2013 Trinity Blood Gathering

Started by kimu, August 28, 2008, 09:56:23 PM

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Yeah! You joined us here. Welcome!
It'll be great to have you join our gathering.
And if you have time, be sure to join us or at least stop by the tea party.
We'll have all the details worked out by Fanime.
That includes who's on bodyguard duty for who.


All of what you're saying works great for me!!!
But definately NOT too early... Kimu's right when she says the costumes are a PAIN to put on...
Last year I had to get ready in less than a half hour... ugg
It wasn't enough time and I went around the con with half zipped up Able boots! >.<

Also... whoever brought the cupcakes last year...
Bring them agian they were yummy! ^-^

Komichuu: WELCOME!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Cupcakes were actually courtesy of friends of mine who weren't at the gathering, but I'll pass the comment along. :D  Gonna bring something for the tea, though I'm not sure what -- and I'm pretty sure it won't be up to Krusnik standards of sweet. :P

And guh, Nightroad, indeed.  I'm allocating myself an hour to get into Kaya, though that includes makeup and five thousand hairpins into my wig.  Not even sure I won't need help getting dressed ... ehehehe. (Help?) Dear THORES, why must your designs be so batshite nuts?
(The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  If I keep expecting my lace-sewing speed to improve, is that insane? :D  Hoping to get that bit done by the end of this work week, at least.)
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Is there an idea of what time the gathering would start?
Sometime after noon time would be good since my hotel might be in Fremont.

And also, what are we going to do?
(My first gathering. xD)
Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning


We'll start narrowing down the gathering time in the next weeks or maybe month.
Considering the con is in the end of May, we have a little time yet.

It is looking like we'll start sometime at 1 or after, based on Charis having an 11 gathering--our dear Sister Kaya needs time to be ready to whack us with her fans....

As for what do we do?

The first thing will be a group shot or two. It's nice to hold one arrangement for a couple minutes until the people taking pictures are set. Then arrange a second grouping.

After that we'll break into various set up shots, based on the characters there, and what everyone wants to set up. If anyone has special requests before Fanime, we'll be sure to grant any within reason and willingness of the participants.
I can post a list of the shots we want to set up, if everyone wants that. Or we'll just make it up as we go at the con.

If you scan back through this thread, you'll find links to people's pictures from last year that can give you ideas, too.
I have two photobuckets with a number of TB gatherings at various cons on them. If you look through the albums, this might help you give you ideas.

But...for Trinity Blood, typical photo ops include the classic groupings of AX, Orden, Empire, and Inquisition (if you got them there!! ;P)
Again, depending on what characters are there, sometimes groups like all the Sisters, all the Fathers, Krusniks, all the male characters, all the female characters. Could have groups for all the anime, all the artbook/novels, all the manga. Everyone cosplaying the same character--like all the Sister Esthers, Abels, etc. Or things like Lady Caterina with her Sisters.

We usually also set up photo ops for characters that interact or have rivalries/battles.
We can set up poses from the manga, anime, or artbook/novels. (Suggestion, bring a reference pic or book, or have a pic on your phone to help set up the shot better.)
And we can set up "crack" or silly fun photo ops, too. :D

After we're done with what we want for the gathering, we'll get ready for the tea party.
There will be some time in between the gathering and tea party, as discussed in posts above.
But there are large round tables in the con center. We will claim one, and set it up with whatever delightful munchies people want to bring. And you can visit one of the places that sells tea or coffee right there at the con, or show up with whatever your beverage of choice is, and enjoy the fun. (NOTE for Father Leon and if we get Isaak--that's legal beverage per con rules. JK! ;) )
We Abels will be again enjoying 13 sugar tea. ;P

Hope this helped!


Quote from: kimu on February 04, 2010, 07:04:49 PMWe Abels will be again enjoying 13 sugar tea. ;P

Yes, and we'll have PROPERLY SIZED TEACUPS for you this year. *smirks*
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Quote from: kimu on February 04, 2010, 07:04:49 PMNOTE for Father Leon and if we get Isaak--that's legal beverage per con rules. JK! ;)
Just ruin my fun why don't you.  >=|

Oh, and seeing as how it took me 2 hours to just do the make-up last time...I'll need pleeeeeeeenty of time.  But it looks like the times we're discussing will work just fine as long as Leon is the only person I wear that day.


