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Messages - Captaine Kit

I think that's how I got the idea to break away from the idea of 'dress-up' as costume and I started to show it as philosophy.  4 years ago, I think, was when I just went to Fanime in my own clothes, self-designed and all that.  There was a time when Fanime constituents blended in with the rest of society, and you either went to the con in cargoes and anime print tee, or a costume.  I remember putting on a skin that I was comfortable with personally, and lots of peopel took snapshots and asked what my cosplay was.  At anime cons these days, we see some mall constriction of what the 'goth' or 'punk' image wants to be sold.

It takes someone really comfortable with themself to call their outfit an expression of oneself 24/7, nonstop.  It's hair, and your shoes, and your personal belongings such as backpack, glasses frame, wallet, keychain, etc.  We live in a society that uses the code of attire to communicate our social relationships.  Though it's not a judgement call on anyone outside of this personal paradigm, this mentality is most welcome at le Salon because it invites and elevates style consciousness in the rest of the anime community.

Just think: what were fans wearing in the past?  See the previous paragraph.  What have they been wearing recently? 'Cough Dropic'  *hack, ew, gruaarrh, ick*  What are you going to wear to this con?  Make it count!
Let me clarify, cause I know I suck at communicating sometimes.

13th. Anyone who's available on that date will do photo shoot and be measured. They will be on the fashion show on the 27th.

20th. Anyone who's available on that date will be in the fashion show on the 27th.

Anyone I have asked to be in the show and isn't available on those dates, I will speak to them personally regarding availability.  Nina, you are one of them.
Clothing should be finished on the 29th of April.  They do not need to be fitted then, just complete 'enough' so that we can gather and pin.

Models who want to do photos need to be available on the 13th and 20th of May.  We will try to get their measurements during the shoot on the 13th.  On the 20th, we will try to get all the other models' measurements.  27th May is the fashion show.

:!: I would like to know if there is anyone available to look at drawings, ask good questions, and draft the last of my designs and cut them too.
:!: I would like to know if there is anyone available to sew the last of my designs which have been cut.
You must live in the South Bay for this to work.  Please reply now, before 29th April approaches.
I'm tired of black and white Goth-Loli.  It's not very tasteful use of black and white, either.  No eye for proportion.  No eye for taking advantage of textures.  I see the theming on really good cosplayers.  Much of it is not stylistic at all.  Also, it's a little undermining of the 'progressiveness' of nurturing a subculture.  Check out FUDGE for what's new in that scene.  I've seen people in EGL scene refer to Western clothing of the Industrial Revolution era, for peacoats and felts and other cuts and textures.

Actually, there are lots of sources for Goth-Loli inspiration.  Just yesterday I was at Santana Row for a fashion show featuring designs from all the boutiques in the shopping center.  The MC was actually wearing this simple, no frills dress with a boat neck for the front, and v opening in the back.  Crushed fabric, cool grey, with a big bow in the back.  Simple, classic, and completely translatable to the Elegant GL style.  It really just depends on the scene where the clothing will appear that determines what people say about it.

So really, I urge the creatives out there to make more than a statement--make an impressive one.
F*ck Hina, Whatever Midori, and friggin Orgy Muyo.

So the first two, I really can't understand:
Why it's ok for a nice girl to fall in love with someone who puts her in an environment where she can be violated over and over.

And the last one:
Why is it ok for a nice guy to live in a home filled with women?  In real life, he would be gay, for there would be no 'nice guys' staying there for long.  He'd be kicked out because he's not gay, or he'd be gay because that's less of a harrassment threat to a house filled with women.

Mostly, I'm disappointed in the fans who perpetuate the demand for this stuff and the companies who perpetuate the supply of this shit.
So what should I wear to the dance?  Any hints?  I would like to try a pimp suit while holding a cigarette extender with candy cigarette on the end.  Any sequined jazz singers to take my arm?
Old topic:
Model and designer issues on this thread are closed.  If you are interested in modeling, you must email me.  I might ask you to do just the photo shoot, or just the fashion show, or both.  It really depends on the needs of designer, photographer and model.

+ edit: If you wish to model in the actual event, you must be committed to 13th, 20th and 27th May.  You should send your phone number, age and email to David Vuong, [email protected].  He is co-producing the event, and he is the current model contact.  Once we know you're absolutely committed, you will receive a model release form.

