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Messages - Sunny_Saladin

That is awesome news.  I am very happy to hear that.  now I don't regret taking Doubletree hotel now.
I signed up my friends as group leader.
Also, I paid for pre-reg membership for 2 people and early-reg for one person. Do I need to pay for anything else?  Or can we just pick up our badges and enjoy a 2 day stay at Fanime?
Registration / What hours can badges be picked up?
April 09, 2011, 06:24:49 PM
Arriving there on the 27th.  Might be there by 3pm.  I'm wondering if there's a time limit for picking up badges.  Also this is my first time going to fanime so I'm not how this process works or where exactly to pick up badges.
btw, how quickly do these parking garages near the convention get filled during Fanime??
oh thanks!

Oh and I'm also asking if there's any other alternative to getting to the convention from the hotel if I can't drive from the hotel to the convention or drive from the convention to the hotel.

I see that there's a light rail system, but I don't know much about it.
and that's pretty far from Fanime.  Is there any parking near fanime?  I don't think my friends and I could walk from the hotel.  I heard there's a  shuttle, but it only goes to the airport. 

I'm not planning on holding it in my hand. I just plan on keeping it in my pocket.

The stun gun I have doesn't shoot anything.  It only shocks things on contact.

My pepper spray item is shaped like a gun and I have a holster for it.  

One more question..

my pepper spray gun wouldn't fit in a pocket.  Can I walk around with it holstered to a waist belt?  It doesn't look like a real gun, but it looks more like a toy gun with the word "MACE" spelled out on the handle. 
Is it okay to bring a stun-gun or a gun that shoots pepper spray(or just pepper spray)?

*it's not for a costume
*it's mainly for self-defense
oh dear.  Still looks I can't bring the prop. :C

you said that the prop has to match the costume.   Since I'm altering a character, can I make the character appear more Bioshock related so I can carry around the ADAM syringe prop?
Quote from: Lizchan33 on February 21, 2011, 04:45:23 PM
You can't carry a prop for a different costume. You must be in the costume that matches the prop to have it peacebonded(which lets you walk around with it).
This is the general rule of thumb but if you have other questions I'm sure someone else will pop in to tell you. Also this seems like it should be in the cosplay section >_>.
Also email rovers[at]fanime[dot]com if you want to get a hold of rovers directly :D

Oh sorry.  First time posting here.

well thanks.. I really wanted to bring that syringe too. 
I want to cosplay as a video game character, but I want to add some Silent Hill/Bioshock element to it.  If I wanted to cosplay a character, do I have to be the most accurate version?

I basically want to dress up as Sunny Gurlukovich from MGS4 and carry around an ADAM syringe  from Bioshock.  Is that allowed?  Or will I not be allowed in unless I put the ADAM sryinge away?

*the ADAM syringe is made of plaster, a glass baby bottle, a wooden skewer for the needle