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Messages - Tetsuo

General Convention Discussion / 2015 planning?
July 05, 2014, 11:35:31 PM
Let's not lose focus here, are you guys working on the 2015 website? Interaction with possible guests?

Quote from: HeeroYuy135 on May 12, 2014, 10:26:08 PM
inb4 someone brings up that AX got the Kill La Kill staff as GoH

I just don't get it. After the Halko Momoi incident in 2007 at AX, their rep should've been down in the dumps. We haven't done anything like that, and look at our lineup.
Quote from: Xanreo on May 12, 2014, 12:57:13 AM
And all this talk about "revelance" is just weird.
If you're a fan, you're a fan. Doesn't matter if they've had any work come out recently.

I for one welcome the guests we have now, but I very much think that we are behind other conventions when it comes to guests. When was the latest anime-related work of our musicfest guests? I count at least more than 3 years ago. If that's the case, I would like for Fanime to formally change their name to "Retro Fanimecon". Newer fans of anime who watch the FoTM stuff from one of the most popular anime gateways at the moment: Crunchyroll (which I remember as being subbed) will not be interested in any of the guests for this convention, with the exception of Hiroyuki Kanbe. Newer, more relevant guests have the advantage of attracting old fans who continue to watch new stuff, and new fans who watch new stuff-- with the addition of in-season hype. Though, if you find anyone who is still hype about Hamtaro, and those people are the majority of the convention guests, then I concede defeat.


Meanwhile, It seems that Fanime isn't out of guests yet, they actually got 2 more guests who have ties with Gainax and one of them even worked with Princess Maker! That's nice.
I'm assuming this is all we have.

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General Convention Discussion / Re: Are you HYPED?!
April 30, 2014, 06:17:30 PM
In my opinion...

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Everything else though, the new venue, the cosplayers, pretty much everything else other than
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... I'm pretty goddamn hype for.

Wait, why can't you guys just post everything we want to know in the forums (or on facebook)?

Is the website launch problem really technical related or is it due to lack of (good) announcements? Presenting an empty website is pretty bad, to be honest... perhaps that's why the website isn't up yet.
Registration / Group Registration 2014 Question
February 03, 2014, 06:04:46 PM
I might be missing something, but where can I specify this?:

*One person must be designated as the "pickup" person.

I already registered my five people including myself, and would like to designate one person as the pickup person, but I see no option to.
Would asking for girl groups be a little too much? I'd love it if Kiniro Mosaic's Rhodante came to sing, or even Yuru Yuri's VAs. Either that, or bands/groups from anime that are actually relevant-- considering time? I'd love to see groups from anime that are either this season or maybe a maximum of 2 seasons ago-- I'm sick and tired of hearing groups from long running anime or just anime that shouldn't be relevant anymore(aka, 2-3+ years ago).

And +1 on Babyraids and other groups like Berryz Koubou, C-ute, or Juice=Juice.
What really bothers me is the fact that staff weren't really paying any attention to people who were cutting in the ballroom. Me and my friends took time to remember who was in front of us since the first room, but found that we ended up 5 people behind that person as soon as we got outside. Then, when we got to the ballroom, a girl just came and cut in front of us as the line was moving. After a while, she had a friend of her's come in and cut as well. Needless to say, we were pretty mad. A staff member came to our spot, and we assumed that she was going to do something about the cutters. We were shocked to find out that she actually let him cut because they were dating. Just when we thought it couldn't possibly get worse, the same girl that cut us called a friend from the back of the line to cut in front of us too. All while the staff member was making out with her boyfriend as they were laughing. Honestly, this gave us a major migraine. When we finally got to the next room, I took the time to get the staff member's ID number. S5500. At least last year, the problem with pre-reg was uncontrollable. This year, however, everyone was aware and in control of what was going on. If this same situation happens again, I'm afraid that next year's Fanime will be impossible.
General Convention Discussion / Quick Questions
May 04, 2013, 09:34:49 PM
Just wanna make sure of a few things before Fanime rolls in:

1) When do lines for Dealers Hall start forming? When does it open?

2) Due to construction, how much of the con will be blocked off?

3) How much dirt is gonna be flying around outside?
General Convention Discussion / Re: New to Fanime!
April 26, 2013, 07:53:49 PM
Quick questions:

1) When do lines usually open on Day 0?

2) Are we gonna have more "technical difficulties" like last year? Are the people who couldnt get their badges gonna have to go home if that happens or what?
Quote from: echoshadow on March 28, 2013, 08:13:09 PM
Sounds like they wanted more than Fanime's budget allowed..

Sounds more like they're holding out on us. Despite having so many registrations from both the recent pre-reg and the after con registration we still have yet to be updated about upcoming events and guests that could/would be making an appearance. You'd think they would have more than enough funds to cover for more guests this year. We're already nearing the day of the con and it feels like these late updates are cheating the con-goers that attend to actually see the guests of honor. Compared to last year's Fanime, this year seems to be running much slower. If all doesn't go as well as many of us would expect and we end up with "last-minute" guests, this year would feel like a complete rip-off.
I'm gonna say that there are way too many votes for vk bands.There needs to be more suggestions that actually lean towards anime genres and not towards screaming fangirls and such. Here at Brotaku, we've amassed a large library of music from different anime genres and the like. There are even some personal favorite bands thrown in just for more variety.

