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Messages - Charis

Eeeeeeeeeee, excellent! ^___^ I have added her onto the list.

(Man, boy kirin get all the comfy clothes. XD )
Ooooh, Father Leon! Lesson time this year? ^__________^
Quote from: Tenkage on April 03, 2012, 06:56:48 PM
*filing her 1 & 1/2 inch nails to razor points, not really paying attention* Depends- how does everyone like their calamari? Finely sliced, I hope.

Screaming. ^_^

I'll bring the fire. ^___^
Quote from: princeofrose on March 01, 2012, 11:20:40 AM@Charis And by fanart for do you mean commissions or something?

No, I mean that you say you're drawing fanart -- some character that was created by someone else, whether a manga-ka or a television producer or whatever -- without their knowledge or consent, just as you say someone might take your own character and use them in turn.  Have you considered that perhaps they feel the same way about the idea of people drawing their creations as you do about your own?  It's a one-sided view to come out so strongly on the pro-fanart side and then say something like you did, since it shows a lack of consideration of how that element feels.

(I feel like I need to disclaim: I am neither pro-fanart nor anti-fanart. I tend to look more for original pieces than fanart in artist's alley, though one could say it's because the characters/seria I like aren't likely to be represented.  I don't think anyone here is necessarily right or wrong, but I think there are also some important elements -- like legalities -- that are being largely disregarded in this discussion too.  But mostly, your statement just struck me as ironic given your stance on the subject as presented herein.)
Quote from: princeofrose on March 01, 2012, 10:52:28 AMBecause I am feeling like I am selling my own character-I'm afraid the person will take it and think that since they bought it they can do whatever they want with it. Which means they can take the same character and call it their own or something like that.

... may I suggest looking at this statement from the perspective of those original copyright-holders whose characters you're drawing fanart for?  It's by no means an exact comparison, but it's still got similarities ...
Big Event Showcase / Re: What's the B&W Ball like?
February 22, 2012, 05:00:40 PM
Jim - totally understand that there's time involved, and my comment wasn't meant as any kind of nag -- just a question as to whether that information would be put up anywhere.  As I recall, last year the venue change wasn't posted in advance, and that's what got quite a few folks blindsided.  Hearing that venue information will be posted is excellent news, and I really appreciate that. :) Thanks!
Big Event Showcase / Re: What's the B&W Ball like?
February 22, 2012, 03:25:00 PM
Quote from: tkdteo on February 21, 2012, 11:12:06 PMWe are working to see if we can get a bigger venue than we had last year but we will see about that.

A favour: do you think you guys can post ahead about this?  I remember there being some to-do last year with the smaller venue, and knowing in advance what to expect as far as that would be super-helpful.  (We actually wound up not going because we saw the line, despite really enjoying the Ball in previous years; I'm really hoping to be able to go this year, and doubly hoping it's not up against the Masquerade again.)
Either way, thank you!
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Carpooling thread
February 14, 2012, 02:31:03 PM
Quote from: Shinigami_Lover on February 14, 2012, 01:42:48 PM
Anyone willing to pick up from the San Jose Airport... ?? May 24th at 12:50ish ... Will pay for gas .... One person: ME

IIRC, the airport's right on the light rail line, so if all else fails you can take that.  (Friends did it in years prior.)  Sorry I can't help with the ride, though ~
Psst, B -- you have me on the list from last year, I think, as bringing certain things.  I'll definitely look through my Pile o'Stuff and see if there's anything I can donate this year, but the stuff from last year won't be making a repeat appearance. ^^;;;

Chopped Cosplay sounds like it could be a lot of fun. XD
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Rooms and number of people
February 10, 2012, 11:10:12 AM
Quote from: MPLe on February 10, 2012, 09:15:00 AM
Quote from: crystalsoul on February 10, 2012, 04:45:06 AMive been staying in the marriot/hilton hotels for the last 4-5 years and i usually have 6-7 people xP

what the hotel dont know, wont hurt them.
You are aware that the hotel staff look at our forums every once in a while right? ;)

Not to mention that the original statement's a fallacy -- extra people not only cost the hotels extra, but can be a potential nightmare in a disaster situation.  Not that anyone's expecting the Big One to hit during Fanime or some equivalent, but room guidelines exist for a reason.  More people use up more utilities and supplies, generate more mess/waste, and mean more traffic in the hotel -- and if the hotel really wanted to and had cause, I believe they're within their rights to ascertain there are only the allowed number of people staying in a given room.

That said, it's pretty common knowledge that going over the room limit is hardly unusual when it comes to convention attendees -- if you're going to go over, just make sure everyone knows and is aware of what it implies (in terms of space, bedding, towels, etc.), and is okay with that.

The hotel will usually ask at check-in (or confirm, if you have it listed already -- I've changed my number within the max last minute because of circumstances and had no problem with it) how many people will be in the room.  IIRC the rule of thumb is two in a single-bed room and four in a double-bed room ... and I think suites still fall under the four-person cap, but you could always ask the hotel to be certain.
Too much to do and pretty up in the air in terms of what I'm bringing this year, actually ... I had a much better idea at one point and then a number of factors ripped the rug out from under my feet and I'm still going, "Uh ...."

Finished Enough:
- Kaya Syokka/Gypsy Queen from Trinity Blood: She's a long-term WIP I've worn to Fanime before; I'm hoping to get some more of the detailing done for this year.
- Risai (novel cover version) from Twelve Kingdoms: New to cons, though I wore this one out to a photoshoot.  Needs peacebonding damage fixed on the sword but otherwise ready for the JK gathering on Monday.  Looking forward to bringing this one out, especially since Inoli's willing to do the crazy injury makeup on my arm again. <3 I should possibly destroy the armour some more ...
- Shusui (ninja) from Saiunkoku Monogatari: like Risai, new to cons but worn to a photoshoot before.  Also pretty much ready aside from nitpicky fixes.

