2008 OLYMPICS!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Started by Silent One, August 03, 2008, 02:22:51 AM

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Quote from: JTchinoy on August 06, 2008, 04:50:15 PM
Well communism gets to control.... well... everything.
It's nothing new that their internet is controlled, but to ban an OLYMPIC athlete?! COME ON!!
Still watching the games regardless. XP

China....COMMUNIST?!?! What's with all the private ownership and free market reforms? You might wanna gain a better understanding of communism before you start labeling countries as communist...


Quote from: otakuapprentice on August 07, 2008, 07:13:27 PM
as soon as they said china was hosting 4 years ago, shit instantly went down the drain.
7 years ago.  :) and i don't think it'll be shit.

and aznmagic, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_China
says communism is the ruling political party of china.  care to elaborate? ^_^ IIRC, it's because of communist rule that the government was able to enforce all of the pollution regulations in beijing.  they shut down the factories, forced taxi drivers to learn SOME english, and banned half the cars on the road.  That's not something a democratic government could do so easily, if im not mistaken.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X

Silent One

Quote from: Kaura117 on August 07, 2008, 02:51:04 PM
I'm blaming the Olympic committee for allowing China to host the games in the first place. Things haven't really begun yet, and you can already smell the stink of failure from this side of the Pacific.

And new government my virginal asshole, Silent One. Drawing a comparison between the "Communist" government and early US history is by far the most illiterate reading I've ever seen of both country's mutual histories. It took a little more than seven years before the inherent problems with the Articles of Confederation were recognized and summarily replaced- in an era where the fastest communication possible between states was the running speed of a good horse. The inherent problems of a totalitarian kleptocracy that's lasted over fifty years now? Not so willingly budged.

Edit: And this is disregarding the absolute idiocy and logical fallacy in attempting to justify one nation's atrocities by claiming that others are doing the same or worse. Britain's CCTV system isn't China's deprivation of its citizen's privacy. China's jailing and murder of political dissidents isn't the USA's disenfranchisement of minority groups. Stop with the fuckawful dimwitted comparisons and take a damn good look at what your nation really is, not what it is in comparison to others.

OMGEdit: And FINALLY, to put the fucking nail on the fucking coffin, the Confucian ethic of unquestioning loyalty to a caste heirarchy has been the cause of countless moments of catastrophic stupidity, malice and general incompetence. In this, it has many similarities with hindu, shinto, and judeochristianity.

You're not any worse than the rest of us. You're just as fucking bad.

Look, you can disagree with me and all that but there is one thing that I DO NOT tolerate. That is, you flaming at me like hell. What the DO you know about China besides what is told on the media and US history books? For your information, I look into both sides of the issue and love having a Chinese ethnicity and being part of the US culture. Besides, the way I look at this, having the Olympics at China is very beneficial. The one I am mainly focused on is that having the Olympics will allow people to understand what is going on inside China while, at the same time, have China undergo a major chance both politically and socially. Second, I DO dare to compare with America with China because they do have some similarities. Both their governments are constantly evolving by getting rid of the bad aspects. True there are still plenty of negativity in China but think about it. Only after 200+ years before America finally reaches its current state. e.g. no more slavery and almost-full equality. Right now, China's government is much less than 100 years old. So if you think about it within your VERY narrow-minded/dim-witted head of yours, China is still very young. I can ramble about for countless hours on this subject, but I will not because I see it is pointless to argue with an immature child. By the way, even some of my VERY Democratic friends think China is progressing and slowly becoming like America.

To those who are reading this response:

I am very sorry for you to see this. I hope we can learn from this and argue respectfully. I do not mind if you disagree with me to the point where you want to erradicate me completely from the face of the earth. However, I just do not want to see threats or flaming because it is both disrespectful and low-class. Second, there ARE young children who do go to Fanime and use these fourms. Aside from this, the Olympics are only hours away!!! Please watch it from the links provided. The time it starts is 5:00am (-8:00GMT) or somewhere around that time on Friday 8/8/08. The funny thing is, "eight" in Chinese culture symbolizes luck, wealth, or something like that. So 8/8/08 is like "777" in American culture. Big coincidence huh? XD

Silent One

A little note:

To those who are reading this, I do not mind if you put "FREE TIBET", "China shouldn't have the Olympics", etc. all over this post. I am actually quite fine with it. In fact, I am actually very open-minded about almost everything. However, you do have to at least support your reasons and claims or else I just think you are just jumping the bandwagon or something. Also, please no flaming or threats on this. I already recieved one as you can see and I am not very happy with it.


what channels are covering the opening??

its not showing until 730pm today, bullshit.  :( i have jetlag and nothing to watch!!

