Looking for people to hang out with this year

Started by PinkFuzzums, March 05, 2012, 12:58:37 PM

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This will be the first time I'm going to fanime alone. Kinda sucks but I'm hoping that I can make some new friends to keep me company. If you're interested please let me know.

I'm going to be 25 by the 2012 con and I'm male.

Admiral Donuts

I'm gonna take the leap here and say yeah I could hang out with someone new

29 male.



Hey  I am also going alone. I trying to get a small group of others who are going alone. I am not at all uncomfortable with a 29 year old male. If you want to hangout at the con that would be cool.
Cosplay line up 2014:
Poland or hungary- Hetalia
Ace- Alice in the Country of Hearts
Signless- Homestuck
Ellie- The Last of Us
Sinbad- Magi


I won't be GOING alone, but most likely I'll be losing him throughout the con so technically I'll be alone by myself, but I'd be obliged to come and say hey and hang out!

I'm 22 years old male :)   (but will be 23 in April so I'll be 23 by Fanime)
"I'll do it! I'll marry you!"


Well I guess I can help out a bit. We had "hang out durring the con" thread over at AX. Heres how it when:

-Everyone listed their planed schedules for the four days
-We had a set meeting point in the morring where we would get to know/wait for everyone to show up.
- Once everyone got together we then spilt up with who ever had the same kind schedule.
- We also had a afternoon meeting place where we would wait for a while for the other people that woke up late or had other plans.
-Durring the afternoon meet up we would get lunch or go to what ever part of the con. We also used the same meeting place for thoese that wanted to get dinner or or hang more in the evening.

With that being said, about 20 people showed up in the morrings, but with everyone different schedules about 3-4 people endding up sticking together.

Lunch and dinner is when mostly everyone hanged out again a bit. Then went back doing their own things
I hope this helps out a bit.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


OI its fanime it is ment for meeting new cool people. so yea ill kick it with you for a while. names James
male 20


Hello, I'm Alexis and I am going with someone, but we usually split up and I would like to hang out and get to know new people.  I will be there Saturday and Sunday.  I am 19 and a female.


I would love to hang out! I will be going alone too! And this is my first time! I am 19 at the moment, but May 9th, I turn 20! ^.^
""To move is to stir, and to be valiant is to stand; therefore,
if tou art mov'd, thou runst away."


I'm running around with a panel and possibly a table in the artist alley, but I love meeting and hanging out with people :D

I'm here with some college friends but I run around without 'em anyways.
Check out my current Cosplays, Panels & Plans!


How about a meet up for a bunch of newbies and lonely wolves?
""To move is to stir, and to be valiant is to stand; therefore,
if tou art mov'd, thou runst away."


I'd love to meet y'all! I'm always open to meeting new people; especially at anime conventions! I'll be attending Fanime with some friends, but we'll definitely be going our own separate ways. As for myself, I'll be staffing. But if there is a time and place established, I'm sure I can figure out a way to go~ C:
FanimeCon 2013 cosplays

Briefers Rock from "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt"
Chie Satonaka from "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4"
Hikaru Usada/Rabi~en~Rose from "Di Gi Charat"
Eruka Frog from "Soul Eater"


""To move is to stir, and to be valiant is to stand; therefore,
if tou art mov'd, thou runst away."


Well lets just make this a simi-offical hang out durring the fanime thread then?

And fyi I have been going to cons alone for a while and always meet friends to hang out with.

On a side note we could aslo do a 21+ pub crawl like at AX..but that may take a bit more planing and if people are willing.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


well it looks like we have enough people to meet up. we just need a time and place. i am there all 4 days and am down to kick it with as many awesome fanime goers as possible


I'll be there alone. I'm down to kick it. 21 year old male.
Locked and Loaded, voices scream "Let's go!" "Come on!" "Do it!" "Here we go!"


im not goin alone nor is it my first time but im gonna get ditched for the game room most of the time so id be willing to hang and meet new people :)

21 female, 7th time goin
id also be down for a 21+ pub crawl :D
there from fri-sun, and assisting the b&w ball room dances

yay people!!
Fanime attendee since 2006
2012 Black & White Ball volunteer
2013-now Black & White Ball Staff

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so should we try to make a time and place where we can all meet up? i am there all 4 days i am 20 and male.


Ok, I can think of two places, the frist is the second floor of the Hilton that lounge part where they have the sofas.
The second spot is on the second floor by the Marriott side either outside on the paito or the tables that are next to them.

As for the time it could be at 9:00 or 10:00 and again at 12:00 or 1:00 but thats just my guess once the program schedule goes up we can decide what time has the lest interfearance.

As far as the pub crawl I can make a new thread, since a coulpe of people are not over 21 yet. But I'll have to do a bit more research and testing on bars/pubs near by.

How does that sound?
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Not 21 (bluh, I should be in time for Otakon if I'm back in DC though) but I can ask around campus if there are good places in the area.
Check out my current Cosplays, Panels & Plans!