to, so let me know what you think. Only half a year left!
Oh, sure, thatd be amazing! Do you all have a Facebook where we could discuss stuff?
Staff & Volunteers / A fix to the Rover problem?
December 01, 2011, 09:53:19 PM
So, I have heard from quite a few people that this past fanime, that quite a few inexperienced Rovers caused a few problems with people. Well, as a fix, I suggest, since Rover's work it teams, pairing an inexperienced Rover with a seasoned Rover, that way the newer Rover gets experiences and can learn the ropes, and the seasoned Rover can help work as a "check and balance" kinda thing.

Just a thought.
Going as Russia c:
Quote from: AngelWings on November 21, 2011, 11:25:31 PM
I'm out of state right now and not exactly prepared for my usual in depth analysis, but here goes. My first thoughts focus on the initial difference between most zombies, because chronologically what comes first is always how it begins. (I refuse to say spreads because that is implying that it initially began with a zombie which does not explain the first case of... for lack of a better term and an inherent dislike of zombiedom as a classification I'll use infection.) Options and theories often include but are not necessarily limited to bad beef, vaudaun (voodoo), biological tinkering, evil ancient forces, necromancy, chemicals/radiation, and that's all I've got at the mo. Mind you several examples for most of these but you get the picture. If itll gt me brownie points the reason I should really be sleeping is I'm currently in new orleans doing the tourist thing. Basically if there's a zombie movies I've either seen or want to see it, I've often considered various thoughts of what to do in the initial stages of a zombie apoc, have read and will happily read more zombie literature, and have come the conclusion that unless certain measures are done properly after the initial outburst of zombie infection we're all pretty much doomed in the long term if not the very short term. If you want me to give you more of my way to much zombie obsession barrage id be happy to put something together once I get back home!  Going to sleep now so I'm not even completely zombified t
Later today. Yay timezone swap.
Ok c:
I wouldny mind having you on the panel >w<

Do you want my FB? ;w;
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel
November 20, 2011, 05:41:47 PM
Quote from: AngelWings on November 20, 2011, 11:01:53 AM
Thank you!!! Last year I was really disappointed to see that there were so many hetelia panels and it's great to see someone taking the step to do something else. Particularly zombies >.> actually have you read the survival guide yet. It's full of some interesting information. I'd be willing to invest some time in this if you need a fellow panelist, but I'd expect you to take point as it would be my first time hosting one.
Yeah, zombies are a passion of mine and such a staple in the modern popculture and in culture in general! I mean, they have variants all over the world ^^

Hmmm,what do you know about zombies? c:
I, and a few other cosplayers do this c:
It helps people find you to keep in touch.
Going as Vriska c:
Going as Harry c:
I will either be there as Russia, Fem!Russia, or Quebec c: (Canada twin OC)