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Quote from: JTchinoy on August 08, 2008, 05:18:09 AM
what channels are covering the opening??

its not showing until 730pm today, bullshit.  :( i have jetlag and nothing to watch!!
Once again Epic Fail on the part of NBC.  They could be showing the opening ceremonies live right now, but decided to delay them as they did for the Sidney games in  2000.  NBC's Olympic coverage has always sucked.


Quote from: JTchinoy on August 08, 2008, 03:10:57 AM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on August 07, 2008, 07:13:27 PM
as soon as they said china was hosting 4 years ago, shit instantly went down the drain.
7 years ago.  :) and i don't think it'll be shit.

and aznmagic, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_China
says communism is the ruling political party of china.  care to elaborate? ^_^ IIRC, it's because of communist rule that the government was able to enforce all of the pollution regulations in beijing.  they shut down the factories, forced taxi drivers to learn SOME english, and banned half the cars on the road.  That's not something a democratic government could do so easily, if im not mistaken.

You need to take plsc101 man. China is Communist IN NAME ONLY. Cmon...free market reforms, private ownership of property and cancellation of government quotas in most products. Hell, North Korea calls itself Democratic People's Republic of Korea. I dunno bout you...but they don't seem very democratic. Names are tricky like that...


Quote from: Silent One on August 08, 2008, 03:19:48 AM
Quote from: Kaura117 on August 07, 2008, 02:51:04 PM
I'm blaming the Olympic committee for allowing China to host the games in the first place. Things haven't really begun yet, and you can already smell the stink of failure from this side of the Pacific.

And new government my virginal asshole, Silent One. Drawing a comparison between the "Communist" government and early US history is by far the most illiterate reading I've ever seen of both country's mutual histories. It took a little more than seven years before the inherent problems with the Articles of Confederation were recognized and summarily replaced- in an era where the fastest communication possible between states was the running speed of a good horse. The inherent problems of a totalitarian kleptocracy that's lasted over fifty years now? Not so willingly budged.

Edit: And this is disregarding the absolute idiocy and logical fallacy in attempting to justify one nation's atrocities by claiming that others are doing the same or worse. Britain's CCTV system isn't China's deprivation of its citizen's privacy. China's jailing and murder of political dissidents isn't the USA's disenfranchisement of minority groups. Stop with the fuckawful dimwitted comparisons and take a damn good look at what your nation really is, not what it is in comparison to others.

OMGEdit: And FINALLY, to put the fucking nail on the fucking coffin, the Confucian ethic of unquestioning loyalty to a caste heirarchy has been the cause of countless moments of catastrophic stupidity, malice and general incompetence. In this, it has many similarities with hindu, shinto, and judeochristianity.

You're not any worse than the rest of us. You're just as fucking bad.

Look, you can disagree with me and all that but there is one thing that I DO NOT tolerate. That is, you flaming at me like hell. What the DO you know about China besides what is told on the media and US history books? For your information, I look into both sides of the issue and love having a Chinese ethnicity and being part of the US culture. Besides, the way I look at this, having the Olympics at China is very beneficial. The one I am mainly focused on is that having the Olympics will allow people to understand what is going on inside China while, at the same time, have China undergo a major chance both politically and socially. Second, I DO dare to compare with America with China because they do have some similarities. Both their governments are constantly evolving by getting rid of the bad aspects. True there are still plenty of negativity in China but think about it. Only after 200+ years before America finally reaches its current state. e.g. no more slavery and almost-full equality. Right now, China's government is much less than 100 years old. So if you think about it within your VERY narrow-minded/dim-witted head of yours, China is still very young. I can ramble about for countless hours on this subject, but I will not because I see it is pointless to argue with an immature child. By the way, even some of my VERY Democratic friends think China is progressing and slowly becoming like America.

To those who are reading this response:

I am very sorry for you to see this. I hope we can learn from this and argue respectfully. I do not mind if you disagree with me to the point where you want to erradicate me completely from the face of the earth. However, I just do not want to see threats or flaming because it is both disrespectful and low-class. Second, there ARE young children who do go to Fanime and use these fourms. Aside from this, the Olympics are only hours away!!! Please watch it from the links provided. The time it starts is 5:00am (-8:00GMT) or somewhere around that time on Friday 8/8/08. The funny thing is, "eight" in Chinese culture symbolizes luck, wealth, or something like that. So 8/8/08 is like "777" in American culture. Big coincidence huh? XD

