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Messages - Captaine Kit

Staff & Volunteers / staff meetings
November 04, 2005, 03:55:42 AM
Tha quoting: so odd when it is used in a reply to the message just prior!  I luv u guys anywayeee.
General Anime Chat / Ghost in the Shell (Movies&SAC)
October 28, 2005, 04:39:52 PM
Quote from: "Random"A few things bug me though.  Like, why the hell does Chief Aramaki keep looking younger and his hair getting bigger?   It's like the artists just got lazy and put a big f$#%ing cloud on top of his head.

Aramaki's apparent fountain of youth--I think it's ridiculous, but I actually like ridiculous.  

The Major's aging façade--I think that's a good effect.  If they were actually not that great and ended up with the older look, it still works.  If they intended to give her the older look, I think it was a good decision because monsieur Random's reaction to it says something about how the world can view women in cinema and entertainment.  Many times we take for granted that characters can mature.  A good way to show that is to bestow wrinkles to the character, in my case a visual sign of wisdom rather than of bodily decay.
General Anime Chat / Ghost in the Shell (Movies&SAC)
October 28, 2005, 04:34:47 PM
Well if this is a general topic, then I wish to kick it up with a question:
Apparently, we are hooked on the cyberpunk aspect of it.  I mean, for sure.  What other aspects told you that Ghost has been worth your enthusiasm?

For me, it's the strong female lead.  Besides the fanboy preference for a manmachine body to be female and that thing that guys have about powertools, it just works.  Is man a body?  Does the representative (Kusanagi) of man's deeper thoughts have to me a man?  SAC took the fun out of guessing whether she was born or manufactured, but I think the way they told the story of her youth was a touching interpretation. . . .  Or are those the memories that someone put in her brain, and Aramaki is a part of it?

Paz.  You know, like 'peace' being an instrument of 'the man'.

Ishikawa.  As you witness the disappearance of Section 9 at the end of SAC, Ishikawa's experience of degeneration plays longer than some of the other members.  Look up 'modern architecture and design'.  My point: it's the asset of cyberpunk that refers to this lovely truth: 'What goes up must come down.'  I don't claim that it was intended in any part of the Ghost epic, but those were the dots that I connected in my mind.

Batou.  I've seen one roman interpretation of his name as Bateau (boat).  Hey, it floats me to that extent.  What I really like about him is his yin to the major's Yang.  In the second film, he's said to have shown behavior similar to the Major's, just before she disappeared.  That is soooo hot for millions of romantic intellect reason stuff  . . . language degenerated--gah.

Aramaki's apparent fountain of youth . . .
General Anime Chat / Ghost in the Shell (Movies&SAC)
October 28, 2005, 04:18:53 PM
Quote from: "Logik"
Quote from: "Chloe"Hee hee~!  You were what's-his-face for Fanime~!  *Pokes fun*  >w<
Yeah, that was me in a rushed Laughing Man costume.^_^ Kinda wish I made the "mask" in time. More people would have noticed me I'm sure. I wanna go as someone from Section 9 next time, but I don't know who. I guess I could go as Saito, but I'm not ready to cut my hair just yet.

Bro, I got one word:
Paz = Peace
Dealers Room / Fanime Wishlist 2.0
October 28, 2005, 02:57:02 AM
Hook that -stuff- up.  I am so into stuff that is fun, stuff that can be dumb and kitsch and cute, and stuff that's seriously beautiful and elegant like sculptures.  Whatever I would do with those, who knoooows.

I also like stuff that promotes interest in a deep and thoughtful anime I hold close to my heart.  I like the exploration of ideas in FullMetal Alchemist (I personally take to the anti-war, spirituality, familihood concepts).  Hook up the art books.  I like Gunslinger Girl because they played up the humanity and strength in small girls while not messing around with panty animation.  I loooove Ghost in the Shell's . . . everything.  Get me a tachikoma I can sleep on in front of the TV.

