
Started by xkuramaxhieix, July 10, 2011, 12:29:05 AM

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I adore cosplayers, don't get me wrong, but I think I have a rather harsh, but realistic view of all this.

Am I the only one that gets really annoyed when they see a cosplayer dressing up and they're not 'right' for the character? For example, lets take Sakura Haruno, for example. She's skinny, and has specific outfits. What really annoys me is when an OVERWEIGHT, and obviously so, chooses to dress up as her. When I say obviously, I mean, you can see the bulge of their fat in the 'cosplay'. I don't know why, but when overweight/obese people dress as skinny anime characters it annoys me. Now, I don't have a problem with it all the time, because some over weight people pull the look off well, even if their weight/body types are different. But for the most part, I can't help but cringe every time I walk past an overweight cosplayer dressing as a character that is anywhere from 50-100+ pounds below their weight. What is a little weird for me, is when girls who are maybe, 10 pounds over weight, dress in skimpy clothing as part of a character cosplay. It's weird and I can't help but think 'if only you were toned'.

Oh, and cosplayers who only bother to put on wigs and make up and some cheap excuse for a 'cosplay'. I saw three characters from Naruto this year (if you recognize these people, I'm not trying to be offensive) Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke and Naruto wore white button down shirts and black slacks, saying they were 'Naruto' characters. Done well, it would have been fine, but the way they so obviously just threw it together killed it for me and annoyed me more than anything else. Also, just because you're wearing a 'wig' from Hatsune Miku or some other character doesn't mean you're cosplaying! It just means you're wearing a wig and looking like an IDIOT for saying you're 'cosplaying'.
Men dressing as women characters is odd, but for the most part I'm relatively okay with it. The only time I have a problem is when the men are dressing as skimpy females like Faye Valentine. I saw a Madam Red from Kuroshitsuji, beautifully done by a guy. He was way too tall, but it worked, and was actually kind of appealing to my inner fangirl.

I'm not trying to be offensive here, these are my personal opinions and if I offend anyone, I apologize. I just think this would be an interesting topic to discuss.


blah blah blah...


This is why I hate cosplayers... and everything cosplay has become over the past 15 years. (I'm old speech). I remember when there were only a very small handful of cosplayers at conventions, and even though their costumes weren't the best, they were proud of dressing up as the characters they like.

You know what annoys me more than "overweight people" or "not perfect costumes"? People who cosplay purely for attention. People that cosplay characters they don't really know or like. People who cosplay characters from anime/games they've never even seen or played because they liked the design. Or how about people that cosplay fan created versions? Why? Because these are nothing but ploys to cosplay for attetion that have no real part of the fandom in itself.

Do I really care in the long run? Not in the least.

People have lost sight of what cosplay is. Cosplay is love (quote from Comic Party). A series from the late 90s back when cosplay was rather rare. People cosplayed to show their love of a character. Costumes were worn to show your pride in something. No one gave a shit if the costume looked perfect. No one gave a damn if you weren't hot enough to pull it off (because for every person you're calling out for being fat or not having a great costume, there is someone that thinks you... yes I'm talking to the op, is ugly and should not be ruining whatever character you are cosplaying). Cosplay wasn't about the attention you get. No one gave a damn if they got their picture taken. It was just nice to be recognized.

Most importantly... people cosplayed for themselves, not to please every other god damned person out there. Not to have guys gawk at them. Not to get people like you to give their approval.

So are you being offensive? Yes you are, so don't give us this bullshit about how you're not trying to be offensive. You are in every single way, and claiming your not just makes you look ridiculously stupid. I KNOW I'm offensive, and when I see fat cosplayers cosplaying things they really shouldn't just for attention, it disgusts me... but I KNOW and ACCEPT I'm being offensive. They have every right to do it, but hell will I not think it's disgusting. But seriously... good for them for doing it.

With a nick like that... and with your posts, it's quite obvious you're an elitist fujoshi. But to make this interesting. I suggest you post a picture of yourself up, and see where this gets you.


I don't cosplay because I know I'm over weight and I accept that. When I talk about over weight cosplayers, I mean mainly the ones who dress as well, *insert skimpily dressed anime character here* If they dressed like say, any of the hetalia characters, or even as males, I don't have a problem. What I have a problem with is the people who are obviously over weight and dressing like Faye Valentine, or characters that wear a pair of bikini tops and short daisy dukes. That's the main problem I have with over weight cosplayers. I just don't like  that they choose to dress up as skimpy characters who dress like this.

If they chose more conservatively dressed characters like Chihiro from Spirited Away, Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle,  Pan from DBGT or Erza from Fairy Tail, I wouldn't have a problem. I just can't stand over weight cosplayers who wear clothing where their fat is obvious and hangs out of their cosplay for every one to see.

But really, I agree though, it seems like a lot of people nowadays cosplay purely for attention than anything else. I don't know if you were at Fanime this year, but there were a few people who dressed up as a character from Black Butler's (Kuroshitsuji) musical. Most of them did it for the attention because it was kind of obvious, but one girl who paid close attention to detail did it for the love of the show...... I think. << Maybe. Well, that was my impression.

