Bleach Gathering 2009!

Started by Yukari Kaiba, June 19, 2008, 06:38:00 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

How did you like 2008's gathering?

awesome! :D
34 (36.2%)
alright :/
10 (10.6%)
it failed DX
1 (1.1%)
didn't go
49 (52.1%)

Total Members Voted: 88


Not all of California though, like what Yukari said
Quote from: Yukari Kaiba on April 14, 2009, 01:21:26 PM
.....DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES, PEOPLE. and I was able to have my wooden katana for my Ulqui cosplay
and when I go to Sac Anime and Sac Con they will make you peace bond the prop but they won't TIE IT TO YOUR COSTUME!!
BTW I'm going to open a new topic about this so the Bleach Gathering thread doesn't clog up with unrelated posts

Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


They peace-bonded my plastic sword last year so that I couldn't pull it out of its sheath....didn't work too well as where they hooked it to broke. XD

At SacAnime they made me get my parasol peace-bonded. O_O;; I thought that was a bit extreme. Honestly, what was I going to do with it? I wouldn't open it inside. Bad luck much? @___@;;

All in all, I don't think i'm going to have many, if any, props this year. They're just too cumbersome most times; I like my hands and arms free. Hrmmm....though Chuck is a doll that one of my cosplays carries around with her, and he has a one ever called me on that one last year. Luck maybe? >_<

@ Charis

AWESOME!~ I would do that with my phone in a heartbeat...if I even knew how. XD
Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


WOW haven't been on for a few days yet a few pages pass and go with the weapon policies I see

I know I'll probably have at least one huge prop if not more lol and we'll just see what happens XD

@Midnight - I feel you they piece bonded my umbrella...I was like wtf you serious...

I also have a countdown for Fanime on my phone XD we so cool Captain Mom
"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"



well guys sadly i given this alot of thought and well thx to a person I know that has worked with the staff last year *though they slandered for standing up for the fans, and she quit afterward* she told me straight up. the person in charge has too much of an ego and doesnt give a crap about the fans. so heres how i c it.

if things r to be changed so its more for the fans and have an equal ground for will need drastic measures. how drastic u might ask? online petitions arent going to do much and probably be ignored. my suggestions, hire a lawyer and make a case out of it. of course before this there has to be alot of research to be done, which that means talking to the police in san jose as well as others, talk to staff that used to work at fanime, talk to people there were affected by the weapon policy changes, and so on. only thing is, if this keeps up and knowing the head with his ego, we get a big enough group he might do either a few things. bare with me as these things are jst my guesses, he could 1. threaten to cancel fanime all together *highly unlikely but might bluff*, 2. agree with the case and hire thier own laylwer and it be months of seeing who wins out of it, or 3, try to find a way to ban anyone that opposes the idea of peacebonding.

though I myself is not going to carry no props except for one prop for friday evening,*cough m16 for left 4 dead cosplay cough <<* I hear you guys out. its wrong that fanime rules have to be enforced to people who took the time and effort in making thier props exactly as they could.

now i have one more thing to keep in mind, there are lots of that do have props and need to be checked but the majority of the rest of the attendness does not. this is only a guessment but if u had to guess at least say 40% cosplayers have props, while the other 60% dont. and u guys seen them.

so i suggest to all of you, keep track of any instance that happend at your time at the con, jot down the name and badge of the person that is harrasing u, and keep track what happends at the con. having video footage does help and audio too. If you guys really want to get into it, i suggest before getting a lawyer wait till after fanime. dont look for trouble with fanime staff, do what yuu suggested, go there have fun and if things pop up find a way to record it or anything about it.

check out our site, we cover all the latest news on both anime and video games and also we have a podcast


Hmmm, if the head has such an ego and sucks, maybe canceling Fanime altogether isn't such a bad idea after all. I mean, if it's really by fans and for fans, a fan will just start another convention! 


