Funny Cosplay Stories, Anyone?

Started by sheikfreak, May 16, 2006, 03:57:43 PM

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Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "Kazuko"x: i accidently complimented a boy cause i thought his outfit was a girl~
Hehehe. Well they may have taken it as a compliment ^^


Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"
Quote from: "sheikfreak"thanks =^-^=
just wait until I get home, Sewing Machine!  :evil: I won't stop until that stupid jounin vest is DONE!
Hehe. Well maybeh we can pose for pictures sometime or something. That'd be funny.

sure. i'll be the only kakashi wearing bells (if no one steals my idea, that is).  :P
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "sheikfreak"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"
Quote from: "sheikfreak"thanks =^-^=
just wait until I get home, Sewing Machine!  :evil: I won't stop until that stupid jounin vest is DONE!
Hehe. Well maybeh we can pose for pictures sometime or something. That'd be funny.

sure. i'll be the only kakashi wearing bells (if no one steals my idea, that is).  :P
Yay ^_^ Sounds like lots of fun ^^


Yay! I finally finished my wig! It looks kinda funky, but it's the best I can do...Next Halloween I'll buy I better one. This time since the costumes are out of season, it was a lot harder to find a decetnt wig. I ended up buy a rocker mullet, chopping it up, and spraypainting it silver (it was dirty blonde to start with). I just hope it lasts through the con. :P
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...


I have 3 stories to tell

Fanime 2005
on the way home, i filled up the tank,
a moogle hat school girl filled up her tank.
the other people sorta just stared

Fanime 2004, my dad picked me, my brother, and my boyfriend (who is now an ex) up.

We were all stubborn and didn't eat any food at fanime, we bought WEAPONS instead. (needless to say, dad was not pleased with my brother or i)

So my dad took us to the mcdonalds in gilroy on the way back from Fanime

the 3 of us were still in COSPLAY and we were VISUAL KEI cosplay too!!!!!

this one african american lady says "lord have mercy!" when she saw the 3 of us enter.
and the mcdonalds people just stared at us.

We thought that was really funny, "GOTHS GO TO MC DONALDS!"

Fanime 2003, after the con, my dad stopped in D and J Hobbies and my mom and i went to the pet store next door and then to this drug store next to the pet store.

THe guy at the register said "hey, its Rinoa!" and i was really happy he reconized the outfit, since the duster wasn't even a "Rinoa Colored" one. it was dark blue with some black contrasts.
Hey, it was my first no budget cosplay that come out of the closet. XD


It's not exactly cosplay, but does anyone remember the WWII veterans reunion at the SJCC during famine 2004? My friend bought a japanese head band, and me who can only read a little kanji, saw the word 'wind'.
Me:  "Hm... wind... kaze... what would include kaz-Uh, *friends name* you might want to take that off!"
Friend: "Why?"
Me: "Because it says Kami Kaze!"
Friend: "OMG! :shock: " *takes off headband*

Yeah, fortunately we reconized it before it was too late.
At my lemonade stand I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote.
Emo Philips


I'm debating whether or not to wear my costume on the train. It'd be really funny, but I'd probably scare people.  :lol:
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...


by the way, does anyone know where to by cheap gauze? That's the only thing I still have to go out and get. Thanx!
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...


I dressed up as Hanatarou from Bleach for Yaoi-con.  My friend was dressed up as a giant Kon.  I was chasing after her to give her a present I bought, but I tripped on my pant leg and fell on the pavement which is a stereotypical Hanatarou moment XD  I almost wished somebody took a picture if it didn't hurt so much :X  I gave up and limped back into the con center.
»Jrock Con »LJ »MySpace »Website


well, I never got around to getting the bells, but the con was still a lot of fun. I got mistaken for a guy a couple times, which was funny, but expected. Those fangirls were hilarious. They tackled me from behind!
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...


I had a group of fangirls follow me around Artist Alley singing One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth's theme song). It was pretty funny.... one of my friends joined in....

