Pet Peeves

Started by ewu, November 14, 2008, 12:19:25 PM

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People who lie and tell whopper after whopper just to make themselves look good...
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


People who don't accept or deny a friends request on facebook. which means you can see all their updates but not respond to them.

michiko nakano

the cost of an education, and the fact that there's an increasing chance a degree won't save you from a burger flipping job.


people trying to cheer you up when your extremely angry. it only makes me even angrier.

michiko nakano

Quote from: Glitch on April 07, 2010, 08:37:06 PM
people trying to cheer you up when your extremely angry. it only makes me even angrier.
yes, and it gets worse when they try to cuddle with you or play with your hair. 


Going to the toilet with the seat up.

Going to the toilet and realizing that the last person didn't refill the toilet paper!  >:(


Things stuck in between teeth. o:
Like, corn or like... pineapple. o:
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
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Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on April 09, 2010, 09:00:33 PM
Things stuck in between teeth. o:
Like, corn or like... pineapple. o:

...mangoes, broccoli, or for me tonight carrots. Man that was tough to get out.

michiko nakano

Quote from: AbsolutelyCursed on April 10, 2010, 12:26:31 AM
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on April 09, 2010, 09:00:33 PM
Things stuck in between teeth. o:
Like, corn or like... pineapple. o:

...mangoes, broccoli, or for me tonight carrots. Man that was tough to get out.


Quote from: AbsolutelyCursed on April 10, 2010, 12:26:31 AM
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on April 09, 2010, 09:00:33 PM
Things stuck in between teeth. o:
Like, corn or like... pineapple. o:

...mangoes, broccoli, or for me tonight carrots. Man that was tough to get out.
Sesame Seeds.


Quote from: AbsolutelyCursed on April 10, 2010, 12:26:31 AM
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on April 09, 2010, 09:00:33 PM
Things stuck in between teeth. o:
Like, corn or like... pineapple. o:

...mangoes, broccoli, or for me tonight carrots. Man that was tough to get out.

I agree with mangoes and corn ( ; 3 ; ) Not really a pet peeve for me though, it's just frustrating.

My pet peeve is complicated... it relates with anything to do with someone's personal hygiene. Like if I'm sitting next to someone or my friend and they have dirty finger nails, greasy hair, etc. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. ( ; ____________ ; ) I never say anything though, but I always go wash my hands when my friends are around so they automatically wash theirs with me, that makes me feel better. ^^
And sometimes, people who say impolite words, like cussing and swearing words. ( > . < )


People that can't let an arguement go. They have to perpetuate their side even after someone grows up enough to say something like "I understand your opinion and your reasoning, but I thing that my trail of reasoning is more logical and thus I think we should agree to disagree. We just aren't getting anywhere." Really it's foolish to think that going over the same material just with a stronger emphasis is going to win them over.

People that try to yell over the phone or in person to make people understand them. Really it just means that they can't communicate their views without resulting to such boorish behaviors.


Quote from: michiko nakano on April 10, 2010, 09:15:00 AM
Quote from: AbsolutelyCursed on April 10, 2010, 12:26:31 AM
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on April 09, 2010, 09:00:33 PM
Things stuck in between teeth. o:
Like, corn or like... pineapple. o:

...mangoes, broccoli, or for me tonight carrots. Man that was tough to get out.

Nope. They just seem to find a way to get stuck between my teeth. Really annoying.


Mom and siblings trying to convince me that I should spend some of my saved up fanime money on a trip to Universal Studios. Universal will always be there, but fanime only comes once a year. Plus I like going with as much money as possible.(as do we all.)


a leaky roof that may end up me having a to get an entire new roof... how much does a roof cost? you dont want to know.  :-[

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Not being able to do all those wonderful things you can do when you don't have a roommate who doesn't leave the apartment except when you're gone.


Idiotic supervisors who give contradicting orders and don't seem to remember orders they already gave you.
Out of a large group of very compotent assistant managers and supervisors, I'm baffled that this one idiot is chosen to give orders. Assignments he leads becoming a giant and confusing cluster f**k. I'm more at ease when our ex-navy assitant manager barks orders at us.


Quote from: Glitch on April 17, 2010, 11:17:32 PM
Idiotic supervisors who give contradicting orders and don't seem to remember orders they already gave you.
Out of a large group of very compotent assistant managers and supervisors, I'm baffled that this one idiot is chosen to give orders. Assignments he leads becoming a giant and confusing cluster f**k. I'm more at ease when our ex-navy assitant manager barks orders at us.
... add to that "Former Military Officers" as management in general and the people the choose to work directly under them.  Worst managers ever.   I speak from experience on this.


People who act and talk like they are an authority on a subject when they are not only NOT an authority but keep giving the wrong information to people because they don't know what they're talking about.
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.