Bleach Gathering 2009!

Started by Yukari Kaiba, June 19, 2008, 06:38:00 PM

0 Members and 8 Guests are viewing this topic.

How did you like 2008's gathering?

awesome! :D
34 (36.2%)
alright :/
10 (10.6%)
it failed DX
1 (1.1%)
didn't go
49 (52.1%)

Total Members Voted: 88


I will totally be at the gathering. I am just getting so excited about it.
My friend is too.


Quote from: Yukari Kaiba on September 03, 2008, 04:02:31 PM

oh i don't take part in the bidding either (don't make that much to spend on a guy XD lol), but the bidding is fun to watch and the skits are well worth seeing  ;) [/qoute]

Okay, good. ^_^ I won't be the only one sitting and watching then. >.<
Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy

Yukari Kaiba

theres plenty of people who don't take part in the bidding, though people are more than welcome to go up and give them tips XD
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Quote from: MidnightRosebud on September 03, 2008, 08:21:09 AM
Everybody here rocks. I luv you all. ^__^

Yay numbers! XP

Thank you MidnightRosebud XP
Is all about anime and fanime.


"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"


Yukari Kaiba

-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


I'm going to Yaoi Con.  I'm attending Saturday and Sunday.  It's my second time.  I attended in 2006.

The Bishonen Auction the bishi goes up on stage and do their moves or performance.  The better the performance, the higher the bids.  After the performance, anyone in the audience can go up stage and tip the bishi.

A friend told me in 2005 one bid went I believe over $7,000!!!

Yukari Kaiba

the guy from the second act last year was won for $1100 (wish i could have seen that one that went for 7000, must have been good XD lol)
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


I heard 2005 was really good and I thought 2006 was so-so IMO since I can't truly compare another year's auction.  Was 2007 good?  I hope 2008 bring some high bids and great performances.


Im thinking about going as Yamada Hanataro again next year!! Or I may go as Captain Toshiro Hisugaya!! My poor white wig has been through so much already though....


You're coming to Yaoi-Con too?! O.O Yay! \^.^/ More people I know. >.<
I'm actually starting to look forward to this now. Not that I wasn't befre exactly, but I was half-terrified to tell you the truth. XD

@ Yukari
o.O;; Goodness. Who has that kind of money on them to bid that high?!

Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


I wanted to go to y-con so bad, but alas, I can't due to school. x.x;
Maybe one year my friend and I will go.

My cosplays are almost done. Just have to do a couple more things and then my costumes are ready for Fanime. x3


I will confirm (but just in case put a ?) that I will NOT be going as Izuru and will replace him with Nemu.
I will take one step at a time so I intend to start with her~
Cosplay List for 2009:



ok who here watches the fillers right now? I just watched this weeks and I was like wtf???
and it didn't have a preview for next week @_@ still lik wtf right lol
"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"


Yukari Kaiba

@ININ - yeah last year's auction was awesome. the last act was like this pirates vs vampires choreographed sword fight put to music from Pirates of The Caribbean XD SOO COOOOOOOL. its a shame they don't allow video recording, cause i totally would have recorded that skit.

@Midnight - you'd be surprised. a lot of people save up money JUST so they can bid on the bishonen in the auction (I myself if i see someone i like I'll just tip them, like the Grimmjow who was in last year's show  ;D lol).

@EvilBunnyKid - ill put you down as a maybe for both and when you know who you're going as let me know and ill change your listing ^^

@midori-chaan - want me to keep you under Izuru but with a ? and add Nemu too with a '?' ?
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


What other activities are we going to do at the Gathering?

Yukari Kaiba

Quote from: iKuraudo on September 05, 2008, 01:05:28 PM
What other activities are we going to do at the Gathering?

well before the gathering actually starts we've been playing frisbee about an half hour before we take photos. and this year we held a Bleach!Cosplay Chess match over in the park across the street from the con center (in addition to playing frisbee).
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


@MidnightRosebud, I'm attending Saturday and Sunday cosplaying as Chrono Harlaown from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.

@Yukari Kaiba, damn =\  I think it's the same when I attended in 2006.  OK for pics and video recording in masquerade.  No pics and video recording in auction.

@ToshiX, I'm behind.  I'm on episode 181.

Yukari Kaiba

@ININ - last year we were able to to take pictures, just no video
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)