What I know about China is what I learned first-hand, boyo. And second-hand, from a friend who spent a year, last year, teaching in that dense morass of degenerate corruption and general humiliation deep within the countryside's education system. What I learned isn't from the glossy magazine-cover streets of downtown Shanghai or Beijing, but from the impoverished former factory worker with both legs shorn off and cauterized, "walking" painfully with his hands down the street. What I learned is the destitute poverty of a twelve year old boy abandoned in dirty, ragged clothes off the streetside, crying for parents that he won't see again. What I learned is that the Triad-run black market is thriving more than ever in Hainan, foreign students in Shanghai either go with a bodyguard or risk maiming just to get from home to school, and the Chinese infrastructure's so ineptly scheduled that there are brand-spanking new power plants out there sitting idle for weeks at a time because there isn't enough fuel to go around.

What I see is a US where the main political conflict is how to help the nation get better. What I see is a China where the main political conflict is whether or not people making less than middle-class wages can even be considered human! The social change in the US is that of democratic process, change brought about by dialogue and general consensus- at local, at regional, at state and at national levels. If things piss us, off, we vote the bastards out of office and tell the other guy that he, too, is expendable. The social change in China is a dozen, a hundred, a thousand small, desperate revolutions trying to get Da Ge to stop fondling its pocketbook for once and pay at least a little attention to them- or at least to tell its regional representatives to stop blatantly abusing their offices for personal gain.

You'd be even more naive than you look if you think for a second that the PRC is treating the Olympics as anything more than an engine of political- and economic- propaganda. Luckily for us that actually cares about the state of the human species, the Great Firewall has proven on more than one occasion that, when information is concerned, all it takes is a single drop to cause a flood.

Jumping the bandwagon my shaven ass.


has anyone been to china recently?

i havent, i hear their chinese food is very authentic.

and the great wall is big.... so big that i think you can see if from space.

but what do i know?. :P
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

Silent One

Quote from: Kaura117 on August 08, 2008, 11:50:29 AM
Quote from: Silent One on August 08, 2008, 03:19:48 AM
Quote from: Kaura117 on August 07, 2008, 02:51:04 PM
I'm blaming the Olympic committee for allowing China to host the games in the first place. Things haven't really begun yet, and you can already smell the stink of failure from this side of the Pacific.

And new government my virginal asshole, Silent One. Drawing a comparison between the "Communist" government and early US history is by far the most illiterate reading I've ever seen of both country's mutual histories. It took a little more than seven years before the inherent problems with the Articles of Confederation were recognized and summarily replaced- in an era where the fastest communication possible between states was the running speed of a good horse. The inherent problems of a totalitarian kleptocracy that's lasted over fifty years now? Not so willingly budged.

Edit: And this is disregarding the absolute idiocy and logical fallacy in attempting to justify one nation's atrocities by claiming that others are doing the same or worse. Britain's CCTV system isn't China's deprivation of its citizen's privacy. China's jailing and murder of political dissidents isn't the USA's disenfranchisement of minority groups. Stop with the fuckawful dimwitted comparisons and take a damn good look at what your nation really is, not what it is in comparison to others.

OMGEdit: And FINALLY, to put the fucking nail on the fucking coffin, the Confucian ethic of unquestioning loyalty to a caste heirarchy has been the cause of countless moments of catastrophic stupidity, malice and general incompetence. In this, it has many similarities with hindu, shinto, and judeochristianity.

You're not any worse than the rest of us. You're just as fucking bad.

Look, you can disagree with me and all that but there is one thing that I DO NOT tolerate. That is, you flaming at me like hell. What the DO you know about China besides what is told on the media and US history books? For your information, I look into both sides of the issue and love having a Chinese ethnicity and being part of the US culture. Besides, the way I look at this, having the Olympics at China is very beneficial. The one I am mainly focused on is that having the Olympics will allow people to understand what is going on inside China while, at the same time, have China undergo a major chance both politically and socially. Second, I DO dare to compare with America with China because they do have some similarities. Both their governments are constantly evolving by getting rid of the bad aspects. True there are still plenty of negativity in China but think about it. Only after 200+ years before America finally reaches its current state. e.g. no more slavery and almost-full equality. Right now, China's government is much less than 100 years old. So if you think about it within your VERY narrow-minded/dim-witted head of yours, China is still very young. I can ramble about for countless hours on this subject, but I will not because I see it is pointless to argue with an immature child. By the way, even some of my VERY Democratic friends think China is progressing and slowly becoming like America.

