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Messages - 1Fireforge

You can't expect all staff members(or people for that matter) to hold their temper. A lot of you seem to not understand what staffing(especially for the higher ups) really means, and how thankless the job really is. Your average staff member will get about 3 hours a sleep a night at a convention, and not by choice. Most of them barely have much "fun" at the convention itself, but do more work. It's expected that some of them get irritable. If you are in the wrong, you are in the wrong. Suck it up, you act like being yelled at is so wrong, when you were doing something you shouldn't have been doing in the first place. Most staff members won't get all crazy and yell at you, some will... deal with it.

Respectfully, but I disagree.  Fatigue, long hours, and thankless work do not warrant nor excuse rude conduct, especially on the part of someone supposed to be in charge.  Fanime, like many other organizations, is volunteer run, and there are never enough volunteers to go around, which results in situations very much like what you describe above (yes, I speak from experience =).  One thing that truly marks a good staffer is the ability to grit one's teeth and at least be civil in these instances, even if running on only two hours of sleep over as many days.

- FF
If they make everyone wear a mask, then they should have simple masks that anyone can just walk up and borrow...ones that are no big deal if they get thrown away after.  BUT, it just so happens that I have like ten from a previous masquerade thing that I'll bring =))

- FF
Quote from: "trooper715"
If someone doesn't comply, that doesn't give a staff member permission to go psycho though.  Like I said before, a degree of professionalism needs to be maintained.  Besides, there should be no need to go psycho when particularly stubborn people can simply be ejected if they continue to insist on their course of action.

Yah, that's what I was really getting at =)

But seriously, sticking gum under a desk it is vandalism and just plain rude.  Go to a garbage can, they're out there for a reason.

Ofc, I was just trying to think of the littlest offense that I could come up with.  =P
Quote from: "SohmaYuki"
Not the case though. Don't expect staff members, or anyone to be nice to you when you are in the wrong....If you are clearly in the wrong though, just suck it up.

Am I to understand that regardless of the level of rule breaking, that we should then expect a harsh response every time? Guess that means no gum under the desk anymore - I might get kicked out. =P

- FF
Formal dancing isn't something that everyone is used to, so I'm sure that the dances will be, there will be lessons, or so it says in the original post.  The biggest hurdle is getting people who might be afraid of dancing to the classes so they realize that this is supposed to be a "look good and have fun" thing, not something where people are going to make fun of you since you're new to dance.

- FF
You know, the master told his apprentice to do his work with his life's blood, but never to let it show =)

- FF, with a few pricked fingers himself
Real shoes >>>> Uggs!  The thing is, they're really not that hard to make, and I think that if people saw how they could make decent looking boots and shoes, they'd try to do it.  It gets you that one huge step (pun intended!) towards making your outfit that much better =)
You'd go to a kimono tying class, but not my shoe workshop?  Shame! =P  j/k!
I'll bet it's going to be digital music instead of a live band.  Though, if they get volunteers for live music, they could probably work something out... live music >>>>> music in a box.
Quotepeople who purchased their costumes from eBay, Yahoo Japan, or a Seamstress...

You know, guys can draft patterns and sew too - so, by the letter of the law, if you bought your outfit from a male tailor, then it would be cool, right?  =)

- FF
Well, the first thing we would need is a place to have the ball.  I don't know anything about the layout of the site (this being my first Fanime), so I'm not sure what would be a good place to do it.  We'd also need to get permission and a time frame from the Staff.  Once we do that, the rest of the ball particulars can be worked out.  

However, it does sound like Eugene has a lot of these particulars already taken care of...Eugene?  You appear to have plenty of help wherever you need it =)

- FF
Now that I've got your attention, an FYI - The panel will be held from 12pm-1pm on Sunday.  For those of you who don't want to be caught on low blood sugar, I'll probably bring some snacky things and drinks so you don't faint in my panel =)

- FF

Hey everyone, I was thinking of putting together a panel on something that is actually (in my opinion) the most difficult thing to put together for any kind of costume - footwear!  Here's a basic outline:

We all need different kinds of footgear with our cosplays, because, just like accessories, footwear makes the outfit.  Sometimes you can get pretty close to what you're looking for by hunting in stores and thift shops, but what if you need thigh high boots with funky stuff attached to it, or close fitting ankle shoes in shiny neon green?  This is the panel for you, then!  Although, because of time constraints, you won't be able to make a pair of boots or shoes at the panel, this will give you ideas on how to go about creating your own boots or shoes.  Here are some things we would touch on:

- Shoe/Boot Terminology
- To Last or Not To Last? (a last is basically a wooden shoe form)
- Shoe Materials (leather, fabric, vinyl)
- Closures (zippers, buttons, loops, laces, buckles)
- Raw Materials for construction
- Tools and Techniques
- Basic Patterns
- Q&A

If you have some materials that you'd like to get some hints on turning them (pun intended!) into boots or shoes, bring them along!  A lot of the shoemaking can be done with a sewing machine.

Let me know what you think! =P

- FF
Illuminati was a blast - although it has been a while since I played, I think I can remember the rules pretty well.  Anyone play Bang?

- FF
I'm hoping waltzes, big band, swing, foxtrot, that kind of thing.  I'd even be happy to help be one of the instructors for the classes.  =)

- FF
In for pool, air hockey and foozball!   BTW, this being my first Fanime, does anyone ever bring actual board games (Carcassone, Settlers, etc) to these things?  Much love for Fluxx and Illuminati, though!

- FF
I have a feeling that they won't *absolutely* require everyone to dress up to the nines, although it is so much cooler if you do.  

- FF
>>Is it Yukata or Kimono?
>>I'm curious cause so many people call Yukatas Kimonos v_v
>>I think I'll have to make that Yukata panel xDDD

My understanding is that the yukata is a kind of kimono (I think kimono basically means 'clothing,' right?) and is like a lightweight, less formal kimono.  

Hmmm, generic Japanese is cool too then?  Nice...I've got an outfit like that also...I'll wear my white under black hakama pants, and then put a blue one over them both...throw on tabi and some zori and I'll be in business. =)

- FF
>>You have that much free time?!?!?! Can I borrow some? xD I barely have enough time to sew a simple school girl skirt.

Some skirts aren't so simple, but you've got like three months, right? =)  

Hmm, ok, I'll guess I'll plan on one outfit per day.  Probably only going to be able to make two of the four days anyway.

- FF
Hi all, this will be my first Fanime, and of course, I want to do it right.  That means Cosplay!  However, I see a lot of people posting that they're bringing like seven outfits to the event.  So, as a general rule, how many outfit changes do people normally go through in a day?  I've already finished one outfit, but I could probably get one or two more out if I needed to.

- FF
Cool, it will be my first Fanime also!  The more I read the forums, the more I'm looking forward to going.  And yay Ranma 1/2!