2007 Masquerade News

Started by angeljibrille, June 08, 2006, 12:32:02 PM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


05/23/07: No longer answering messages

Hi all, I am leaving for the convention tomorrow morning. See you there for checkin on Friday & Saturday in SJCC D!

05/20/07: Online Registration CLOSED

#1. Have you already registered? If so.... check this page:

If you are under "Fully Registered Groups" -- you are IN!

Now you just need to check in at the convention on Friday or Saturday. Please see here for locations and hours:

#2. If your group is listed as a "PROBLEM" group -- YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED. There is something horribly wrong with your entry. You didn't fix it within the time limit, so if you still want to be in the Masquerade, you need to check in at the Masquerade Registration desk at the convention (see timeline click here).

We are still accepting Registration at the convention... sometimes spaces open up :) You can get a spot even if you are not on the waiting list if you are lucky.[/b]

See you all at con. I probably won't be answering many e-mails or posts, and I will be onsite on Thursday -- you can find me helping run the Swap meet.

Many thanks,


Hi everyone! Confirmation E-mails have been sent out. If you are in the "Fully Registered Groups" section you should have received an e-mail. If you did NOT receive an e-mail, please PM me and I will PM the e-mail to you.Registered groups listed here.

Yes, when you edit your group, your time of registration changes. However, this does not affect your registration as long as you are on the "Fully Registered Groups" list. Remember, the group numbers are not going to be your actual spots for Masquerade.

I will be taking "Emergency Judging" (for Sunday) requests up until May 21.

If you are listed as a "PROBLEM" group this is because:
1. You didn't ever add any group information
2. Your information doesn't make any sense
3. Your entry looks fake
4. You registered as a walk-on and then said "no" for craftsmanship. You are required to do Craftsmanship judging if you are a walk-on.
5. You can fix all of this by editing your entry ASAP.

Thanks :)

04/24/07: SORRY!!!!! *grovels*

I'm super sorry, we had a family emergency and I have been out of town pretty much constantly since Easter. I was down in LA -_- and had extremely limited computer access.

Anyway, the Masquerade Registration List has been UPDATED!!!!

If you have a "PROBLEM" next to your name, it means that you didn't fill out your entry completely. Don't worry, you still have a spot as long as your entry checks out properly after it is fixed.

I am terribly behind on Forums and E-mail, but I figured that the most important thing was to get the list up to date. I will be answering forum messages and e-mails over the next few days.

MANY thanks for your patience, and sorry to disappear :-(


Hi everyone,

You can either PM me here or or e-mail me at [email protected]



View Registered Groups

03/31/07: Reminder about Registration
Hi all, just a reminder that registration opens TOMORROW April 1 (not today!) at 11:59pm PST. Not an April Fool's Joke either ^_^..

If for some reason the link doesn't appear on the web site, please check here as I will post a link directly to registration the moment it is live.


03/20/07: TECHNICAL Updates

Well, I met extensively with the San Jose Facility managers as well as FanimeCon staff this weekend, and I have a few answers to questions people have been asking.

I know that several people are going to be disappointed by this, but we will have no video projection screen this year. Both myself and Jason, the Programming Director, offer our sincere apologies about this step backwards. Unfortunately, with our limited budget and the particular rules set up by the Center for Performing Arts... the cost to have the screen is unteneble for FanimeCon to provide this service this year. We did everything we could to try to fix this situation (and have been trying to fix it for quite some time now) but it ended up being impossible. I'm very sorry.

Unfortunately, we will also not be able to provide a spotlight or "extra podiums" either.

We will have:
- 4 wireless mics for vocal performances (singing) or Improv (Comedy) only. All plays / skits need to be pre-recorded (we offer services for this at the con if you don't have the ability to pre-record your skit).
- Ability to start dark, fade in, fade out. Basic option is "Lights always on".
- 6 chairs and 1 table that can be used for skits.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Our rooms have been decided (yes, I need to update the web site) but:
Masquerade Registration will be in SJCC Room D

and.... Masquerade Practice Room SJCC Room E

GREAT NEWS!! We are going to have a "practice" room this year :) !! The room will be located right next to the Masquerade Registion. You can bring your group and your music and practice in the room, hang out with fellow Masquerade contestants while wating for judging, or even come in with your sewing kit and spend some time on those last-minute details on your costume.

Click here to see the map (the rooms are on the left side of the Exhibit Level)

Masquerade Guidelines are UP!! 03/12/07

Masquerade registration opens on April 1, 2007 at 11:59pm.

The Masquerade is going to be in a NEW LOCATION this year, the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts.

Map to the Center for Performing Arts

Feel free to post GENERAL questions here, but send me super specific stuff via e-mail or PM.

Thanks everyone!