To those who are reading this response:

I am very sorry for you to see this. I hope we can learn from this and argue respectfully. I do not mind if you disagree with me to the point where you want to erradicate me completely from the face of the earth. However, I just do not want to see threats or flaming because it is both disrespectful and low-class. Second, there ARE young children who do go to Fanime and use these fourms. Aside from this, the Olympics are only hours away!!! Please watch it from the links provided. The time it starts is 5:00am (-8:00GMT) or somewhere around that time on Friday 8/8/08. The funny thing is, "eight" in Chinese culture symbolizes luck, wealth, or something like that. So 8/8/08 is like "777" in American culture. Big coincidence huh? XD

What I know about China is what I learned first-hand, boyo. And second-hand, from a friend who spent a year, last year, teaching in that dense morass of degenerate corruption and general humiliation deep within the countryside's education system. What I learned isn't from the glossy magazine-cover streets of downtown Shanghai or Beijing, but from the impoverished former factory worker with both legs shorn off and cauterized, "walking" painfully with his hands down the street. What I learned is the destitute poverty of a twelve year old boy abandoned in dirty, ragged clothes off the streetside, crying for parents that he won't see again. What I learned is that the Triad-run black market is thriving more than ever in Hainan, foreign students in Shanghai either go with a bodyguard or risk maiming just to get from home to school, and the Chinese infrastructure's so ineptly scheduled that there are brand-spanking new power plants out there sitting idle for weeks at a time because there isn't enough fuel to go around.

What I see is a US where the main political conflict is how to help the nation get better. What I see is a China where the main political conflict is whether or not people making less than middle-class wages can even be considered human! The social change in the US is that of democratic process, change brought about by dialogue and general consensus- at local, at regional, at state and at national levels. If things piss us, off, we vote the bastards out of office and tell the other guy that he, too, is expendable. The social change in China is a dozen, a hundred, a thousand small, desperate revolutions trying to get Da Ge to stop fondling its pocketbook for once and pay at least a little attention to them- or at least to tell its regional representatives to stop blatantly abusing their offices for personal gain.

You'd be even more naive than you look if you think for a second that the PRC is treating the Olympics as anything more than an engine of political- and economic- propaganda. Luckily for us that actually cares about the state of the human species, the Great Firewall has proven on more than one occasion that, when information is concerned, all it takes is a single drop to cause a flood.

Jumping the bandwagon my shaven ass.

You really have a negative outlook on China huh? Also, I have been to China probably more than you ever had. I have seen both the good and the bad. Unfortunately, what you only see is the bad aspects of China. Try seeing the good side of China. In addition, I am not naive. I know most of the stuff you have said like the corruption, the criminal activity, etc. going on within China. However, it is only in the recent years where all of this stuff is happening. Only recently is when China is becoming industrialized. Only in the recent years where criminal activity is becoming a problem. Only recently is where population is becoming a problem. In fact, I have seen and lived in Shanghai BEFORE there were 10+ story buildings and still remember when there where only 5 story buildings at highest. Plus, major cities like Shanghai and Beijing were once very safe before the industrialization. Thus, it is like saying how London and New York was before it industrialized and finally changed to make it safer. Moreover, this thread I have created is mainly used to discuss about the 2008 Olympics not about the current status of China. If you wish to continue this debate by continually calling me an idiot or cussing often, create your own god-damn thread and get out of here. In fact, here is something for you to read before you get out of here.


Now, I hope you WILL stop cussing when debating or I will report you to the moderators. It is very not acceptable when it comes to internet conduct and even more so in fourm discussions.


Quote from: Silent One on August 08, 2008, 03:54:49 PM

I am not naive. I know most of the stuff you have said like the corruption, the criminal activity, etc. going on within China. However, it is only in the recent years where all of this stuff is happening. Only recently is when China is becoming industrialized. Only in the recent years where criminal activity is becoming a problem.

...Recent problems in China huh? Nationalism sure can be blinding...right Comrade?


okay seriously.  >:(

Both of you stop bickering or both of you will be banned and sent to Byo/b/.

what is it nowadays and people having to need the have the last word? :P
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

Silent One

Quote from: Jerry on August 08, 2008, 04:16:12 PM
okay seriously.  >:(

Both of you stop bickering or both of you will be banned and sent to Byo/b/.

what is it nowadays and people having to need the have the last word? :P

Fine by me. I can and I will stop. I just do not want cussing on the thread I created.


i personally dont know what drove you guys to debate so fiercely over this topic.

but I didnt care to read it either.

Swearing / cussing / Trolling   -  does/can and will happen, so just ignored it and be on your merry way.

I'm sure you have your opinons and both of you are welcome to do it, but if you want to stay out of byo/b/ or internet drama I'm sure the mods would like a little tact and respect.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I just have 3 pronouncements to make:

1) The implementation of elevated toilets is one of the greatest things ever.