Here's a compiled list of some favorites from us here at Brotaku (visit us at

- 9mm Parabellum Bullet
- Shoji Meguro
- Mirraz
- Ootsuki Kenji
- Perfume
- Capsule
- Yuru Yuri cast
- Coda (for JoJo)
- Vocaloid Live (the actual holograph, not Vocalekt)
- Shintani Ryoko and Tamura Yukari
- HTT (Yes, K-On)
- Senri Kawaguchi
- JAM Project
- Claris
- Policeman
- fripSide
- supercell
- Halko Momoi
- angela
- Chiaki Ishikawa

(basically, we want it to try to look as close to Animelo as possible)

We hope that this year will entertain all kinds of fans and will continue to do so in the future.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Fanime 2013 Roommate thread
February 10, 2013, 02:29:49 PM
Roommates Wanted

+ Introduction: Hi, my name is Koko, I'm 18 and I've been to Fanime for 3 years with my friends at Brotaku (feel free to visit us at We hope to advertise our blog in the hopes of getting supporters. As of right now, we're just 3 guys with uncensored opinions on today's Japanese entertainment. We have more "personal" tastes that we think others might enjoy. Our little group of misfits include Boss (prounounced BAUS, our co-founder and public affairs, Takashi (, and myself, one of the eariler members and assistant to Brotaku matters ( We want this Fanime to be a perfect one (as well as the one where we DON'T miss the opening and closing ceremonies). Our main goals for this Fanime are to try to get as much attention for possible supporters and to meet some new faces.

+ Hotel Information:
Rooms:   1
   Non-Smoking Confirmed

+ Costs: The costs will be notified by email to anyone who is interested. Breakfast is free, but lunch and other meals may vary. Total duration of our stay is from Day Zero to the 28th

+ Requirements: Anyone is fine as long as they refrain from touching any merchandise/personal belongings without personal consent

+ Contact: Feel free to contact us through our blog email ([email protected]).

+ Misc.: We hope to enjoy Fanime 2013.


- I'm curious to how Brotaku works. Is it okay for me to observe blog activities? Yes and no. Yes being you may observe us work on things like photoshoots, advertisements, etc. But you may not see us work on private matters such as meetings and private shoots.

- I'm under 18, is it still okay for me to go? If you're underage and you wish to room with us you MUST notify your parent/guardian first and provide contact information in order to keep a safe environment. We are not responsible for any and all misinformation and complaints that involve personal matters. For more information, PM Boss on his facebook or email us.

- I have friends who want to room with me as well, are they allowed to come along? Normally, we'd only allow one roommate at a time, as having too many people in one room could prove to be a hassle. However, if they are able to accommodate themselves it's fine.

- Is there a rule on alcoholic beverages? No, there is no rule against drinking as long as you are responsible for those who drink.

- How will bed arrangements work? It will depends on how the other blog members feel about having an outside party share a bed (Remember that it's a 2 bed room). If possible, try to bring a sleeping bag or air bed if the need arises.

- I'm a girl and I'm not comfortable with staying with guys. What should I do? While we do take into account the personal feelings of other guests, it is not of our concern if someone is comfortable with the residents or not. Rest assured, we are all responsible gentlemen and would not do anything that would be considered an invasion of privacy or personal space.

- Will there be in-room gaming or anything? We are still unsure of anything we could bring to the room, but if anyone has ideas on what to bring, notify us by email. We still want to be able to enjoy the con itself rather than stay in the room the whole time.

Further questions and information on the room may be emailed to us (only emails accepted). We look forward to enjoying Fanime 2013 with everyone and hope for the best!

(Check us out at and!)
Hatsune Miku Live (preferably not Vocalekt Vision. That didn't not go very well)
LiSA (due to the current season)
Halko Momoi (WHY WASN'T SHE HERE 2012?!)

That's all I got.
Dealers Room / Re: times
May 09, 2011, 10:07:56 PM
Quote from: SpiritOfKairi on May 09, 2011, 10:05:38 PM
Quote from: Tetsuo on May 09, 2011, 10:00:36 PM
Quote from: HunterZero on May 09, 2011, 09:54:44 PM
What, are you worried Kaneda will show up and take all your deals?

Who's that? Whoever it is, nobody can beat my group and i when it comes to merchandise.
Lol you obviously haven't seen Akira then.  I highly suggest you do since it's an amazing movie.  Anyway, back to your question, the Dealer's Hall usually opens at 8 am.  At least, that's when they've opened it for the last 4+ years, and it has stayed open until 8 pm.

ok, good. thanks. btw, i was just checking if he meant some fan named kaneda
Dealers Room / Re: times
May 09, 2011, 10:00:36 PM
Quote from: HunterZero on May 09, 2011, 09:54:44 PM
What, are you worried Kaneda will show up and take all your deals?

Who's that? Whoever it is, nobody can beat my group and i when it comes to merchandise.
Dealers Room / times
May 09, 2011, 09:00:01 PM
does anyone know when the dealer hall opens? i need times ppl!
Yea, too many visual kei request. How about have sys hirano and nana mizuki?
Honestly, I think u guys should have miku perform.

And I mean ACTUALLY have.her preform. Break out the hologram screen and have her perform this year. And if possible, have the persona live in the velvet room too. I can guarantee it will be a.huge crowd pleaser.