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Hello friends,

Just wanted to post an update - I'm not entirely sure what the photography situation will be, so if you have a friend available to take photos for you at the gathering, I highly recommend it!

On that note, if you have a pose request that we didn't get to last year, please fill out this pose request form and it will be added to our pose list. Thanks!
This Gathering Includes : Wuthering Waves

Day : TBA
Time : TBA
Location (L) : TBA

Cosplayers :
- Jiyan
- Male Rover
- Jiyan

Legal Statement-Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Photo Order: TBA

Link to other gathering relevant things :
    Discord server
    Facebook page:

News of the gathering:
Yay more Allens! We have a confirmation for 2pm Sunday, at G8. Hope to see you there!
My only vote is for it to be at 2. I'd love to attend, but I'm supposed to be working a booth until 2. I can possibly slip away a bit earlier, but it would be difficult if the gathering is at 1.
I am so upset because you having RWBY start at the same time as Jojo cosplay gathering. I may not be able to go even though I was so prepared to do so.... T_T
Hello the invite link is expired, do you have an updated link? Thank you!
UPDATE: we will now be meeting at 12pm Saturday at meeting place G6! Sorry for the confusion
Let's celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Digimon anime together at Fanime!

Come in your cosplays, or as your wonderful, Digidestined self! Bring your digivices if you have one 🥰 There will be an opportunity for all of us to take a group photo, even if you're not cosplaying!


All Digimon-associated media - mainly focused on the anime seasons, but also welcome games, manga, etc!

Day: Sunday
Time: 4-5pm
Location (L): G5, Art Tree
Meeting Place (MP): @ gathering location

So far we have Hikari Yagami and Angewomon, will update as I hear about more!

Legal Statement-Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Group photo of all cosplayers
Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure and 02
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Tamers
Digimon Frontier
Digimon Savers, Xros Wars, App Monsters
Digimon games, manga, other media
Group photo of everyone who wants to join (Everyone is Digidestined! Bring your digivice / any merch you want to show off!)
All humans (can also split by series)
All digimon (can also split by series)
Human-digimon pairs
Custom pairs


Confirmed date and time!
Time has been updated.
New updated time and location.