FanimeCon Masquerade Coordinator[/url]


Miss Goku

Umm I was wondering if you could tell me how to sign up and what we need to do to sign up? :D


Quote from: "Miss Goku"Umm I was wondering if you could tell me how to sign up and what we need to do to sign up? :D

Rules and such will be posted on March 1st, Signup starts on April 1st! I will post information closer to the date. Thanks :)

Fanime Masquerade Coordinator


Quote from: "angeljibrille"
The Masquerade is going to be in a NEW LOCATION this year, TBA, but I think you are going to be happy and amazed. I'm just warning you in advance so you don't plan your whooooooooole skit around the old theater.

Uh-oh!!! Should we be worried??? I loved Theater, great stage and all...I have no idea where else could masq be!!!

Sunara Ishi

Quote from: "LunaNeko"
Uh-oh!!! Should we be worried??? I loved Theater, great stage and all...I have no idea where else could masq be!!!
Nah. Don't be. Its a great place. I performed there before.

Hohoho~ I'm not telling how I know...~ I won't tell any further since it seems they want it a secret. I don't blame them. >.<
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


aww i wanna know!!! when will the word be let out on the location?
++ Visit my cosplay website below ++
++ http://www.eternaldaydream.com ++


Maybe it's the OTHER theatre?


Quote from: "bahamutknightzero"Maybe it's the OTHER theatre?

There is OTHER theater???

I am so lame, I don't know anything about this location.


Maybe the Montgomery (sp?) Theater? Thats pretty much NEXT TO the Civic Auditorium, am I right?
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


The Montgomery is about a block away from the Civic Auditorium


From previous photo shoots I know of a couple in the area:

There is the California Theater on South First Street that sits about a thousand people. There is the Parkside Hall on Park Avenue that could seat about 2,000 people. The Montgomery Theater on South Market Street next to the Civic Auditorium only seats about 600 people so I doubt it would be there. There is the Center for Performing Arts on Almaden Blvd. that seats over 2,500 people. The Civic Auditorium seats 3,000.

California Theater:
Pros~ Would seat the 2,000+ Cosplay/Masquerade attendees.
Cons~ Cost could be an issue, but more of the equipment needed to run the Cosplay/Masquerade would be onsite and available. The location is not that convenient.

Parkside Hall:
Pros~ Could give enough seating for the Cosplay/Masquerade.
Cons~ Attendees of the event might not be able to find its location. Event Room type seating with folding chairs. Cost could be an issue, especially if the venue doesn't have staging and equipment required.

Montgomery Theater:
Pros~ Right across the street from the convention center.
Cons~ To small of venue for the Cosplay/Masquerade.

Center for Performing Arts:
Pros~ Large enough venue with needed equipment. Easy to locate even if it is off site of the convention center and a simple map in the registration bags could facilitate the attendees finding it.
Cons~ The location is down the street on the corner, about two blocks away. Costs could be a factor. Handicapped attendee's may find it more inconvenient for them and choose not to attend.

Civic Auditorium:
Pros~ Located right across the street from the convention center.
Cons~ Total cost could be a factor. Wanting to enlarge another Fanime event could be a factor.

Convention Center:
Pros~ Onsite location with easy access and attendees would not have to deal with traffic.
Cons~ Would mean shuffling around other event areas. Could limit the space needed for a different event area. Attendee line could congest the concourse and prove a difficulty. Event Room type seating with folding chairs. Cost could be an issue, especially if the venue doesn't have staging and equipment required.

With all this information, my bet would be on either the Convention Center or the Center for Performing Arts.

Just my opinion ^^)
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


What day is the masquerade gonna be on this year?


Wow thats pretty information- thanks i think thats awesome!

The only thing I end up asking each year is about the demensions of the stage and what boundaries we have. Where are the exits or what sort of curtains are there. Most of the groups I involve myself in have choreography that is effected by the stages size. Since we start no later than 6 months in advance, if that informatin can be relayed, it would be VERY helpful!


Miss Goku

Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "Miss Goku"Umm I was wondering if you could tell me how to sign up and what we need to do to sign up? :D

Rules and such will be posted on March 1st, Signup starts on April 1st! I will post information closer to the date. Thanks :)

Fanime Masquerade Coordinator

Thanksyou for replying to me. This really helps ^__^>

Miss Goku

Hey I also had a question about lanuage that we can and cant use in the skits... Like bad words or profanities.


Quote from: "Miss Goku"Hey I also had a question about lanuage that we can and cant use in the skits... Like bad words or profanities.

probably not too much, if at all....remember, fanime = family friendly  :)
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Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but I thought the Masq. rules were going to be posted on March 1st?

I'm trying to get a skit together but if it DOES work out it would be my first time doing one, so I'm not sure what the rules are or where I should be looking for them. I tried the Fanime homepage and I didn't see any posted here yet? But maybe this isn't the right spot for them?


If my group works out, I should be in the masq again this year. I loved how it was ran last year, too!! ^_^v

Anyone remember about what time the masq participants had to be there last year? I'm trying to figure out how late I can wear my non-masq cosplay before it's too late...
~ don't dream it, be it ~

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Hey everyone ^_^/~

I -did- submit the Masq pages, and the web staff is currently working on converting them into the Fanime Template. They should be up in the next couple of days. I'm sorry for the delay!

Marisa :)