Con Sickness

Started by michiko nakano, June 05, 2010, 08:25:55 PM

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michiko nakano

Anyone get it? A couple of my friends and I did, I think it's just from being around all the people at con, then sharing food/drink and squishing together to sleep.

If you did get sick, my sympathies. 


did someone say Con Cooties? aww.

I hope you feel better Michi - chan!!! :D

Drink lots of fluids and get your daily doses of tea!

if anything the most common "illness" everyone is experiencing is "PCD" = post Con Depression.

there is a fever... and there is only one cure.  ;)

Feel better Michi and anyone else who might be down and out.
Take care of yourself everyone!!!

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

Mango Bunny

My first fanime I got really sick. Another time I got sick right after. Usually my friend gets sick. This year we escaped with NOBODY being sick!


I got sick three years ago... it was horrible


For the first time I did not catch the plague!

I sprained an ankle, but I did not get sick.

But I am suffering from PCD now. :c
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


I was really afraid of getting ill this year. Dealers and Artist's are extra prone to it because we're constantly handling other people's money and shaking hands in addition to the hugging, glomping, and pushing through crowds that regular attendees have. (I'm sure staff have it about the same way, though. Especially people doing reg!) But I made sure to keep hand sanitizer on me at all times and used it pretty much every time after I came into contact with someone - came out of it all perfectly healthy! :D I think next year I might come with a big bottle of sanitizer for people to use, or possibly hand out travel-sized bottles.


Last year I got sick right in the middle of con-fever and everything, which stunk big time.
This year my bed-sharing roomate got it MUCH worse than I had the year before, it lasted for this entire week afterward, and somehow THANKFULLY I did not get it. That was the only reason I was happy Fanime was ending-to get some distance from her before Finals! > ~ < '
Cosplay 2013
Friday night: RWBY (incomplete)
Saturday morning: Arrietty
Sunday afternoon: Ruby w/ Adam (RWBY, no scythe)
Monday: Arrietty


I used to get sick EVERY year after the con.  Not this year.  If you're a typical poorly nourished person (like I have been in prior years) I highly recommend carrying hand sanitizer for when you're out of the room and touching things like elevator buttons and doorhandles, and also, take vitamins leading up to and during the con.  Last couple years I would pop an airborne every day before I headed down to the center and it kept me from getting sick.  This year I just take vitamins regularly, wash my hands as often as possible and am eating better so I didn't have any problems.  (and I guess nobody was carrying the plague or the flu.  lol.)  But boosting your immune system before the con can really help a lot.
Fanimecon Music Video Contest Department Second 2016-17
Fanimecon Music Video Contest Department Head 2014-15, 2018-2019


I don't think I've ever caught anything at Fanime. I've also heard that about 40% of your immune system comes from your diet.

"Frah muja lycd sa uid, ed fyc lniamdo fru duug bedo uh sa..."


That makes sense. A sudden switch to high sodium foods could kill an immune system, especially around so many people.


I've been lucky enough not to get sick, but I took extra precautions this year because of jet-lag/being on an airplane -- Emergen-C (or Airborne) three days up to the con, regular hydration, occasional hand-sanitizer and hand-washing, and getting enough sleep. The Emergen-C is especially helpful if you can't get enough sleep, and it gets a least a little liquid into you.


I got sick on Monday and still am -shrugs-
Friday I encouraged some of the artists. Saturday I worked as a dealer. Sunday, I taught a few people how to Salsa. After midnight I played NINJA in a chair due to injury. Monday I worked as a dealer again and all through out the weekend helped ppl.


i was still holding my own with holding back my cold until a few days ago I finally sucumbed to a fever. not cool having to Work at at the same time :\


I avoid the Fanime Flu this year, thank goodness.  I was down for a week + last year. 

However, I did kill my feet on Sunday.  My feet were swollen for days.  And not the normal kind of swollen, no this swelling was so bad I actually got sores from the stretched skin.  I'm thinking of bar-b-queing the shoes I was wearing. 
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


last year, blisters the size of quarters. had new boots, forgot to break them in first..

this year, just a hangover on monday morning heading home...
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


I've never got sick at fanime, I usually get sick either before or a couple of days after fanime.
You tame a dog with food, you tame a man with money, but you can never tame the wolf of Mibu (Miburo).


Quote from: michiko nakano on June 05, 2010, 08:25:55 PM
Anyone get it? A couple of my friends and I did, I think it's just from being around all the people at con, then sharing food/drink and squishing together to sleep.

If you did get sick, my sympathies. 

Sore throat Monday night and then full blown sickness from there. Still kind of fighting off the cough and sniffles. Was funny though, because I never came across anyone else who was sick, that I had noticed. >.<
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Quote from: Liquid on June 07, 2010, 05:51:46 AM
Quote from: michiko nakano on June 05, 2010, 08:25:55 PM
Anyone get it? A couple of my friends and I did, I think it's just from being around all the people at con, then sharing food/drink and squishing together to sleep.

If you did get sick, my sympathies. 

Sore throat Monday night and then full blown sickness from there. Still kind of fighting off the cough and sniffles. Was funny though, because I never came across anyone else who was sick, that I had noticed. >.<

Unfortunately, by the time many illnesses have reached a phase where they're apparent they aren't very infectious anymore. D: The most infectious time is right before the symptoms show up, so any friend you hug or glomp or any cosplayer you take a photo with might be walking bacteria factory. No matter how healthy they look, the more people you come into contact with the more careful you need to be about your health.

michiko nakano

yeah, i got sick a couple days after con, and immediately texted my hotel room buddies and told them to be careful


Well last year I only got sick because when I was packing food for the hotel room, my stepmom gave me peanut butter which turned out to be two or three months old. Thankfully my friends rooming with me didn't eat any, but I had to miss the Masquerade because I was so sick. I made sure not to take food from her this year, and I've checked expiration dates on everything (especially peanut butter) ever since. xD;

As for this year, I kept getting light headed but I think it was from lack of nutrition; this year some of my roomates were guys and they ate a crapload of the food. D: Next year I'm bringing extra money so I can eat out a bit more. >w>;

As for actual flu and such, I've been fine the past 3 years of attending Fanime. o-o;
Not attending for 2014. Sorry!