Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!

Started by Blue Impulse, May 29, 2006, 04:16:43 PM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.

Blue Impulse

Well just as last year I decided to start the thread the day after/during Fanime that it ends. 06' Went pretty well though it felt alittle odd, I don't know how many people felt the same but it didn't feel the same as last year. None the less let's get this train on its crash course. With just 367 days left til' Fanime 07'  there is alot of possibilites open. For 07' I am planning to go as either the Kazekage -- pre-Gaarakage -- or as my planned Kisame. Thats right I'm retiring the Dosu costume :( Sorry everyone but after this year it just got too hot for me in there when I almost passed out from heat stroke the second time I figured it was time to give it up.

Thank you to everyone who helped organize things from 06' you know who you are. Rhiannon aka Orchimaru -- Bart Boy -- Sara aka Ino. Thats all I can think of right now, i'm still pretty frazzled from the whole day unwhinding.

Also! Thank you to everyone who went and saw True Naruto Style the Movie. I know I have nothing to do with it, but the guys who made it really appreciate it!
0001 Registered User at Fanime 06'


I agree, it felt less high-energy. And it was smaller! Wierd...

My brother and I will be coming as Sasuke-Itachi again! He's getting a little heavy for me to carry around on my back now, so this time I'll be Anbu Itachi and he'll be not-as-chibi-but-still-small Sasuke, whatever that means to you.



----------------Last Update: May 24, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx, Yukari Kaiba
Akatsuki- nekokazzie's group (most of them. Because Heulangel's too lazy to list them all separately =P)

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Ebisu- senritsu
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan (Time Jump), Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi, Inuashley
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG, *Sesshie's* Nina (Anbu)
Kakuzu- fr33lanc3r
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump), Asa-Taiyo, Garnetstar (Time Jump), Yunri-Chan (chibi)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Orochimaru- Leviathan
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Kintaka
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


Ahh I didn't make it to this year's gathering - actually I did but didn't stay as I'd have liked, since I really just walked by, staring longingly and nearly colliding with several people.

I agree, the group did indeed look a lot smaller than last year's. I mean, you guys actually fit in the fountain area, even at the peak of the gathering o_O

I won't be able to make it to anymore Fanime's (*kicks college scheduling into the dirt*) but I hope you guys keep up the awesomeness that is Naruto gathering!

Ciao, younger people, older people, and same-age-as-I people!
Proud SJSU Spartan - because hell is warmer than San Luis Obispo.
I take random people's AIM sn's and put them on my buddylist.
And then I never talk to them and forget who they are.

Yukari Kaiba

yeah the gathering this year seemed a little smaller than last year, but i still had a lot of fun. next year i dont think i'll be going as Kakashi (im not retiring it though ^^), but i was thinking about maybe going as Haku or Kiba. still too early to decide yet but im considering those two as possibilities ^^
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)

Touya no Miko

Might be Anko again. Everyone loved the giant snake plushie brought with me. :D
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!


this years con was defintly more low key and a bit smaller i was also noticeing alot more single day passes then pre reg badges =/ but i think over all the gathering was a success and the con was loads o fun yaoi night was kinda boaring but over all I loved every sleep deprived minute of it. Back on topic next year i will be anbu again but hopefully my cosplay partner for this year will actualy have his costume so the kakashi iruka anbu pair will be compleat btw i openly blame his Ex for his missing the first 2 days of the con :evil:


Well, then, I probably should start a list so I don't have to look back over a 2648964153246878354154 posts later in the year ^^"

(obviously this list isn't definate, but it's a start =])

-----------------Last Update: May 30, 2006-----------------

Day: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Anko- Touya no Miko
Haku- di3m05
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu)
Kabuto- jess3zor
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaro- KillingYouGuy
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi)
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Blue Impulse - Kazekage or Kisame
Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


Well i enjoyed the gathering this year, yea it was smaller but it had its moments
Hurray for kiba sex train!!!!!!!  i was the one on akamaru and ill have my kiba costume again next year ^^ I CANT WAIT!!!111


The gathering was much fun, yes. ^^ I'll probably be Haku again next year, though with the correct forehead protector. I felt so silly with a Konoha one instead of a mist...

Props to whoever brought the stereo!


This year I'm sticking to easy cosplay... so I'll be Doing my Ino cosplay again next year along with my Siolid Snake Box cosplay XDXD


I am concidering doing the Zabuza cosplay again for next year...this time bigger and better...hmmm...bigger...that will mean a bigger sword...ok...not really bigger...but better. :lol:

"Even a demon can learn to love."


I hope to be able to go as someone from Naruto. Probably Kimimaro, as I'm boney up the yazoo.
I am great! :D


undecided if ill choose another character other then kabuto. Ill just improve the costume i already have, including the hair....

Dont forget your fanny-pack.
My pouch can only hold so much.


I will be there :3
I'll probably be going as long-haired Sakura once again, unless I can somehow get another costume (doubt it, parents already think I have too many, hahaha)
Going as Midna (spoiler version) from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


Wow! It's a complete deja vu! I wonder if you guys will kick me out of the thread for failing last weekend. xD Actually, I did come for one day...but no costume. Hm, would you believe I have as little done now as I did when I first posted oh so long ago? Hm, the dream still lives on I suppose as someday being poor Akamaru plushie is beginning to look so sad....
Not funny...:(


I'll be kakashi again next year! That was so much fun, even though the mask smashed my nose and my feet are still recovering from the sandals. I guess the only good costumes are the painful ones. At least I can breathe again. I might try to do young Kakashi (12) for the gathering with my brother, Obito-kun and I'll try to convince my friend to be Rin! Someone please be a Yondaime! :lol:
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...

Ayanami Rei First Child

I'm just TOTALLY devistated at not getting to meet Orochimaru-sama....that or she was ignoring me which makes me want to cry even more.... :cry:  :cry:

Blue Impulse

Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I'm just TOTALLY devistated at not getting to meet Orochimaru-sama....that or she was ignoring me which makes me want to cry even more.... :cry:  :cry:
you'll live... sorta?
0001 Registered User at Fanime 06'

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "Blue Impulse"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I'm just TOTALLY devistated at not getting to meet Orochimaru-sama....that or she was ignoring me which makes me want to cry even more.... :cry:  :cry:
you'll live... sorta?
*Twitches* It's a TERRIBLE crime! Don't try to minimize my pain!! :cry:  :cry:


I'll probably change it up for next year and am working my hardest to complete my Sasori costume just getting the back piece worked out.

Ayanami:  No worries you'll survive, this year I admit was smaller than last but it was still fun regardless ^^  I kind of wish i had brought the video camera this year since the Night At The Roxbury "Wanna Dance"  Pose would have looked priceless on video.
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