~ Gaffer Tape is like the Force. There's a Dark Side and a Light Side and it Holds the Universe Together. ~

Member of Three Dollar Laugh Cosplay


At the Naruto Gathering there was ninja twister. I went up against someone dressed as Rock Lee and lost, but my final pose was me going underneath myself with my hand behind me and my legs in front. I think my ass was sticking high up in the air and the flap of my dress fell forward revealing my shiny green spandex underneath XD How embarassing
Going as Midna (spoiler version) from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


Quote from: "Itamiko"At the Naruto Gathering there was ninja twister. I went up against someone dressed as Rock Lee and lost, but my final pose was me going underneath myself with my hand behind me and my legs in front. I think my ass was sticking high up in the air and the flap of my dress fell forward revealing my shiny green spandex underneath XD How embarassing

The Naruto Gathering was so great! I loved it! I heard about the twister, but I didn't actually get to see that part. :cry:
Down seven, up eight, and still falling...

Ayanami Rei First Child

Mmmm....shiny green spandex! XD


i guess the funniest thing that happened to me was how i met Goofy Style threw my Larc En Ciel box lol. i was in my Daishi Love Is Dead costume awhile holding my huge Larc En Ciel box. i was about to leave the Dealer's room until i heard ''Larc En Ciel!'' from the left. i turned to my left and see the whole Goofy Style group looking at me ( at the time i didn't know they were Goofy Style lol). the drummer (at the time i didn't know he was the drummer) kept on saying Larc En Ciel and i was like ''yea! larc en ciel!!" like i said to everyone else to recognized the box lol. the drummer then came around the booth and started to talk to me. i think he said ''Larc en Ciel daisuki desu ka?'' for a moment i blanked out and he kept on asking again. i guess i didn't react so fast so he said ''do you like Larc En Ciel?'' and i was like ''yea!! i love them!!'' he then started to give me Goofy Style stickers and stuff. i wanted to give them something too so i was like ''wait! i have something for you!'' i dropped my box and as soon as i opened my box, the whole band started to laugh cuz i had sooo much crap in box. i quickly pulled out candy that was meant for a different gathering that i didn't make it to and i handed everyone including the translator. they all said thank you and i shook the drummer's hand and left. after that and seeing them in concert, i hella fell in love with them!! lol my Larc box led me towards a great band!! lol

another story is on sunday, i hell fogot my white gloves for my Daishi costume so my friends and i started to walk to the Crowne Plaza cuz that was the hotel i was staying at. as we're walking, i saw a bunch of ninjas in a green car and i yelled out with my arms in the air ''NINJAS! COME BACK!'' and they drove off. i didn't think they would come back but then the car came back in reverse and the ninja car stopped near us! they yelled out ''MORTAL COMBAT!'' or at least i think that's what they yelled out lol. i took they're pic and went off to my hotel. omg... the ninjas at fanime were sooo random... but great!! lol

another story is on friday night, after going to the dance, my friends and i hella just sat in the hallway in the lobby cuz we were hella tired. then i see hella ninjas run by and i yelled out ''NINJA!!'' they then turned around and hella jumped onto my friend, pulled out a camera, and yelled out ''MYSPACE!!'' lol omg... that was soo funny... lol


Quote from: "D_Hime"another story is on friday night, after going to the dance, my friends and i hella just sat in the hallway in the lobby cuz we were hella tired. then i see hella ninjas run by and i yelled out ''NINJA!!'' they then turned around and hella jumped onto my friend, pulled out a camera, and yelled out ''MYSPACE!!'' lol omg... that was soo funny... lol
Haha! My friends and I were visited by the Myspace ninjas sometime during the con too!


Hey D_Hime the ninja's in the green car that yelled out mortal combat were me and my 2 friends ^_^ Do you have that picture on a website i so want to see it you took our pictures again later right?


well, me and my best friend went as L and Raito, and we had to go to the bathroom, but when we walked out of the bathroom, handcuffed to eachother, she turned to me and goes "I bet this looks weird..." I wish I had a picture of it, lol

oh! and another was when she stole my death note note book... we must've spun around for 5 minutes before I finally got it back. :D


Quote from: "Dyon"Hey D_Hime the ninja's in the green car that yelled out mortal combat were me and my 2 friends ^_^ Do you have that picture on a website i so want to see it you took our pictures again later right?

sure! here's the site:

the car pic is on page 13 and the other one is on page 14. you guys are awsome!! i hope i see you next year!! ^_^


w00t!! Thanks ^_^ my mask was all messed up in that pic on 14 though =( i was one in all black. I'll definately be coming next year though i dont know about my friend he did not like the con all that much.. I loved it though ^_^