While my wishlist contains more of a concept than a list of actual products, I think the vendors are in a win/win when they choose quality anime to represent in their merchandise.  On another note: anime and FanimeCon are part of an evergrowing pop art that is inspiring young writers, designers and performers.  The availability of concept art books, special interview media and eclectic music is not just an object of mad otaku hoarding but a tool for the aspiring artists mentioned above.  HOOOK IT UPPPPP!
Live Programming and Events / omg you killed it
October 25, 2005, 11:33:17 PM
omg you killed it.

Just kidding.  I think the show should be up to the designers and sound people involved (our own DJ Socket, for one).  As each designer's composition is unique, the ambience they would like to compliment it should be their decision.  I'm happy that you're interested.
Well if you need to make sure your cosplay is of high quality, then maybe you should stick to that.  Minimum number of concepts: 20-ish.  Like 6-8 outfits, 6 tops, 4 bottoms, 2 one-piece items, and whatever (all with accessories).  For sure, they won't all get made.  

:!: We actually need models for this show, and I bet our cosplay community is rich with willing candidates. :!:
Live Programming and Events / Accessibility Options
October 20, 2005, 06:18:36 PM
I think if you are really into it, then it won't be a requirement to show up to the meetings.  You seem to be on top of the internet access thing.  Those entering must show their progress from design sketches to accepting critique from the collective to actually constructing the clothes.  For those who can make the deadlinesthen it should be no problem participating as a designer.
What is Stage Zero? little edit
We need stage/sound tech to staff this.  It is an event that will take place right above the registration vestibule.  That's the humongaloid mezzanine space between the hotel and the dealer's room, the general meeting space for Fanime Con-goers.

Stage Zero programming:
Convention Announcements Panel and Event Producers, please contact me so we can compile a list of announcements to run during the convention.
3-minute movies Anyone is eligible.  What is it?  Heck, ask Ebner.  Please submit entries by March 15.
AMV previews, TRL style needs VJ hosts.
Anime/Foreign Film previews
Game ShowsAll suggestions submitted to me by PM or email will be taken seriously.  So far these have been suggested:
Cosplay Chess and Iron Cosplay
Live Music, Dance, other shows/acts
Quote from: "dealerJason"Stage Zero is to be a live show that will go all day and into the evening. Programming will be fast and constant. . . .
This is all possible. How much will you participate?

Fashion Show
We are local designers raised in the Fanime community.  Before and after Fashion Show events, the designers will be promoting their design portfolios at a booth and table in Artist Row.  Some items will be on sale after the events.

Some styles draw from music in physical manifestation--literally with guitar picks, strings, CDs, and other materials as part of the clothing!  Some designers wish to elaborate on fighter/raver style, totally original and totally imaginable for a fantasy world.  Some of the fashion you will see comes from meandering the streets of Vancouver and San Francisco.

Check out (poll) Fashion Show
and Street Style [EGL, Decora...] Fashion Show?

Any questions and reports must go directly to Live Programming leadership.  Audition and other participation requests will not be honored unless you report to the appropriate parties.
Ideas and Suggestions / Tangental Velocity
October 20, 2005, 06:00:56 PM
I love how you're the most involved person in terms of Fanime events, period.  I think we should reserve this Cosplay Ideas topic for cosplay posts, and I invite you to ask Stage Zero questions in the corresponding topic.  Thanks, luv ya.  I wish I could give you karma on Fanime bb like one can on other sites. :wink:
Live Programming and Events / Anyone can enter.
October 20, 2005, 05:33:06 PM
Anyone who has ever wanted to try fashion design can do so in this designers collective.  It is for professionals, students and hobbyists.  No one has to retain membership forever, and there is no initiation ritual.  Just have concept sketches, a few bucks for fabric, and a commitment to come to monthly meetings so that we can help each other.  In the end, we must have a show.

We shall have a forum topic called 'What is Stage Zero?'  I thought we already had that, but I guess now's the time to make it happen.  

From that post, you can click on links to events that will be on Stage Zero.  I hope as much as you do that the event will be well organized.  As Jason said, it will be like a radio show with scheduled lineups and broadcasting on the convention center tv monitors that you walk b'neath.
Ummm the topic came up in the 'Cosplay Event Ideas' sticky in the cosplay forum, but more importantly, the fashion show should get dedicated feedback on this page.

