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Messages - nekokazzie

Man I can't wait for next year to roll by...only down side for me is that I hang out with a bunch of GUYS...they won't leave me in peace if they see me with anything -.- Better hope I get lucky... ;D
Hehe, I'll make sure to follow the new board^-^
Do it again do it again!!! I was the Konan in the larger Akatsuki group. I told my friends about it and they got excited over it...and apparently over zealous...(*coughtobicough*^^; ) I only managed to get the box once at the start of the game...then lost it to Aizen TT^TT... But I helped protect the barrel so it was all good XD

I'll be Kino for next if you're still doing an anime specific game then I won't be able to play. I think the game would still work with just people in cosplay, that way there's more people trying to nab the barrel...and that way you can't just avoid certain cosplayers( Pein saw the Aizen that took the barrel from me when we were heading downstairs and did a GIANT loop to avoid him>.>). It be a little bit more hectic that way, but I think that's part of the fun to be paranoid about getting challenged ^_^

I do hope you do it next year, I'd like to play again! ;D
My Group's Tobi and Hidan will be going this year, so you can and them to the list^-^ As for color, I want Akatsuki in red>_>
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: Tobi mask. cB
January 07, 2008, 09:48:16 PM
I made a mask for my friend last year. It was just aluminum foil( to get the basic shape), paper mache, some gesso to make it a little sturdy, and acylic paint. It turned out pretty well, and apparently he got lots of compliments on it. I'm sure you could make one the same way I did( it just took me a week cause I'm a perfectionist that needed the gesso to dry between coatings). my friend's picture)

Hope it helps ;D
I'll be going as Konan again, along with my boyfriend as Pein.I'm not quite sure about the rest of my group, since i have to re-do Tobi's mask and Hidan it being picking and redoing practically his whole costume...But at least those two are confirmed^^
I was the only blue-haired Akatsuki from least I'm pretty sure i was, i didn't wander around as much as i usually do so i might be wrong^^;
We sprinkled some water on Zetsu... I think he's revived enough to I'm hoping it's safe to include him as well( please don't let me be wrong-.- )
Sadly, Zetsu has starved to death and deidara blew himself those guys aren't showing up( actually, the didn't get their robes-.-). so yeah, current roster minus those guys^^;...and maybe kakuzu too( darn those masks  :? )
I have a friend who wants to sell some of his wire figures that he makes along with his old anime stuff, but on the form it says he needs a permit if he's selling things that are home made. Even if he doesn't have the permit, can he still bring some or should he just leave them off completely?
Hotel and Facilities / TV Question
May 21, 2007, 10:14:51 AM
Well, i know the marriot does have the color plugs for systems, but last year my friends couldn't hook anything up while we stayed in the hilton because they needed a converter or something( i dunno what those things are yeah...) I guess it depends on where you're staying, plus you could always ask the hotel^^
We, the akatsuki, will be joining in on this gathering....expect maybe sasori and kakuzu...we dunno if we're raising them from the dead or not...

(8 person cosplay is hard to manage...hopefully one of us doesn't die from the stress....mainly me  :?   )
Ideas and Suggestions / Henna at Fanime?
October 03, 2006, 11:14:32 AM
it would be awesome if you did this, I know I'd want one^_^ You'd have to ask the staff to see if you could do it, it might be easier to get a booth in the artist alley than in the dealers room though...dunno why but that's my thinking :wink:
Ideas and Suggestions / Henna at Fanime?
September 30, 2006, 02:42:45 PM
i think you're mixing henna up with tatooing. No needle is involved with henna, just a bit of pacience to let the paste they put on you to dry :D Itjust leaves a stain on your skin the same shape as the design^_^
Registration / About child's reg.
May 06, 2006, 07:38:06 PM
Related to this...

If my younger cousin wants to come,and since I'm over 18, can i be her guardian? Or did this just get answered? Just making sure^^;
Dealers Room / PLUSHIES!!!!
April 28, 2006, 10:00:02 PM
I really want a Black Mokona Plushie from TRC, but i dunno if they make those yet :?  Other than that i want a Jiji Plushie from kiki's delivery service, but chances are i might get one before the con ( if that one store still has it :wink:  )