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Messages - chibimonster

Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on April 17, 2013, 01:28:51 AM
actually i havent received any messages from AAAdmin. I did got the preliminary approve but I don't know what that means in general.

(email from the staff to make sure that my crafts will adhere to they rules)  <= forgive me for saying this but, what crafts were you selling?

The Artist alley staff don't really contact you unless 1. there's an issue of some sort, 2. They need to remind you to do something, or 3. You contact them first. They wouldn't email people for no reason; they already have too much to to.

@Lil' moon: You were the OP from the thread last year about plushies and copyrights that turned into a huge debate about fanart in general, right? That is one thread that I would want never to relive.

Also yay about table approvals! :D I hope they'll push back the payment deadline though. April 19 is cutting it a little close.
Quote from: VocaloidHaine on April 15, 2013, 10:34:39 PM
Hello// I was checking my fanime AA acc and it said I was in Preliminaries since Saturday (I didn't get an email about it either, had to check the site itself) and it said AA staffs are looking through the portfolio if it matches up with their terms and conditions. But when I checked back on it today, the messaged changed my status back to waitlist;;
Did this happen to anyone else? (,,•﹏•,,)

This happened to some people when signups happened. The last 3 digits of their account number were somewhere between/around 290 and 300. This happened because of weirdness in the system involving which message got sent out when. It's strange that this would happen to you this late.
What are the last 3 digits of your account number?

I think the staff don't quite know how many tables they have yet, so that's why a lot of the waitlisted confusion has been happening.
Quote from: pitin on April 15, 2013, 04:49:23 PM
I sent my digital art portfolio in an email and I'm a bit concerned because I'm still waiting for approval. I realize that there are a number of people still waiting on approval, but I also never got any kind of confirmation that my email was received.

I did this too and they emailed me back saying they got it. However, maybe they only did this because I was also asking a question about helpers. I haven't been confirmed yet either; they do it in order of signup and I'm #168, so they probably have a ways to go.

It's better to be safe than sorry, though, so I would email them the link one more time and ask if they got it.
Quote from: unicorn_lord on April 12, 2013, 02:43:23 PM
If they didn't have a floor plan, they wouldn't have been able to see tables. It has to be approved by the convention center.

They said to me in another thread that they didn't know how many tables they had. This was maybe a week and a half before registration went up. In the space of a week, it would have been impossible for them to draw up a final floor plan and know the exact number of tables they would have. People on facebook also said that the waitlisting happened because there wasnt really a floor plan yet. It takes a long time to make and approve a floor plan, and fanime probably goes through multiple edits before it settles on one. Therefore I think it's pretty safe to say that the exact number of tables isn't final yet.

You may not want to get your hopes up, but "don't count your chickens before they hatch" applies to this situation as well.
Sharing tables is great, but I wouldn't resort to that just yet.

I don't think they've even set up a final floor plan yet, so they don't know for sure how many tables they'll have yet. They waitlisted people to be safe. There will be more tables than last year, that's a given. This is what I've gathered from Facebook and the forums.

(I'm really sorry that I can't share my table this year, otherwise I would. I really hope you're able to get into the artist alley somehow. Good luck!)
My last 3 numbers are 168 and I unused in under 5 minutes. This year has been crazy.

To the mods: The price rises every year, and is it going to keep going up until it reaches AX-ish prices? Fanime seems pretty inexpensive given its size (this might be why demand for tables is as hue as it is).
Quote from: princeofrose on April 11, 2013, 08:24:38 PM
I'm number 4290 (I don't know if that counts as anything)
But yes I submitted everything at 7 minutes and it says I am waitlist :(
So I assume that 7 minutes is the cut off time when people started getting waitlisted haha
Which is inasne @__@;
Anyone know anyone that have been approved for their table yet? :O

I might be wrong, but...

I don't think they used a specific time as a cutoff - they seemed to do it at about 290 tables (I'm assuming the account number's last 3 digits indicate the number in which you signed up). They had about 320 tables last year, and the reason they started waitlisting people so quickly was because of the location change. They're not sure how many tables they'll have this year. It'll probably end up being more than last year, so I wouldn't start worrying just yet.

I may be completely wrong - this is just what I have managed to gather/deduce, so I'd suggest asking staff for some sort of clarification before you use what I've said here as fact.
Quote from: unicorn_lord on April 11, 2013, 12:32:44 PM
I was finished in 9 minutes, I'd hate for that too have been too long.
Especially since I use the AA at Fanime as sort of a litmus test for my abilities.

If you never got the verification link in your email, you don't have a table. Otherwise you should be able to log in to your account and see the message at the top of the page. If it's the "congrats, you've been preliminarily approved" message, you have a table. If you were too slow the message will tell you you're on the waitlist.
Quote from: MPLe on April 10, 2013, 10:35:26 PM
Less time than last year. I believe last year's official stat was "15 minutes" and this year's unofficial stat is "<15 minutes" (only because I haven't received the official word... yet).