What will it be?
The fashion show consists of a collective of designers formed by members of the Fanime Con community.

Who can enter?
Anyone who shows an interest and dedication to creating a line of clothing to show at Fanime Con can participate.  So far there are four designers.  We can take more, and that means each designer doesn't have to do as many concepts.

What can you enter?
This is open to any style and any dedicated individual or group.  
If you are into recreating other styles (Harajuku street style, haute couture, etc.), this is your venue.
If you are into creating your own, unique line of clothing, this is your venue.
If you are a character designer, you might want to bring your characters' wardrobes to life and give your piece of fiction some attention.

What is asked of the designers?
Dozens of design concepts--sketches, descriptions, who wears it, what it's for, etc.  Cooperation with the other designers.  Scheduled monthly group meeting to submit designs and plan the show.  Time and money to construct some of those designs for the actual show.  Willingness to help your peers construct their designs.

Where will they meet?
I'm actually one of the designers in Fanime's fashion collective, and I volunteer to be a resource.  I have the tools necessary for constructing clothes.  The purpsoe of this collective is not only to bring something to Fanime Con; it is to get aspiring fashion designers together to share resources and become professionals.
Ideas and Suggestions / Check out Fashion Show post
October 20, 2005, 04:17:14 PM
Quote from: "Croquet"I love the cosplay chess idea, to death. As for the fashion show, it sounds cool, but I dont know anyone who makes their own costumes up. Maybe the fashion show could make it a more popular thing to do, but I'm not sure about this.... And also about the cosplay chess....what is speed chess?

Really appreciate this.  Some people might be questioning the purpose and the popularity of a resident fashion show at the convention.  I'd like to link you to here:
Quote from: "Croquet". . . As for the fashion show, it sounds cool, but I dont know anyone who makes their own costumes up. Maybe the fashion show could make [cosplay chess] a more popular thing to do, but I'm not sure about this....

Really appreciate this.  Some people might be questioning the purpose and the popularity of a resident fashion show at the convention.  Consider this:

·People who cosplay tend to be fans of the artist who conceived the anime character.  Any fictional character that you need to see has to have a wardrobe that expresses their personality.  One purpose of cosplay is to get into that personality.

·People who get into cosplay already have a sense of style that they mean to express, often within similar tastes of a character archetype.  Anyone who makes any judgement about a person by their clothes has some knowledge of fashion.  Those with a higher interest and understanding of communicating with clothing in any culture is interested in fashion, period.

·People who are good at fictional character design (such as but not limited to games, animation, comics) must know what to communicate in their characters' clothing and accessories.  This fashion show can give our community's budding manga/game designers the opportunity to bring their characters to life.

·Fanime con go-ers are interested, to a great extent, in emerging local artists, goth fashion, Japanese street fashion, gamer/Silicon Valley trends, and other 'alternative' lifestyles.  This is where they get to see it.

·Fanime cosplayers love attention.  Whether they bought or created their own costumes, they love to model it.  Individuals aspiring to model can create a professional portfolio from this show.

·Most people who get into fashion are not a part of the creation process, only the consumption.  Those who are creators can reinterpret fashion that they've seen or to create something completely new.  This is a show for those trying out fashion design or are building a professional portfolio as they aspire to  go to design school.

·Fanime Con is by fans.  It's for fans.  In a way, we are grassroots, and we are always into trying an idea at least once.  If it don't work out, we'll give each other feedback on what didn't work.  This is an event that will attract people to Fanime Con, foster local creative individuals, and show that Fanime fans are more than consumers but producers.

Thanks, I hope y'all got something out of this.  What would make this show a success is your support and your constructive input.  It will be considered, but alas: big audience, small body of performers.  The actual clothing designs are up to the designers.
Ideas and Suggestions / To clarify things,
October 17, 2005, 04:22:21 AM
I recommend you take a look at a particularly long post under Ideas and Suggestions discussion.

BTW, Is this considered spam?  I've never really considered bb etiquette much in the past. . . .