New topic:
Seeking usage of interesting furniture and furnishings.  Includes small tables, pillows, rugs, lamps, and hangings.  I would like to use these to decorate the Salon space at Artist Alley.

Those who have something interesting to let me borrow or have, please inform me so.  The themes I want to cover are 60s rock, Victorian proper (Victorian gothic), and Japonisme--ask me for my diagram.  Anything helps.

+ edit: If you wish to volunteer to dress the models or usher, then sign up with Vol-Hole (Volunteer Ops) during the convention.
Send it to me, or David, or Veronica.
My email is here.  If you talked to the Fashion Show head, that's me.  If you wrote down your contact info already, David will send you your release form.

It is already a little bit late for people whose contact info I don't have.  If you are interested in being a Vol in the dressing rooms (need men and women), then you must inform me and make sure you say so in Vols signup.  If you are interested in being a Vol in ushering, then you must wear all black and one bright colored accessory, or we will furnish you with one.

Before you do anything, consider this:
Email is the best, best way to get any information to me.  It's very unusual for me to check the forums to answer any questions.
1) Two knocks on the door is polite enough.

2) When cooking, make something nice.  If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

3) I talk about dreams.

4) Don't be inert.  Go running.  Stay away from video games.
You should ask SJSU students.  I discourage going to any pearl tea place for an actual meal.  They are expensive and sub-par.  Also, explore more of Downtown.  Get some color in yer blood.

I recommend everything on the menu at Hally K. Ono.  It's a cute sit-in with a Pacific Islander fusion cuisine.  Seriously, everything on the menu is bomb from the ciabatta sandwiches to the chicken wings.  Reasonably priced if you want a quaint, laxed atmosphere.

There is Good Karma vegan food on Santa Clara and 8th, which is a ways off.  I know there's vegans out there in anime land.  Even if you aren't a strictly vegan eater, you will be satisfied with the texture and taste of their 'meat' dishes.

Most importantly, check out Vietnamese food and Salvadorean food.  Remember during the con that you're in San Jose, and some of you have come from long and far to be here.  Might as well expand the horizons of your palate.

Tengu is shady.  Goodness, gracious, don't any of you talk to SJSU students who have to put up with this stuff?
That's cute.

A questionnaire:
Do you (anyone) ever find that dressing like yourself gets cosplay fotografers?

Does dressing like a character from Bleach even count as cosplay?  I can see someone cosplaying the characters from the ParaKiss manga without actually using the same clothes seen in its pages.  I am sure the Bleach thang counts in some circles, but to me it's really an homage to the style.  Wear Bleach cosplay and *bam* I might as well say you are wearing Anna Sui's rtw collection from Spring 2001.

I'm just a wandering shade.  Anyway, cosplay culture is so distinctly 'fan' that I don't feel I could cram myself into it.  I really feel that a costume made up of a normal sweater and jeans from f*sk Hina or school girl whatever as an excuse to be stylish is lame.

If you really dig that style and agree that it's your look, then dress that way everyday.  That is my personal opinion, and I stick by it because there are so many cool individuals out there who really do feel the essence of dress-up and don't invoke it just for a fictional person that someone else created.  You gotta be your own story.
Stop by if you are into clothing or want to sit on a couch to hang out.  I'm totally spamming for your traffic.  It is shameless and beautiful bohème chic, this lounge.  I swear, if we are to come to Fanime to forge contacts and enjoy a jolly good time, we must come in our best!

Fred Estaire:
Do it big!  Do it right!
Do it with class!  Do it with style!
Ideas and Suggestions / Energy Drink "Bar" at Fanime
April 16, 2006, 04:45:24 PM
Why does Fanime have to provide that?  Can the person with that humanitarian suggestion just get a table at Artist Row and give it out, or sell it without looking for a profit?  I am so down with providing refreshments at my own lounge.  However, there are tons of things that can replace the common 'energy drink'.
Siiiiiiick, I 'm making cookies at home tooo!  Just take them over to le Salon.  Wipe your feet and siddown to speak some French, cause I'm dying fo' somma that 'euhhhh, parce que . . . ' out here.  I just came out with the name for my booth space, so my thought process says it's only fate that you get to hear about it.  En anglais:  The Unlucky Club.  Huttah.

