Bleach Gathering 2009!

Started by Yukari Kaiba, June 19, 2008, 06:38:00 PM

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.

How did you like 2008's gathering?

awesome! :D
34 (36.2%)
alright :/
10 (10.6%)
it failed DX
1 (1.1%)
didn't go
49 (52.1%)

Total Members Voted: 88


I believe I'll be doing Toushirou. :D He reminds me of Ed.
"Don't give me any orders."


their attitudes are truely similar, i mean compare the terms "shrimp, shortstuff, etc" with "shiro", whitey-chan sure must dispise us Ukitakes by nao :3
Fanime Rovers Department 2nd - Ku

Dragon Ninja

I read that the 2 of them are voiced by the same Japanese VA.

Fanime 2013:
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
The 9th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Downloads & Fansubs are evil. Support the Anime industry. Buy DVDs NOW


Yes, they are: Paku Romi-san. :)
"Don't give me any orders."

Yukari Kaiba

Quote from: Edward Elric on July 20, 2008, 11:00:00 PM
I believe I'll be doing Toushirou. :D He reminds me of Ed.

welcome to the group ^^ ill go and add you to the list
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Quote from: Yukari Kaiba on July 21, 2008, 09:01:08 AMwelcome to the group ^^ ill go and add you to the list

Thanks. :D I'm looking forward to doing the tenth captain.
"Don't give me any orders."


Quote from: Kanzake on July 20, 2008, 11:26:20 PM
their attitudes are truely similar, i mean compare the terms "shrimp, shortstuff, etc" with "shiro", whitey-chan sure must dispise us Ukitakes by nao :3

Maan why did you have to say that? Now I don't like Toushiro as much.

I just got back from class. Damn am I tired. Last night was a very late night. My friends and I were in a parade in costume.

The parade was A LOT of fun even. I kept yelling at everyone in military terms when they got out of formation and physically dragged the Narutards back in line because they kept running out in front of everyone.

Once I got bored with that I grade Byakuyas scarf with my teeth and started pulling on it. I don't know who it was but from somewhere behind me I heard " In soviet Russia dog leads you!"

I wasn't there but according to my friend when she asked him what happened to his scarf he replied " My dog bit me" >_<

After that everyone came up to my place and we hung out in the court yard. It's a shame, we don't  get many nights like that.

Right. Now...back to midterms.


Quote from: Kanzake on July 20, 2008, 11:26:20 PM
their attitudes are truely similar, i mean compare the terms "shrimp, shortstuff, etc" with "shiro", whitey-chan sure must dispise us Ukitakes by nao :3

I agree their attitudes are similar.  I have experience because I cosplay both Edward and Hitsugaya.  Edward photo by Kimu ^__^


More Shiro-chan!!!

This makes Santa-san happy.

Good luck with midterms, Yuu. You...Renji dog you!!!


ere's so many things I wanna try for next year. = 3

What I really wanna do is bring a louder CD Player. = 3 I'll have to put that on my to-do list.
(>*0*)>Cosplays for 2010:<(*3*<)
{Soul Eater}-Mira Nygus
{Naruto Shippuuden}-7th Tailed (Shichibi)
{Bleach}- (Pendulum Arc) Yoruichi
{Teen Titans}- Bumble Bee
{Left for Dead 2}- Rochelle


Quote from: kimu on July 21, 2008, 11:54:37 PM
More Shiro-chan!!!

This makes Santa-san happy.

Good luck with midterms, Yuu. You...Renji dog you!!!

Well this 'dog' has her midterms all finished. I just hope I do alright.

I went into the class with..the wrong idea. ( Ouch, my pride. It hurts bad)
If I've learned anything it's that Law has very little to do with 'legal' and 'illegal'

But that's alright! I can adapt! * Sulks away with tail between her legs*

Aaanyway, I'm hoping to get some of the pictures up in case anyone is interested. There were a few good bleach costumes. Mostly Naruto >>


"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"



Now that I think about it Toshiro and Ed are rather similiar, but in my mind I see them as such opposies too. @.@
Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


Quote from: MidnightRosebud on July 22, 2008, 08:20:22 AM
Now that I think about it Toshiro and Ed are rather similiar, but in my mind I see them as such opposies too. @.@

Perhaps slightly..the one major difference being that Hitsugaya owns the hell out of Ed.


I don't know >.<  Edward can transmute Hitsugaya's sword to a stuffed toy dragon.  Game over, man, game over.

Hitsugaya is shorter than Edward.  Hitsugaya is 4' 3" and Edward is 4' 11" his shortest.  I confirm looking at the mangas.


Also, Hitsugaya is more just plain scowly.  Ed flails.  :D
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Hitsugaya also knows kido or sorts so who knows XP
"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"



 And threes the fact that Hitsugaya is already dead, and to get in a fight with Ed in the real world and would need a gigai and.. i think if they're injured or killed, I think the shinigami just has no physical body.

Wait a minute..false bodies for housing spirits? Little whiny short kid  who wants to bring his brother back to the physical world?

In the end Ed would pay Hitsuagaya an exorbitant amount of watermelon for the secret of 'gigai' in which case Hitsugaya would be convicted with high treason and Ed as an accomplice. hen they'd both be dead ( Hitsugaya x2)
Problem solved. XD


Quote from: Yuu on July 22, 2008, 05:02:01 PM
And threes the fact that Hitsugaya is already dead, and to get in a fight with Ed in the real world and would need a gigai and.. i think if they're injured or killed, I think the shinigami just has no physical body.

Wait a minute..false bodies for housing spirits? Little whiny short kid  who wants to bring his brother back to the physical world?

In the end Ed would pay Hitsuagaya an exorbitant amount of watermelon for the secret of 'gigai' in which case Hitsugaya would be convicted with high treason and Ed as an accomplice. hen they'd both be dead ( Hitsugaya x2)
Problem solved. XD
But I like Toshiro Hisugaya. He's one of my favorite characters. ;.;
Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


Quote from: ININ on July 22, 2008, 03:16:29 PM
I don't know >.<  Edward can transmute Hitsugaya's sword to a stuffed toy dragon.  Game over, man, game over.

Hitsugaya is shorter than Edward.  Hitsugaya is 4' 3" and Edward is 4' 11" his shortest.  I confirm looking at the mangas.

Well Hitsugaya would win cause he's already dead. =3 d(*o*)>

can't win over the dead XD.
(>*0*)>Cosplays for 2010:<(*3*<)
{Soul Eater}-Mira Nygus
{Naruto Shippuuden}-7th Tailed (Shichibi)
{Bleach}- (Pendulum Arc) Yoruichi
{Teen Titans}- Bumble Bee
{Left for Dead 2}- Rochelle