Proper etiquette on how to interact with Mascots/Fursuits/Large Costumes.

Started by Halo, April 17, 2011, 04:09:39 PM

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[Placed this in the 'General Convention Discussion since it would be seen more here than in the Cosplay threads. If the mods feel it's in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.]

Each Con me and my sister go to, we seem to have the same things happen over and over in cons with the mascot costumes we make and bring. I thought it would be alright to just put out a little 'reminder' for everyone about the proper etiquette on how to interact and be around suiters and mascots. I in no way am trying to offend anyone, or upset anyone, I just wanted to express the proper way of handling things.

Sometimes, the Con air makes us forget that people in costumes are just that: People in costumes. I would like to use this as a reminder.

*This guide is for all Fursuit/Mascot Quad suits and large over-the top costumes. I will how ever call them 'fursuits' in this thread, but it goes for them all.*

Fursuiters have terrible vision.

Many suiters can only see what is directly in front of them and have no peripheral vision. Suiters also have trouble hearing and feeling things due to the padding the suit creates between them and the world. If a suiter does not acknowledge you, chances are they are not snubbing you but simply did not see you.
If you want to approach a suiter
~Approach from the front
~Wave as well as speak to get their attention
~Get the attention of the handler so that they can point you out to their suiter.

*DO NOT: Tackle/Glomp/ Jump on a suiter.

As previously mentioned a suiter cannot see well and 99% of the time the suiter will not see this coming. On top of scaring the suiter you may also break parts of the suit. There are countless cases where expensive suits have had parts broken or have been torn due to people playing too rough with the suit.
Suits are expensive, play nice.

*If you want to touch, ask first.

If you want a hug from a suiter stand in front of the suiter, making sure they see you, and hold your arms open in a universal gesture that means "I want a hug". This is easy to see and easy to understand. If the suiter does not want a hug don't push it, just because a suiter is in costume does not mean they do not have a right to personal space.

*If a suiter is in a hurry, do not delay them.

If a suiter looks as if they are in a hurry there is usually a reason. Chances are they are going to their room and may be in desperate need to get some air, water, or something else. It is easy when a suiter wants to play and when they need to go. If a suiter is in a hurry let them go. You'll have your chance to play later.

*Pictures! Ask a suiter for a picture.

99% of the time a suiter will say yes, they love pictures. Asking allows the suiter to pose for the picture and helps to avoid any headless suiter issues. Many suiters want to keep their anonymity and take their character seriously for professional or personal reasons. Headless pictures "Ruin the magic" and can mess things up for pros. If you accidently catch a headless suiter and are asked to remove the picture, it is easiest to avoid drama and remove it. Do not take pictures in the headless lounge.

*Elevators, please give suiters priority.

Do to their vision problems as well as their inability to feel things well stairs become a deathtrap in suit. At conventions it is considered polite to allow suiters priority with elevators. This practice is not to make suiters more elite, but simply to avoid any incidents where a suiter is in a hot suit too long while waiting, or harm's themselves while using stairs. I never said you HAVE to do this. I only said it would be polite, but it's not a must.

*Don't pull on the ears, tail or any part of the suit.

This is a huge rule. A Suit is a VERY expensive costume. Most are over 1k worth, so please, please, PLEASE do not pull on it! You can come up and gently pet, but please don't pull on anything; it can break.

*Quad suits are NOT real animals. Please do not try to ride them.

I know they look fun, I mean they are like really big animals! But please do not try and jump on their backs or try to ride them. There is a person in the suit, and they are already trying very hard to walk and see in the costume, so if you jump on them you may hurt them and the costume.

* Be nice to the handler, they are the eyes and ears of the suiter.

I've been a hander for my sister for the better part of two years. And as a handler, we have to keep a look out for the person in suit. Please be respectful to them.

*No means no.

If the suiter or handler tells you 'no' on something, please don't get upset or have a fit. They always have a reason for it. Please respect personal space and choice.

*If the suiter is sitting down/resting please don't ask for pictures.