Quote from: Charis on February 04, 2010, 07:42:29 PM
Quote from: kimu on February 04, 2010, 07:04:49 PMWe Abels will be again enjoying 13 sugar tea. ;P

Yes, and we'll have PROPERLY SIZED TEACUPS for you this year. *smirks*

That will be just fine!
I'm ready for it!!

As for you, Father Leon--yes, you'll have time to primp yourself out for the gathering.
(I don't have pics of Leon with the ladies at ALA on my camera to have posted on my kimu_cosplay ALA albums. :( )


Ah the 13 sugar tea...
I've actually had it in thte proper size tea cup before....
Its VERY sweet....

hahaha Now I am pumped for this Fanime!!! >.>
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


I wish I had a time machine now.
I'm really excited to go now.
The gathering will be sooooooo much fuuuuuuuuuuun.

I need to start on my outfit now.
Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning


@komichuu I'm with you there! I am ready to go!

I still need to make a few upgrades on my Abel...
Good luck on your costume!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Thank you.
There's a chance that I'm wanting to hand sew my cosplay..
But if I do, I'll need to buy tons of band-aids.
Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning


-does CPR-

Is this thread alive now?
Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning


*deep breath*
*lightning strike*


Yes it is~

I wish you luck with the hand sewing...
Try not to completely destroy your hands!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Tomorrow I start sewing tomorrow!
Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning


Oh, no worries...sometimes it gets quiet for a bit.

We'll probably want to lock our time in by next month. Somewhere around 1-2?
I'll have to spy out what other gatherings are picking for Sunday....

Hope those working on things have everything go smoothly. Buying lots of band aids sounds like something Her Eminence would need after cutting apples for His Holiness....


@Kimu: Speaking of band aids... I had an Uber Able moment in October!!!
I stepped on a pair of scissors >.> ouch!
They were stuck in my foot for about 4hrs before the doctor pulled them out! TT.TT
All better now! (And it's REALLY funny looking back on it...)

But yes, 1-2 ish works for me so...
hahahaha Iam ready!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


1 - 2 sounds perfect to me and my friend also. (:
That gives us enough time for a lot of things? Hahaha.
I'm estimating that the top part of my cosplay will be 90% finished by Friday.
And I'll be starting on the skirt this weekend.
My dude-friend will be buying my wig tomorrow - so I'll be getting it by the first of March.

So I think I'll be 100% done by mid-March.
Wow. xD;
Hopefully my friend gets her outfit done in time so we can have an early photoshoot.

[/end rant]
Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning


Finished the one row of lace.  You don't want to know how many hours (and how many musicals, and how many feet of Icy Hot tape for my poor abused wrists) it took me to get through it.  And I want to put another three on it eventually? Yeah, insanity. (And LOTS more watching of musicals. XD )

Ripped the secondary skirt lining out of Kaya's habit.  I don't think the pieces are salvageable, so I'm going to have to dig through my stash of white fabric and see what I have that might work -- and if not, make the hour trip out to JoAnn's.  I'm hoping that I can get that lining back into place quickly enough to get the bias tape into place on that piece this weekend so I have more handsewing to work on.  I swear, though, Kaya is going to be the death of me.  I have never had quite so much metric hell on a given costume.

(Note to all other cosplay projects of mine: THIS IS NOT A CHALLENGE.)

Glad to hear other people's work is going well, though!  (And egads, Nightroad, scissors? Dare I ask how you managed that one?)
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


I'm still deciding but-
I was thinking if my cosplay comes out very well (to my standards), I wonder if anyone would be interested in doing a skit or maybe a walk-on with me?

Mirka Fortuna - Trinity Blood (manga) - 30%
Ion Fortuna (Empire Outfit) - Trinity Blood (manga) - planning