Oh, and I still think people cosplay for themselves. Well, the masked ones do anyways. I think it's interesting because they're more anonymous and you can't really see their faces so they don't do it for the attention. At least, that's what I think.

P.S. I know I'm being offensive, but I figure it's better to at least apologize or try to not be offensive while I'm trying to make my point. I'm not elitist. I prefer realistic. I feel like I'm not stating my points clearly. << Well, I'm trying at least. And this username is just one I chose with my two favorite characters of the moment. xDDDD


Why is this locked? I'm giving the op the end of this day to give me a reason, because as it is right now, this is still an open debate. If there is no reason within a day I'm unlocking it. You can pm me the reason or post why in this thread (if the op is the one that locked it)


Quote from: xkuramaxhieix on July 10, 2011, 01:26:41 PM
I don't cosplay because I know I'm over weight and I accept that. When I talk about over weight cosplayers, I mean mainly the ones who dress as well, *insert skimpily dressed anime character here* If they dressed like say, any of the hetalia characters, or even as males, I don't have a problem. What I have a problem with is the people who are obviously over weight and dressing like Faye Valentine, or characters that wear a pair of bikini tops and short daisy dukes. That's the main problem I have with over weight cosplayers. I just don't like  that they choose to dress up as skimpy characters who dress like this.

If they chose more conservatively dressed characters like Chihiro from Spirited Away, Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle,  Pan from DBGT or Erza from Fairy Tail, I wouldn't have a problem. I just can't stand over weight cosplayers who wear clothing where their fat is obvious and hangs out of their cosplay for every one to see.

But really, I agree though, it seems like a lot of people nowadays cosplay purely for attention than anything else. I don't know if you were at Fanime this year, but there were a few people who dressed up as a character from Black Butler's (Kuroshitsuji) musical. Most of them did it for the attention because it was kind of obvious, but one girl who paid close attention to detail did it for the love of the show...... I think. << Maybe. Well, that was my impression.

Oh, and I still think people cosplay for themselves. Well, the masked ones do anyways. I think it's interesting because they're more anonymous and you can't really see their faces so they don't do it for the attention. At least, that's what I think.

P.S. I know I'm being offensive, but I figure it's better to at least apologize or try to not be offensive while I'm trying to make my point. I'm not elitist. I prefer realistic. I feel like I'm not stating my points clearly. << Well, I'm trying at least. And this username is just one I chose with my two favorite characters of the moment. xDDDD

I'm starting to understand what you're saying. And you know what. I totally agree. Fat people shouldn't cosplay characters that aren't conservatively dressed. But now that I think about it. Ugly people shouldn't cosplay too. Unless they're cosplaying ugly people. You had a good idea with spirited away. Ugly people should cosplay only characters like the witch from Spirited Away.

Better yet, even if they cosplay characters that are more conservative or fitting, I'd still have to be exposed to them being fat and ugly... so we should just not allow them at the con. Fat and ugly people shouldn't be allowed to cosplay nor be out in public at all. You're totally right with this. We should just ban all fat and ugly people. In otherwords, unless someone is incredibly hot and skinny in a way they can cosplay super hot anime characters, they shouldn't be allowed out.

ON THIS SUBJECT, even the hot ones that are white, should only be allowed to cosplay white characters. I'm tired of white girls cosplaying characters that so don't fit them. We should ban white people from cosplaying Miku, or any other character that's asian looking. And vice versa, asians should not be allowed to cosplay as clearly white characters like Risa Hawkeye and the such.

Even if they're hot, they also have to fit the body type exactly. Girls without D cups should not cosplay as characters with clearly large breasts. It's so hideous looking when flat girls cosplay girls with huge tits.

On this note, you should ban yourself from going out in public since you clearly stated you were overweight, thus, you are ugly... and I don't want to see you in public around my fandoms. I don't care how much you enjoy the fandom, you're ugly and fat and do not belong outside.

So in short...



I can see you're attempting to have a civil discussion over what cosplayers should and shouldn't wear, but I have to say...we cosplayers don't do it for your approval. I cosplay a character because I like the character. I can appreciate anyone who does it for the same reason, despite body types or genders. Honestly, anime characters have disproportionate and unrealistic bodies to begin with, so we ALL look fat in comparison. There's no way to be the spitting image of a 2D character without standing behind a cardboard cutout or something.

Anyway, if someone's cosplay bothers me, I have this magical ability called "look away." Let them have their fun, they deserve it as much as I do (as long as decency laws are followed). I would be pissed if someone came up to me and said, "you know, you really can't pull that outfit off." Who asked them? Do I need permission to express my fandom now?

I guess it mostly bugs me because a friend of mine always critiques my cosplay choices, because he wants "perfection". Last year, he didn't want me to do a character because I'm "too tall" for her (it was Yui from K-ON, not a child or anything). If that's the case, I pretty much can't cosplay ANYONE, since I'm taller than the majority of Japanese women. He'd rather I went for the taller Mio instead, but why do Mio if I like Yui more? That whole concept is just ridiculous to me.

And yeah, this post'll probably make me sound fat, but I'm not. I just dislike the idea of people saying someone can't dress up as their favorite character because the view disturbs them. People may disagree, but I find that attitude kind of immature.