Suiters get tired VERY easily. And sometimes, they need to take off the head and rest for it bit. If they are resting, please be curious enough NOT to ask for a photo until they are up and moving around again.

*Do not ask to wear the suit head, or parts of the suit.

The suits are made to fit the person inside, and ONLY the person inside. So it's almost 100% that it will not fit you, and could get broken.

If anyone else feels like more needs to be added, please comment below, and thank you for taking your time in reading this ^__^.
Fanime 2011

Miku [Secret Black Vow]
Ayame [Pokemon Trainer]
Ellis [Left 4 Dead 2]




Quote*Elevators, please give suiters priority.

Do to their vision problems as well as their inability to feel things well stairs become a deathtrap in suit. At conventions it is considered polite to allow suiters priority with elevators. This practice is not to make suiters more elite, but simply to avoid any incidents where a suiter is in a hot suit too long while waiting, or harm's themselves while using stairs.

Why should you be given priority on an elevator just because you have a big suit? If anything you should be given less priority since you purposefully are wearing something that takes up more room, when others could use the elevator.


If you had read through the post, I explained why.

The suiter may be having an emergency, serious as lack of air, extreme dehydration, over heating, ect.

Large mascot costumes cover all of the body; and are made of fur a foam. When you incase a body in fur and foam, much of the heat is retained, and moving around a con full of other hot people, plus the lack of flowing air around and in the suit dehydrates a person quicker, and heats them up.

/Most/ suites don't like taking off the head, unless they are behind close doors. So they could be having a emergency and MUST get to their room as soon as possible. I have been at a con where no one would let a suiter onto the elevator, and after the third round (Up, down, Up down ect) she ended up hitting the floor from exhaustion.

So it's only courteous to allow the more larger, and obviously in-need costumer to get to their room faster.

Fanime 2011

Miku [Secret Black Vow]
Ayame [Pokemon Trainer]
Ellis [Left 4 Dead 2]




Quote from: PyronIkari on April 17, 2011, 06:56:08 PM
Quote*Elevators, please give suiters priority.

Do to their vision problems as well as their inability to feel things well stairs become a deathtrap in suit. At conventions it is considered polite to allow suiters priority with elevators. This practice is not to make suiters more elite, but simply to avoid any incidents where a suiter is in a hot suit too long while waiting, or harm's themselves while using stairs.

Why should you be given priority on an elevator just because you have a big suit? If anything you should be given less priority since you purposefully are wearing something that takes up more room, when others could use the elevator.
I also see this as offensive, and almost a 'troll' post and you have been reported, and blocked.
Fanime 2011

Miku [Secret Black Vow]
Ayame [Pokemon Trainer]
Ellis [Left 4 Dead 2]




Quote from: Halo on April 17, 2011, 10:02:09 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on April 17, 2011, 06:56:08 PM
Quote*Elevators, please give suiters priority.

Do to their vision problems as well as their inability to feel things well stairs become a deathtrap in suit. At conventions it is considered polite to allow suiters priority with elevators. This practice is not to make suiters more elite, but simply to avoid any incidents where a suiter is in a hot suit too long while waiting, or harm's themselves while using stairs.

Why should you be given priority on an elevator just because you have a big suit? If anything you should be given less priority since you purposefully are wearing something that takes up more room, when others could use the elevator.
I also see this as offensive, and almost a 'troll' post and you have been reported, and blocked.

While I rarely agree with him, he DOES have a valid point. It really comes to a matter of courtesy, not a matter of right. Yes, it is helpful and sensible to give priority to those in "fursuits" and large costumes. But that should be a matter of courtesy, not a matter of right. Some people feel that they don't deserve priority in elevators, and honestly, that's fine. I myself would allow the larger costume to enter before me, because I can appreciate the work they put into their costume. But do I HAVE TO? No. Not all people feel the same way WE do about these matters.

There is no reason for Pyron to be reported, and it's not a "troll" post.


