Lolita Ouji Picnic 2008- Please sign up this year!-POTLUCK

Started by Lizchan33, November 08, 2007, 12:13:40 AM

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so many posts... so many views... I wonder if a lot of people will bring stuff this year...


I MIGHT be coming >.< Depending on how my budget works out. . . punch me up on the "maybe" list xD;
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Okay you may have to change me to the maybe list...Not sure. I really wanna go though....


Quote from: Ari on March 25, 2008, 05:08:15 PM
Okay you may have to change me to the maybe list...Not sure. I really wanna go though....
Awwwww I hope you still can.

I'll put you on there then.


Sorry to cancel on you, but the An Cafe concert is sunday and I don't want to be wearing lolita during it ;3;
Have fun though~!


I might (more likely yes than no) be there with a couple of non-forum friends. ^^
Question: How will everything be set up? Is it like a bring your own lunch thing or a potluck-like thing?


Quote from: Rei-Rei on April 06, 2008, 04:37:12 PM
I might (more likely yes than no) be there with a couple of non-forum friends. ^^
Question: How will everything be set up? Is it like a bring your own lunch thing or a potluck-like thing?
It's meant to be more like a pot luck because I am not rich enough to bring as much as I did last year and got a small amount of donations for it v__v


Hello, I had posted about wanting to come to the gathering on (Wintermoonsnow). So here I am again to say I'd like to come so please put me on the list (if you're making a list). Thanks ^_^


Quote from: Megumi on April 08, 2008, 05:31:06 PM
Hello, I had posted about wanting to come to the gathering on (Wintermoonsnow). So here I am again to say I'd like to come so please put me on the list (if you're making a list). Thanks ^_^
Of course of course!!!!


hallooooo~ :]

it's my first fanime (1st time being up in norcal in time for it) and i'd really like to join the gathering~! (so cool!<3)

i'll try and bring some snacks or something, but no guarantees >___<;; sorry la~ D:

it's seems like it's going to be so much fun meeting everyone! ^^


Quote from: shinigamitsunami on April 14, 2008, 11:19:43 PM
hallooooo~ :]

it's my first fanime (1st time being up in norcal in time for it) and i'd really like to join the gathering~! (so cool!<3)

i'll try and bring some snacks or something, but no guarantees >___<;; sorry la~ D:

it's seems like it's going to be so much fun meeting everyone! ^^


I will most likely be coming!! This is gonna be my first anime con and Lolita meetup, I'm so excited!   :D


I think you should make a post about this on the Lj community egl, because a lot of us over there don't know any specifics about this event and many of us would like to go!

Please add me to the list, as well as one guest. :)


I'll be there and I'm bringing my husband (who even promissed to dress up, woot). We plan on making cupcakes, tea sanwhiches and bringing a blanket or two. Is there anything else you can think of that we should bring?

The shady area outside seems like a nicer location that inside on the convention center floor.

A small suggestion: you might want to think about making it clear in your first post that it's a pot luck and you want people to bring stuff because right now you only know that if you read all the comments and people are lazy sometime and don't seem to bother with them.

I'd also like to second hazelasher's suggestion about LJ. You might want to post about it over on egl and/or ca_egl because people over there have been asking about fanime a lot recently and even specifically about your picnic.


Egl Requires that you don't double post stuff so I was waiting until May, I plan on posting it tomorrow actually since it will offically be May. Thanks for reminding me still though!
I'll also update the first post as well.


What is everyone wearing??

I'll be in kodona! ^_^ Even though I'm supposed to be getting this all black BABY jsk in like a week...^^;.


Quote from: Lizchan33 on April 08, 2008, 11:50:28 PM
Quote from: Megumi on April 08, 2008, 05:31:06 PM
Hello, I had posted about wanting to come to the gathering on (Wintermoonsnow). So here I am again to say I'd like to come so please put me on the list (if you're making a list). Thanks ^_^
Of course of course!!!!

I don't see my name on the list. :( I want to make sure you know that I'm still attending! Wintermoonsnow. Please add my name to the list if you can! Thanks! ^_^


I've been meaning to go and never get around to posting.

I'll try my hardest this year!

Put me down as a maybe, pretty please? :3 I'll bring... SOMETHING DELICIOIUS.
>___<; My head's going to explode if I don't get some help on my costume!

Touya no Miko

Waaah, my dress hasn't arrived yet and it's been almost 30 days. I hope it comes in on time, or I'll have to use my kodana from last year.
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!