@ Yuu maybe that's a good idea, I'll just wait until Fanime to see what happens.
Backup plan: If I am stopped because I have a wooden katana, I'll just replace it with my backup. (plastic sword my 7 yr old sister is allowed to carry around)
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Wow. Yuu, thanks very my for the edited version of the last chapter - it made me crack up. All in all, it summed up my thoughts exactly.


Quote from: chaosbark on April 15, 2009, 01:26:39 AM
Wow. Yuu, thanks very my for the edited version of the last chapter - it made me crack up. All in all, it summed up my thoughts exactly.

No problem. I thought you would enjoy it. I knwo I did. ^_^

Quote from: clawmaster on April 14, 2009, 04:33:03 PM
[If they have no valid arguemtns/ legal basis, there is nothing they can do but kick and scream like children.

yea your right. as much as I would love to ask a lawyer and fiqure out a way so that fanime doesnt harrass us about our weapons, the best way to go about this is probably jst go to the con and dont antagonize anyone with the weapon policy. Though yuu i would like a copy of those rules you found and use on staff if they step over thier boundries. u never know when you need it at times of harrassment.

Im no lawyer (yet) but i can tell you why. 
Its the same reason every organization/cooperation/club ect  has to enforce strict rules-laibility.

As atendees, if we screw up and injure someone FC will be held responisible and then there will be no con at all.

I know, 'were not going to sue' and 'were more likley to injure ourselves with out weapons tied to us". If you never learn anything else about law knwo this- 'logic' and  'common sense" have no place in law.

I has more to post on this but it be classtime and  I already skipped Monday after beating the crap out of myself at SC >>

" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


Quote from: BumbleB on April 14, 2009, 09:17:33 PM
@ Yuu maybe that's a good idea, I'll just wait until Fanime to see what happens.
Backup plan: If I am stopped because I have a wooden katana, I'll just replace it with my backup. (plastic sword my 7 yr old sister is allowed to carry around)
As long as the sword is tied to you they won't take it from you.
Tsunade! Where are you?!! I promise I don't bite.

Fanime 2010 Costume:
King Dedede


Quote from: narutofan17 on April 15, 2009, 01:14:15 PM
Quote from: BumbleB on April 14, 2009, 09:17:33 PM
@ Yuu maybe that's a good idea, I'll just wait until Fanime to see what happens.
Backup plan: If I am stopped because I have a wooden katana, I'll just replace it with my backup. (plastic sword my 7 yr old sister is allowed to carry around)
As long as the sword is tied to you they won't take it from you.

thanks but about my wooden sword: does it have to be permanently zip tied to my obi or just tie it to me with my obi and take it out for pictures. ???
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


So this weeks manga was not quite a surprised.
LAWLS I kind of called it as of several others, but will Ichigo take the cake and eat it again XD

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"




Oh, Kubo.  There really are no words.  Jump Syndrome, clearly.
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


 :-\ Truly, I'm disappointed. How many power-ups are we at now? Undoubtedly, Ichigo is going to snapped back to hero mode the moment he sees his friends in danger, which will of course trigger godmod mode. But I kinda saw the whole Espada #0 thing coming....


I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


I'm off to get my assignment in cosplay chess. Also, My Outfit got here today, now all I have to do is make my helmet!
Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away


So... the gathering is going to be large i'm guessing? With the.. like 60 from here and the like 34 from there >.>.. damn.
Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away

Yukari Kaiba

Quote from: Lordsnow on April 15, 2009, 05:05:52 PM
So... the gathering is going to be large i'm guessing? With the.. like 60 from here and the like 34 from there >.>.. damn.

and thats just the people who come to the forums - theres always going to be the people who just show up. I'm expecting at least 60+ people.
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


of course Yami was gonna be Espada OVER 9000! lol


Quote from: trupnoi on April 15, 2009, 06:42:24 PM
of course Yami was gonna be Espada OVER 9000! lol actually said that. Wow. XD
Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


i know right... lol but it was the most opportune moment to do it, so i took it.