I apologize for the ranting.


Quote from: MeowDesu on July 10, 2011, 11:18:32 PM
I can see you're attempting to have a civil discussion over what cosplayers should and shouldn't wear, but I have to say...we cosplayers don't do it for your approval. I cosplay a character because I like the character. I can appreciate anyone who does it for the same reason, despite body types or genders. Honestly, anime characters have disproportionate and unrealistic bodies to begin with, so we ALL look fat in comparison. There's no way to be the spitting image of a 2D character without standing behind a cardboard cutout or something.

Anyway, if someone's cosplay bothers me, I have this magical ability called "look away." Let them have their fun, they deserve it as much as I do (as long as decency laws are followed). I would be pissed if someone came up to me and said, "you know, you really can't pull that outfit off." Who asked them? Do I need permission to express my fandom now?

I guess it mostly bugs me because a friend of mine always critiques my cosplay choices, because he wants "perfection". Last year, he didn't want me to do a character because I'm "too tall" for her (it was Yui from K-ON, not a child or anything). If that's the case, I pretty much can't cosplay ANYONE, since I'm taller than the majority of Japanese women. He'd rather I went for the taller Mio instead, but why do Mio if I like Yui more? That whole concept is just ridiculous to me.

And yeah, this post'll probably make me sound fat, but I'm not. I just dislike the idea of people saying someone can't dress up as their favorite character because the view disturbs them. People may disagree, but I find that attitude kind of immature.

I apologize for the ranting.

Because we are from the internet and nothing short of perfection should be allowed. You shouldn't cosplay Mio either, because they're in Jr. High. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COSPLAY AS 12 yr. old girls you old hag. Tall people should only cosplay tall people. And only if you're tall and HOT. If you're not hot, you're not allowed.

I SUPPORT xkuramaxhieix in her fight to remove fatties and uglies from public.

Accidentally hit send when i got up to poop.

People should take a page from the op. People should know their place. Obviously fat and ugly people have nothing to take pride in. Therefore they should not wear cosplay that may show skin. The OP kinda knows her place. She states she's fat, therefore should not be okay with herself. She then knows not to cosplay anything that takes any kind of confidence or pride. She knows to hole herself up and be ashamed of who she is. All fatties and uglies should take a page from her book and never show themselves in public. Everyone should follow her insecure page.


As a cos-nerd myself, here's my feeling on the topic:

1. I am not against people of any size, shape, color, and whatnot cosplaying what they want.
2. That being said,  it never hurts you to look in the mirror and say to yourself...honestly "Does this flatter me and do I want to be out in public and potentially photographed in this?"

I think that is the biggest problem, really. People try to push themselves into something that simply doesn't look good on them, and some of them cannot be honest with themselves and say "I can -and should- do better than this". Most people do this on a regular basis with regular clothing...why not do it with cosplay?

I know more than a few people who are not petite wo do an excellent job dressing to their body type, or shaping their bodies to work better with the character they are portraying. I consider that a essential part of costuming/cosplay: if you don't look like the character -exactly-, are you able to shape yourself to a recognizable and well-done comparison? The less you look like the character, the harder it is, but if you have the skill to make it happen, or to make a notable effort? I consider that a win in my book.

Also, think about this: there are a LOT of characters that no skinny person will make work.  I know you might hate to admit that, but they are there, it's just that people ignore them, just like they ignore old characters.  Case in point: there is a character I saw in Tekken recently...I can't remember his name (I wanna say Bob), but I call him Cartman because that is who he reminds me of. Or how about Earthquake from Samurai Showdown (or even Wan Fu, but I've seen him drawn both fat-ish and fit)?

It would be AWESOME to see any of these done, but I don't want to see them done by some skinny guy with ridiculous fake padding just because "nobody wants to see fat people cosplay".  I want a big fat bald guy for Earthquake and that's that. :)

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You are complaining that just because a coplayer is overweight compared to a Anime character, whom for the most part tend to have perfect bodies or at least tend to be lean and skinny, which most people fail to meet, that they should not cosplay?
Most people will never perfectly match how a character looks. The average person is not well toned or extremely skinny, and even when they are, there are differences in height, skin tone, and other characteristics.
Does that mean they should not cosplay as a character they want to cosplay as? Not at all. They are free to do as they like.

Now I will agree to an extent that when someone cosplays, they should generally choose a character that suits them and their body type. For overweight people, it does not necessarily have to be a fat character, but super skinny characters wearing skimpy clothing is not a great idea. Just the same, most males don't cosplay Females well (though the opposite actually tend to be the opposite in many cases, at least IMO). A cosplay should be conscious of these facts and should consider there cosplay carefully.

But again, a person is free to make there own choice on what to or not cosplay as. If it truely bothers you, ignore them, it's not like a fat cosplayer is going to lead to a natural disaster or anything serious.

Speaking of Serious, why is this thread in Serious Business? Someone's rant on cosplayers does not seem to be something appropriate for this section. But then again, half the threads in SB don't belong there IMO, so I digress. Hopfully this wall of text managed to make sense...

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