In Progress:
- Therese von Ludowing from Sound Horizon's Marchen: barely started. I have most of the supplies (except for the primary fabric, which I'm still waffling on), but the sewing's been slow going so far.  This one will get done, though, even if it's the only completely new thing I have for Fanime ... but there's a lot to do. T_T

Got a handful of maybes (whether already completed or in progress/plotting), including Chibitalia-era!Hungary and Naoto from DOGS, but those depend on time and motivation and other people's plans.  We'll see~  OT just got amped up for work so that might nerf a lot of things. >_<
Quote from: kookiekween99 on February 06, 2012, 03:46:46 PM
Quote from: MPLe on February 03, 2012, 05:02:09 PM
Quote from: kookiekween99 on February 03, 2012, 09:51:39 AMQuestion: Will there be two-bed rooms available at the Hilton for Thursday night? I'm pretty sure there will be, but last year my friend had an issues getting a Day Zero room, so I wanted to make sure that would be available.
For Thursday, we will have a room with two beds available.

I feel lied to here. My mom was there at 11:55, and there weren't any double-bed rooms in the Hilton or Marriott on Thursday. :(

There may have been a limited number of those rooms set up in the system; what I did last year was to book Friday through Monday, and e-mail Housing afterwards to request that Thursday (and IIRC Tuesday) be added.  I had no problems with this.
IIRC less rooms are held for the days surrounding Fanime in anticipation of fewer people, and then more added as needed.  Either way, I'm surprised there were so few Thursday rooms available.  But if you e-mail them, you've probably got pretty good odds of getting Thursday added to your reservation (if you've got one), especially asking this far ahead.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Connecting Rooms?
February 06, 2012, 02:24:39 PM
If you call right now, the hotels won't have any reservations to put the notes on, however; the Fanime reservation site includes info on the earliest date to call the hotels. Best bet right now is to contact Fanime housing, have them put a note into BOTH reservations, and then call the hotel once the hotels themselves have the info (usually in mid-May).
Surprised by the fact that there were very few hotel block options for Thursday set up -- it seemed to throw a lot of people's plans.  Hopefully the waitlist can address that like it did for me last year.

Heading to the Fairmont this year.  The elevator situation at the Marriott last year really soured me on it.
Quote from: Dany on January 25, 2012, 10:57:41 AMI am sure that I will be neenered for such a suggestion, but I figure it can't hurt to put it out there.

Not from this corner you won't!  I remember feeling the same way about the preshow both times I went to Masq.  You have a captive audience, but you also have an audience that's always seemed to me somewhat restless.  By the time things roll around to the later skits, it already seems like they're antsy, and when you tack on the preshow to that, it certainly doesn't help.

(Granted, this doesn't relate to extending skit time -- which I don't think is something that should be done -- but since the topic's already been brought up ... ;) )
If Shokora's around I'll likely be tied up with Hetalia stuff beforehand as well -- and if so, 1:30's better than 1:00 for me; I need every moment I can for getting into my pile o'floof. <3

*scampers back to work*
Wig caps are made of nylon, and as such can be dyed (I've used Jacquard acid dyes in the past) if you can't find one in the right shade.
Quote from: seifer-sama on January 04, 2012, 08:21:53 AM
Oh! I didn't know there was already a gathering started. :) So I am planning on one of the artbook versions of Yoko and I plan on having it finished by Fanime so I can attend.

Hallo!!!  I never got around to mirroring this thread over on the Fanime forum ... so we're just over here.  XD  Sorry if that spawned any confusion!  (And sorry for the late reply; just got back from a vacation.)
But welcome to this side as well! I'll add you to the list and hope everything goes smoothly for you getting stuff done; can't wait to see your Youko~ <3

So a general question, as gatherings start sorting out times: does Monday still work for people?  The past couple years it's been sometime earlyish in the Monday afternoon, and I'd like to stick to that because it generally means we don't have to worry about other gathering conflicts, but if people want to change that's certainly open to discussion.
And if not -- what time Monday?  1:30?  Later?  (I'd hazard not earlier, just to avoid checkout-time conflicts.)
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Security Deposits at hotels
December 11, 2011, 10:50:49 AM
Quote from: Junon on December 06, 2011, 12:40:10 PM
Quote from: MPLe on December 03, 2011, 07:27:41 PM
I believe every hotel does this and the price varies from hotel to hotel.

Hotel security deposits are a way for the hotel to ensure that they have money for any damages that are caused to the hotel room. Unless there are damages to the room, you will receive a 100% refund. As far as I know, there have been any amount of holds to members that haven't damaged their rooms.

It is recommended that a credit card is used for the hold as it wouldn't stop usage of that card, while a debit card would prevent you from using those funds (this also differs from bank to bank).

[Edit: We are also planning to list the amount of the deposits on our hotel website when it launches.]

2 years ago when Marriott started doing this, they wouldn't allow the use of Credit Cards for the deposit. They wanted cash or debit card. I had to use my debit card with them.

Really? I never had a problem with that, and I've always used my credit card with them -- nor heard of any problems from other friends who stayed there.  Weird.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Which hotel to pick???
December 01, 2011, 08:22:16 AM
If you had issues with the Marriott deposit policy, make sure you check on the Fairmont's.  I've never stayed there so I don't recall the details, but I remember people mentioning it was pretty steep.  Hopefully someone who's stayed with them can advise you on that.