Jeez is my ADD showing?
Ah, so unfortunate.  You people really ought to have emailed me.  I believe someone did come from Sac'to, but I'm not sure she was with your party.  You drop me a nice ol' line, ok?  Here are details for models:

Release forms will be sent out this week.
They are due in my hands 22nd April, with body measurements.
Photo shoots for designer portfolios are in May.
I need more men and more young, with all-due-glory and fever, fat ladies.

Oh yeah, and we look forward to presenting some designs during Late Night with Rob Miles.
Ladies, don your pumps, gloves, and seamed hosiery.  Gentle-men, oblige the cane and cap!  If during the day you feel out-of-place fondling the wares that represent an era of design and class, then bring your preparations to the Salon des malchanceux way in the back of Artist Alley.  

There you will find couches on which to coo, a parlor of saucy delights.  You can use our fitting rooms and mirrors to change your look, and stew around before we all head over to the dance.  You'll look just beautiful, dahling.

But what would you recommend for me to wear?
Quote from: "Long"Still accepting models? I might make a visit on this Saturday for the Con Staffer meeting.

Hell yeah!  Tell all your friends!  There will be a meeting for models the week after I take holiday.  It will take place 8th April at my house.

I have a substantial number of 'petite' figures now, so I'll need some more diverse applicants.  Any figure, I swear--actually, I have some really sexy day and evening wear for the voluptuous ladies out there, but without applicants I can't put it in the show.

As for casting call, that is slated for 1 or 2 weeks out from showtime, so by then the clothing will be finished.  Casting call will determine which applicants will actually be in portfolio and/or runway event, and only then is when the designers make the clothing fit on the models.
From some other post:

Quote from: "Captaine Kit"Yo, yo!  Current sections in Fashion Show team:

Designers in leadership, we need y'all to pull thru.  Section needs drafting and sewing assistants on team.

PR has a design team.  Still needs: a) leadership who can maintain the day-of itinerary for fashion show; or b) team to setup & break down Artist Row booth--no heavy lifting; or c) team to feed Fanime's info booths & maintain the scene as ushers.

Photography has Veronica as leadership.

Models has Melicat as leadership.  Needs team to acquire makeup, help run backstage, and assist models.

Tech has David as leadership and some equipment.  Needs team to setup, test, run and break down AV.

Email me to show which section you'd like to participate in, as leadership or as team.  I will not confirm individual requests on bb.  Only emails or telephone calls will be taken seriously.  Thanks to everyone already on the ball for Fashion Show and for Stage Zero!
Here is confirmation fo day-of events.  Also, the responsibilities of the designers and models is this:
1) Participate in the stages leading up to the show: construct the clothes/get model training.
2) Participate in FanimeCon Fashion events: tabling and fashion show.
3) Participate in clean-up of displays and recruitment of models and designers to do Fashion Show next year.

Quote from: "Veronica Porras to jason, joy, me"
Hi Jason and Joy,

It was great meeting you last night. Attached is the agenda for your approval. To recap on what was discussed, The final deadline for all departments is 4/30. For the fashion show, All designs, clothes, music are to be completed on this day and copies/pictures of the final product sent to Jason. The tentative show date will be Saturday May 27, 2006.

April 1, 2006 the fashion committee will receive final confirmation if May 27th will be our show date and if our agenda will be approved.

The fashion show will take place at Stage Zero from 4:00-8:00pm each designer will have a 15 min set.
Please let me know if I left anything out in the recap.

Best Regards,

Veronica Porras
Model Recruiter

Please know that the Fashion Show committee cares deeply about the outcome of new Live Programming.  We are heavily involved and would like any available talents to be volunteered.  There are positions in drafting & construction, makeup, booth design (artist row), tech, ushering, and general go-about-ness (please suggest).

If you are involved, you will receive all information regarding designers, designs, models, and commitments by email.  If you would like to be involved though have not received anything, please contact me by phone or email telling me which positions you are interested in, and then you will receive updates by email.

Quote from: "Chikiru"Just to answer some questions here, since it's been a while: [etc]
I would hope that for now those involved in the fashion show stick to their priorities.  All necessary information will be released on need-to-know, time sensitive terms.  Thanks.