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Messages - Hank-KKD

Quote from: Xanreo on May 10, 2012, 05:38:11 PM
Simple question but what does S stand for on the karaoke site under lyrics?

S means the lyrics scroll automatically, as they would at a karaoke place.
Y means you need to scroll them manually using the controller.
Quote from: loconeko on May 10, 2012, 06:40:51 PM
I hope this isn't too petty of a question, but here it goes.

After reading this thread VERY carefully, I decided to change my final song.  My problem is I want to sing the English version of "Yakusoku no Basho" from Final Fantasy XIII-2, but I have the instrumental for the Japanese version.  They sound extremely similar, but the English version has a slight R&B sound to it.  Would I be allowed to use the Japanese instrumental to sing the English version?

This is assuming I make it as far as the finals of course.  =P

This should be okay as long as the actual arrangement isn't too different.
Just a note that our online song book has been refreshed to include songs in our library as of the end of our last event (AOD back in February). We will need to stop adding songs by the end of this weekend, so any last minute requests, get them in now

p.s. Trivia note- Blurry Eyes is song ID 2 in our database. First person who can tell me (by PM) the name of the song with Song ID #1 will win a prize.
Quote from: Marisuga on May 08, 2012, 11:58:14 PM
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 08, 2012, 10:21:48 PM
Quote from: Marisuga on May 07, 2012, 05:11:27 PM
If our song for the first round is over 2:30, can we edit the backing track to be shorter or is that not allowed?

No, but if the song has a long intro, you may request us to start the song when the vocals start.

Are we allowed to use the TV size of a song?

Yes, highly encouraged.

Quote from: Xanreo on May 10, 2012, 12:37:59 AM
The rules state that Jpop is accepted so would an official Japanese release of a Kpop song by the same artist be applicable?

Assuming it's in Japanese, yes.

ALSO: Regarding costumes, the question is answered in the judging guidelines portion of the rules.

We'll take some at con signups.
Quote from: Marisuga on May 07, 2012, 10:44:15 PM
should we have gotten a confirmation e-mail or anything??

Not yet. Give me a few days :-)
Quote from: Marisuga on May 07, 2012, 05:11:27 PM
If our song for the first round is over 2:30, can we edit the backing track to be shorter or is that not allowed?

No, but if the song has a long intro, you may request us to start the song when the vocals start.
Quote from: Armored-Heart on May 06, 2012, 10:31:17 PM
Question; is there an estimated end time for the contest? I'm co-hosting a panel at 11 on Friday, and my co-host will be (hopefully, if his entry was accepted!) entering the Karaoke contest. I'm assuming some overlap between the time slots will be inevitable, but it'd be nice to be able to gauge how much, so we can confirm whether or not I'll need to find someone to fill in for him.

Our goal is to end by 11PM. In the past we've run slightly past, so this year we have an earlier start time for both rounds.

Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 06, 2012, 09:32:37 PM
but for the first round, when u say 2:30, does that mean 2 mins and 30 seconds of SINGING or 2 mins and 30 seconds of the song itself?

The song itself. However, we may let the song run a little longer if right at the 2:30 mark you are in the middle of a verse.
So if you want to be safe, know the first 3 minutes.


As of this writing, there is one spot remaining in the contest. Signups will remain open until at least 9:30PM tomorrow. Any signups in excess of 40 will be placed on a waiting list and will have first priority for any spots that might open up.

You guys were pretty good this year. There was only one invalid entry (no last name).

Signups are now closed, and we have reached the contestant limit. The Start List and Waiting List will be posted by Monday before con.

Quote from: HiddenThunder on May 06, 2012, 08:31:20 PM
Question for song choice. I want to sing two remixed versions of NES era game soundtracks with added lyrics. The songs are Megaman 3 (opening theme) and Final Fantasy 1 (Opening). I would like to sing the "with lyrics" versions of these songs, made by Brentalfloss. Are these considered legal song choices, since they are from video games?

Added lyrics? If this is an official version, yes. If it's fan made lyrics, no.

Also: One change to the schedule. Finals will start at 9PM, not 9:30PM. Please note this change.
Quote from: Cloud on May 06, 2012, 12:47:32 PM
When listing a song on the sign ups, if the song is sung by multiple people and they do not have a group name, would it be okay to just write the anime series name that the song comes from?

Yes, either the artist or series name would be fine.
Quote from: wings_of_an_angel on May 05, 2012, 11:44:38 PM
are printed lyrics ok to use? :o

Yes, but you need to provide them yourself. We do not guarantee lyrics availability for the contest.
Quote from: Xanreo on May 05, 2012, 11:11:28 PM
I see that there is a Kpop section so will Kpop requests be taken into consideration as well?

The current ETA for Karaoke Contest Signups to open is: 9:35PM PDT, on Sunday May 6. We will update this thread if the ETA changes.

The announcement will be made in two places: Our Twitter account (@FanimeKaraoke), and in a separate post on these forums.

At signup, you will need to submit the following information:

  • Your real first and last name (fan names are optional)

  • Your email and mailing address (including city and zip)

  • Two songs that meet the requirements as per the rules (you may change these later)

The most common reason for rejected entries is because people don't include one of the items above. If you don't fill in everything, we simply delete/disregard the entry. Just sayin!'


We're in the process of updating our karaoke song library and we wanted to ask you, the fans and attendees, what you'd like to sing!

Here's what we currently have:

Please post any suggestions in this topic. One rule: You must list the specific song title (and artist info, if known).

In particular we're looking for suggestions of Vocaloid songs, but suggestions on any anime/j-pop/j-rock title and artist are welcome.
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 02, 2012, 10:26:20 AM
This might be an impossible question, but~

About how long (time-wise) are the beginning, middle, and end blocks? Say there was a gathering I wanted to attend that started at 6, and I signed up and got into a spot in the end block, is there any way to estimate how many contestants would be before me so I could know when to show up and if I could make it? (I guess once I checked in, I'd know my number and I'd be able to multiply that by 2.5 minutes to get a rough estimate of how long it would take, but that wouldn't help me now to decide if I want to sign up at all and which event I wanted to do or if I could do both!)

Thanks. :D

Yeah, this is impossible to determine right now without anyone signed up. If it helps, the contest order will be posted Monday before con and you can make a projection then based on that.

Quote from: Cloud on May 01, 2012, 09:52:26 PM
It would be awesome if you included an option to put our preference on when we'd like to sing (towards the beginning or end) like last year's sign ups. Really hoping you'll include that again this year!

It's been the same signup form since like 2008, so yes I think that's very likely.   :D

I haven't forgotten  ;) There should be an update by Friday.
Quote from: Elwen on April 28, 2012, 04:33:14 PM
Quote from: GaleWolf on April 23, 2012, 09:40:43 PM
You may, however, start at the first vocals/verse if the song has a long instrumental introduction.

If we decide to do this, should we submit an edited version that starts where we want it?  Or submit the whole song with a note of where to start?

Submit the whole song and before you're up, tell our tech staff where to start.

Quote from: Alexie828 on April 29, 2012, 10:38:20 PM
We can trim the intro instrumental to the first vocals/verse, but can we also trim the prelim song to 2:30, and make it fade out ourselves to ensure a smooth ending? That is, the only things being changed about the song is that it is trimmed in both the beginning and the end in order for it to be exactly 2:30. 

You don't really need to go to the trouble of doing this. We fade out all songs naturally at 2:30. And as mentioned above you can just tell us exactly where to start the first vocals/verse.