2) I can't watch the Olympics except for short spurts at lunchtime.  :(  *sadface*  well...I guess I'll youtube it later down the line...but it won't be the same.  At the very least I wish I could watch the opening ceremony.

3)  After much though and consideration, I pretty certain I'm not gay.  I'll get back to you on this one.


Quote from: trooper715 on August 08, 2008, 04:42:55 PM
I just have pronouncements to make:

3)  After much though and consideration, I pretty certain I'm not gay.  I'll get back to you on this one.

What does liking the olympics have anything to do with being gay?

I pretty hyped up about it and i know im straight.  :D

either way gay or straight this looks like its gonna be an interesting 3 weeks.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I don't think it really has anything to do with the olympics...just felt like throwing it out there as I sit here trying to download a 45 and 38 megabyte file on a 14kb/s connection to a computer that keeps running out of memory of all things and killing the download....

It's been 3 1/2 hours....and I'll be lucky if I'm done by 5am. -.-

And instead of the olympic specials and what, the little TV in this internet cafe is playing some old movie with tommy lee jones in it that I can't recognize.  But he's got a funny hat.


Quote from: aznmagic2015 on August 08, 2008, 09:55:04 AM
Quote from: JTchinoy on August 08, 2008, 03:10:57 AM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on August 07, 2008, 07:13:27 PM
as soon as they said china was hosting 4 years ago, shit instantly went down the drain.
7 years ago.  :) and i don't think it'll be shit.

and aznmagic, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_China
says communism is the ruling political party of china.  care to elaborate? ^_^ IIRC, it's because of communist rule that the government was able to enforce all of the pollution regulations in beijing.  they shut down the factories, forced taxi drivers to learn SOME english, and banned half the cars on the road.  That's not something a democratic government could do so easily, if im not mistaken.

You need to take plsc101 man. China is Communist IN NAME ONLY. Cmon...free market reforms, private ownership of property and cancellation of government quotas in most products. Hell, North Korea calls itself Democratic People's Republic of Korea. I dunno bout you...but they don't seem very democratic. Names are tricky like that...

You need to give me solid facts, because you're throwing these tidbit factoids with no explanations of their significance to the discussion.  free market reforms answer what?  private ownership means what? what does this prove? the corporation that owns the factories decided to lose 45 days worth of money for the good of the country?  I'm sorry but I have never known modern corporations to do things that cause them to lose over a month's worth of revenue just for the good of the country's image.  What political system are they?  just running around saying they aren't really communists gives me ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA on what political system you're inferring that they are. So please give me a better reply.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Quote from: JTchinoy on August 08, 2008, 05:55:21 PM
Quote from: aznmagic2015 on August 08, 2008, 09:55:04 AM
Quote from: JTchinoy on August 08, 2008, 03:10:57 AM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on August 07, 2008, 07:13:27 PM
as soon as they said china was hosting 4 years ago, shit instantly went down the drain.
7 years ago.  :) and i don't think it'll be shit.

and aznmagic, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_China
says communism is the ruling political party of china.  care to elaborate? ^_^ IIRC, it's because of communist rule that the government was able to enforce all of the pollution regulations in beijing.  they shut down the factories, forced taxi drivers to learn SOME english, and banned half the cars on the road.  That's not something a democratic government could do so easily, if im not mistaken.

You need to take plsc101 man. China is Communist IN NAME ONLY. Cmon...free market reforms, private ownership of property and cancellation of government quotas in most products. Hell, North Korea calls itself Democratic People's Republic of Korea. I dunno bout you...but they don't seem very democratic. Names are tricky like that...

You need to give me solid facts, because you're throwing these tidbit factoids with no explanations of their significance to the discussion.  free market reforms answer what?  private ownership means what? what does this prove? the corporation that owns the factories decided to lose 45 days worth of money for the good of the country?  I'm sorry but I have never known modern corporations to do things that cause them to lose over a month's worth of revenue just for the good of the country's image.  What political system are they?  just running around saying they aren't really communists gives me ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA on what political system you're inferring that they are. So please give me a better reply.

*sigh* yeah...those things I said...communists aren't supposed to do those things.  You know the whole state ownership stuff? China got rid of that years ago and turned it to private ownership. State ownership of industry is supposed to be a communist/socialist kinda thing. A rather important facet of communism in fact. Calling a country communist when it adheres to so many capitalistic principals is...well...uneducated to put it nicely.

If you want to pin a political system on China, I guess you could call it a single party, oligarchical state with bits of socialism mixed in. But take into account that France is more socialist than China and you have an idea just how socialist China is.