Naruto gathering 2006!!! Fanime Staff took my "Countdow

Started by Blue Impulse, May 30, 2005, 04:54:26 PM

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Blue Impulse

0001 Registered User at Fanime 06'


sigh.. con is in like about 3 days and a week and
My freakin' stuff still hasn't come in yet!!!

haha anybody remember the "shiney" sasuke last year who ran up a tree with icha icha? haha that was my costume will be better for the gathering though..

sigh.. still going though :D ... hope to see you all there!!
feh.. nani wo mitsumeteiru darou


HEY GUYS! >:3333 Man this is so freaking sweet! I asked my dad if we could get a Cam-corder to bring to the gathering to film it, and, and, He said no!


He said it's because I already have one. True, but it's shitty. It's a tiny video camera/webcam/regular camera.

Video: Only holds 20 choppy frames smashed together to make a semi-fast slideshow.

Webcam: Oh yeah. I'm SO bring my computer with me ;o

And regluar camera isn't video. It also only holds 20 pics. Crappy ones.

I explained this to him and he said--

Maybe. Only if you get your schoolwork done first.

"Okay, I will! I've gotta get it done anyway to pass into the ninth grade O_o"

AND I QUOTE- 'Damn. I can't believe we've gotta spend another thousand or so dollars on a video camera."

I think it's a yes. >:3 If it's still a maybe I can use the guilt routine of: "It's my first cosplay dad! Come OONNN! You KNOW how important this, as well as Anime in general is to me!"

"Yes I know. It's why you don't get your hmework done D<"

"I do too. o.o How the hell else am I passing into 9th grade?"

"Watch your language or no cosplay D<"

"¬¬ Sorry"

but you get the basica idea. Hehehe. I put Con-Artists to shame.


XD When I have a kid, I'm going to try with every cell in my body to get my kid to like anime and videogames and cosplay.

He should feel lucky!! >:3


i have noticed that being a geek is hereditary

*goes back to watching naruto with dad and working on iruka's costume*

i'mma kick his ass if he dont show

This morning, shortly after eleven o'clock, comedy struck this little house in Dibley. Sudden. Violent. Comedy.

Blue Impulse

You're actually letting your parents blow thousand or so dollars on you...?
0001 Registered User at Fanime 06'

Ayanami Rei First Child

Lucky get to be molested by Orochimaru-sama. *Twitches* Just for that I'll bring my bokken to BEAT you with for being touched by Orochimaru-sama first!! :cry:  :cry:



grrr mask is being troublesome most troublesome

Ayanami Rei First Child

I'm not a fanboy!! I'm a crazed Fan Minion!! Her first and #1 Fan Minion that is! :evil:


sounds like this gathering's going to be interesting...

*packs camera and camcorder
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...


Aw, don't worry Ayanami, I'm sure there's plenty of Orochimaru-sama to go around. *smirks* You know, once he's done playing with our dear Sasu-chan and I'm finished uploading the yaoiliciousness to YouTube (for your viewing pleasure).

Video-camera? I think I can do that for you, Orochi-kun. If not, would mere pictures suffice? I know I have a camera lying around here someplace; not so sure about the video however...

...Of course, you realize I want a piece of Orochimaru-sama as well. As the Alimighty Itachi of Doom, I hereby mandate it.

*indicates above* You can't tease me like that and expect me to remain satisfied.

And Sasuke, by all means, run all you like. It makes the chase that much more interesting.

*grin* I'll see you all at Fanime.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and confirm it.

Ayanami Rei First Child

*Blinks* But aren't you both girls.....?O.o; How is that yaoi?o.O;


Shh><. Let me have my illusion! That's what cosplay's all about, ne?

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and confirm it.

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "Ashadeus"Shh><. Let me have my illusion! That's what cosplay's all about, ne?
*Giggles and smiles* You're funny and rather silly. I can have your delusions....for a price. I want some alone time with Orochimaru-sama!! :twisted:


hopefully hopefully i'll have my camcorder by fanime

This morning, shortly after eleven o'clock, comedy struck this little house in Dibley. Sudden. Violent. Comedy.

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "senritsu"hopefully hopefully i'll have my camcorder by fanime
Yeah you can get stuff of me with Orochimaru-sama and send it to me!! :twisted:


it's almost Fanime time!! i'm so excited! at the moment my Time Jump Ino's skank outfit is....20% done? haha YEA>__< i have the ponytail extension and the under skirt done. but i'm working on my friend's Time Jump Sakura shirt now so Ino can wait.

i think one of my friends is going to be kabuto again, he was the "shameless one".

Anyone planning to do Time Jump Sasuke with his wonderful Fabio shirt?

P.S. Almost 1000 posts O_O wowzers!

Ayanami Rei First Child

Hopefully they'll get to the damned Time Jump in time for Fanime. It sucks only following the fansubs with Fanime so near.  :cry:

Well I hope you get to finish your own costume. If you don't....that would totally suck.

supersaiyan Alex

well i am still trying to decided to cosplay as kakashi again or not because his straps are being a pain right now.