I heard people saying on facebook that people started getting waitlisted after about 7 minutes. Then again, facebook has already proven to be unreliable.
Quote from: MPLe on April 10, 2013, 10:22:45 PM
No problem on the offtopic (this time :P): They've been crazy for as long as I can remember. There was a time when we wouldn't sell out but there was still a mad dash for artists wanting a table.

Ugh that means that it can only get worse from here on out. Are you going to post signup stats like you did last year? How quickly did tables sell out this time?
Quote from: MPLe on April 10, 2013, 10:02:57 PM
Ah, we did get the report about Chrome handling the links incorrectly. That should be fixed by now, but there wasn't any crash that I was aware of. Our mail server was dishing out e-mails as fast as they were being requested.

I know that crashes were reported, but those were just slowdowns. :(

Yeah, my sister was using chrome and she said that she had to refresh pages several times. I guess that's just the way the table war goes these days. Just out of curiosity (sorry if this is off-topic), were artist alley signups less crazy in earlier years, like 2008, or have they been crazy since Fanime's early days?
Quote from: MPLe on April 10, 2013, 08:57:55 PM
It was sluggish from about 5 minutes beforehand to about one-two after we released it and then recovered. It never crashed as far as I'm aware (I was able to access it just fine).

Weird, because people on facebook have been saying that they didn't get their verification emails at all and that there were issues with Chrome. Maybe I should stop taking things I read on facebook for fact...
Quote from: unicorn_lord on April 10, 2013, 10:08:12 AM
Did anybody get a table yet? Can a mod start a "buy table space" thread to contain purchase requests?

Generally those threads are started by artists. Why don't you make one and ask a mod to make it a sticky or something?

Did you not get a table? D: I heard the app crashed pretty badly. I was on an airplane when registration went up and my little sister had to full the form out for me, so I don't really know what happened.
I have this at the top of my page when I log in: "Congratulations! Your table request is preliminarily approved, pending the final review of work for compliance with the table agreement by AA Staff."

But I also have this further down: "The Artist Alley application site has closed for the season! We've selected all our artists, and we are full!
Thank you for your interest in FanimeCon 2013 Artist Alley!"

I'm confused. The first message was the "you have a table" message last year, but is the second message the waitlist message?
I'll draw anything (well, anything PG-13 rated and below) as long as I can somehow get a reference image or a specific-enough written description. If you plan to write descriptions of your characters, I would include: Height, body type (skinny, muscular, etc.), hair color, eye color, skin color, other distinguishing features such as scars, clothing worn and props. A brief summary of the character's personality would also be nice. I like to interact with the people who commission me, so I wouldn't mind if someone stuck around to give me a little - but not excessive- feedback. Not all artists work like this, however.

I'm fairly new to the artist alley business, so I don't really have a set formula worked out for how I price my commissions. I charge by how complex the picture is; for reference, one full color chibi with a very simple background would be $8-$12, depending on the con. I charge more at crazier cons such as Fanime to avoid being overworked - last year I was up until midnight every night working on commissions I had to take home. I tend not to take full-body drawings at cons because of the time it takes me (I have eye problems, so I draw a little slower than most people). However I will take digital art commissions outside of cons, and then I'll draw more complex pictures.

Most artists have business cards or they'll give you their contact info if you ask. That way, if you like someone's style, but they can't take a commission at the con, you can get a commission from them later.
Will this be at noon PST? On the 5th, I'll be in a different time zone than where I usually am... This will be interesting. Does anyone know how fast Starbucks wifi is?
Live Programming and Events / Re: NO HANDTRUCKS?!
March 29, 2013, 03:47:33 PM
I thought the "no wheels" rule was in place for a while and that artists just ignored it or something...

I personally use a backpack to carry stuff in, as well as large grocery store bags. I don't find it all that hard to transport merchandise without wheels. Then again, I can only speak for those who sell prints, buttons, and small items, as I don't sell anything large.
Quote from: ewu on March 29, 2013, 11:20:37 AM
Its bigger, but for planning reasons we will not be using the entire South Hall....but there will be more space:)

How many tables are there going to be? Or are you not allowed to say just yet?
Quote from: ewu on March 29, 2013, 10:04:36 AM
Quote from: chibimonster on March 29, 2013, 09:58:37 AM
How will we agree to this online? Will it be a check box like last year?

The process will be much the same and nearly identical to last year, but still please read the agreement AND the registration instructions carefully!

Ok. I'm super excited for registration aka the table war. Is the new exhibit hall bigger than the old one?
How will we agree to this online? Will it be a check box like last year?