Quote from: Halo on April 17, 2011, 10:02:09 PM
I also see this as offensive, and almost a 'troll' post and you have been reported, and blocked.


I will post anyways. Look, you CHOOSE to wear the suit. You CHOOSE not to remove the head in public because of your own feelings/wants/desires/reasons. That does not mean you get priority over other people. If it is an emergency that you feel dehydrated... then take off your head and drink some water. You have your own principles, but in no way are everyone else obligated to abide by your views. I will not give you priority to get on the elevator when I've been waiting for one just as long, if not longer than you just because you choose to wear a suit. Just like I will not give priority to a different cosplayer just because they're in a large costume. Is this rude to do? Absolutely not. I'll gladly give priority to someone I feel deserves it, like someone handicapped or in a situation they are in that they don't choose to put themselves in. But in no way am I going to put someone else above me just because they put on a suit. I'm not going to treat you special just because you might be hot because you put on a damned costume of your choosing.


Quote from: PyronIkari on April 17, 2011, 06:56:08 PM
Quote*Elevators, please give suiters priority.

Do to their vision problems as well as their inability to feel things well stairs become a deathtrap in suit. At conventions it is considered polite to allow suiters priority with elevators. This practice is not to make suiters more elite, but simply to avoid any incidents where a suiter is in a hot suit too long while waiting, or harm's themselves while using stairs.

Why should you be given priority on an elevator just because you have a big suit? If anything you should be given less priority since you purposefully are wearing something that takes up more room, when others could use the elevator.

Hey, sorry for the inconveniences

I'll be the one wearing the huge costumes, I no that your kind made but let me make a point across.
Now clearly  hear she did not ask you to get out of the elevator if I come buy with the costume.
I can wait just like any one else, all she was trying to say is it would be the sweeties thing ever if you where to squeeze some room, but if it's full it's full. Like I sad dear I can wait.  Now lets just enjoy the convention that what where there fore is to have fun and not argue.

If you have any problems, All I ask is come to me not bash her. She's just trying to help that's all. You can fell free to bash me for wearing the suit I don't mind.

                                                                                                                             Thank you for understanding dear!^_^


Yeah. Like I said, charity and kindness to others should be given, not required. Otherwise, it's not being kind, it's just a requirement. SHOULD you allow the one in the oversized costume in? Yeah. Do you HAVE to? No. Simple as that.


Quote from: SukebeStudios on April 17, 2011, 11:19:22 PM
Yeah. Like I said, charity and kindness to others should be given, not required. Otherwise, it's not being kind, it's just a requirement. SHOULD you allow the one in the oversized costume in? Yeah. Do you HAVE to? No. Simple as that.
Yeah very good point ^_^ thanks dear!


Well...other than all the stuff previously mentioned, I think it's a good guideline to go by. It's actually kind of surprising that people don't know that stuff is inappropriate, but apparently it must happen often enough to bring it up.

And I don't think anyone here is going to ridicule you for wearing a fursuit. There are much weirder cosplays out there, in my opinion.  :)


Quote from: MeowDesu on April 18, 2011, 08:36:36 AM
Well...other than all the stuff previously mentioned, I think it's a good guideline to go by. It's actually kind of surprising that people don't know that stuff is inappropriate, but apparently it must happen often enough to bring it up.

And I don't think anyone here is going to ridicule you for wearing a fursuit. There are much weirder cosplays out there, in my opinion.  :)

I've had a few bad time's with a suit before. I was in my kyuubi quadsuit and some one came running up and jumped on my back(luckily I'm trained for these suits) but the guy harmed my back bad.


Been going to Fanime Since 2008

TC X0 Lt 0X

Quote from: Halo on April 17, 2011, 10:02:09 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on April 17, 2011, 06:56:08 PM
Quote*Elevators, please give suiters priority.

Do to their vision problems as well as their inability to feel things well stairs become a deathtrap in suit. At conventions it is considered polite to allow suiters priority with elevators. This practice is not to make suiters more elite, but simply to avoid any incidents where a suiter is in a hot suit too long while waiting, or harm's themselves while using stairs.

Why should you be given priority on an elevator just because you have a big suit? If anything you should be given less priority since you purposefully are wearing something that takes up more room, when others could use the elevator.
I also see this as offensive, and almost a 'troll' post and you have been reported, and blocked.

Oh geez someone says something negative about your post and so he must inherently be wrong and should be blocked.  ::)

It is YOUR CHOICE to wear the suit. If you have medical issues, or are not self responsible enough to keep yourself hydrated, then you should NOT be wearing a full body suit. More over, if you really are in such a situation, you should not be getting on a hot and stuffy elevator to presumably go to your room, you should sit down, take the head off your suit, take a breather, and get some water right there, or seek medical attention, in which case I believe Fanime does have first aid stations somewhere, though I could be wrong. It is unsafe and irresponsible to not be willing to take off the head of your costume in emergencies, and no one needs to conform to your needs just because you are unwilling to do so.

Pyron comes off as arrogant and an a**, but he is quite logical and level headed, and his posts are usually correct at least to a degree. He personally pisses me off from time to time, but I don't ever disregard his comments unless there is a reason to do so.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement


Cosplay Circus

I think a lot more people need to read about how to interact with fursuiters after hearing some stories from this year...

Thank you for taking the time to make that list ^^
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)


~Blood for betrayal~
Penelo ff12
Sailor Moon

Cosplay Circus

Quote from: cbellsoup on June 08, 2011, 09:24:48 AM
rudeness is rampant at cons now. 

Hopefully next year will be better :( 2010 was such a great year but this past one was a let down...
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)


Quote from: Wolftale on June 08, 2011, 03:09:53 PM
Quote from: cbellsoup on June 08, 2011, 09:24:48 AM
rudeness is rampant at cons now. 

Hopefully next year will be better :( 2010 was such a great year but this past one was a let down...

agreed. ill be crossing my fingers and toes.
~Blood for betrayal~
Penelo ff12
Sailor Moon


This is awesome advice ^ ^ since i'm going to be wearing my first "fursuit" this year (Mia from .hack) its good to know this stuff, not only for myself but my boyfriend since he'll have to be my handler and keep me from killing myself : P

Cosplay Circus

Quote from: Rebeccakh on November 29, 2011, 10:09:15 PM
This is awesome advice ^ ^ since i'm going to be wearing my first "fursuit" this year (Mia from .hack) its good to know this stuff, not only for myself but my boyfriend since he'll have to be my handler and keep me from killing myself : P

Living is always a good thing when it comes to cons! :D Don't want anyone keeling over, now do we~?

It's good to see this thread is still being read by people, though since it's back up on the top I'd like to just take a moment and remind people not to restart the debate over the elevator since it's been settled :) I know that there are people out there who don't see dates and reply to old stuff xD
- Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Morrigan (Dragon Age)
- Panty (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)


Quote from: Wolftale on December 01, 2011, 11:11:56 PM
Quote from: Rebeccakh on November 29, 2011, 10:09:15 PM
This is awesome advice ^ ^ since i'm going to be wearing my first "fursuit" this year (Mia from .hack) its good to know this stuff, not only for myself but my boyfriend since he'll have to be my handler and keep me from killing myself : P

Living is always a good thing when it comes to cons! :D Don't want anyone keeling over, now do we~?

It's good to see this thread is still being read by people, though since it's back up on the top I'd like to just take a moment and remind people not to restart the debate over the elevator since it's been settled :) I know that there are people out there who don't see dates and reply to old stuff xD

ah! I get what you mean about the elevator thing, we're usually nice to them and at the very least make a little room for them, do unto others and what not is a nice policy if you can stand to wait lol :3
And about getting water or w/e without taking your head off, might i suggest one of those water backpacks? You know the ones with the little drinking tubes on them? You could get your handler to carry one for you so you can get a quick drink while you keep your head on :3 like slip it under where your head attaches or even a hole in the fursuit mouth?