Fanime Karaoke Contest Contestant Thread

Started by SuperSheba, April 26, 2012, 11:26:50 AM

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Nina Star 9

Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 01, 2012, 01:22:00 PM
karaoke contest on its own is an amazing event especially if you hear the amazing talent thats out there
im not that great at convincign ppl of doing anything
im just saying
its an awesome event and something that you don't to miss :)

im excited for sign-ups!
Well, this would be my first Fanime contest since... '07? I did the contest at this past SacAnime, though, which was my first contest in a long time!

I like doing the contests, but I'm not sure if I want this one to cut into my cosplay time, or if I want to miss a gathering because of it. (Plus, I still don't have my songs fully memorized... ack!) I'm in it to have fun, though, I'm aiming to do my best but not aiming to win, so I might give up my spot for someone who actually cares about winning.


Quote from: SuperSheba on May 02, 2012, 10:12:53 AM
Quote from: loconeko on May 02, 2012, 08:14:11 AM
*waves to supersheba*

Hey girly! Long time no see! Something told me to visit the Fanime forums. :)

Planning to compete again?

Hecka yeah!  Are you coming this year?  I'm definitely competing.  I'll facebook you to talk about my song choice. :D

Ya! Please do! I'm trying to make it. Depends if my friend goes cause I don't wanna drive to san Jose by myself. :)


i'm gonna sound stupid for asking this: can anyone help me
make a song karaoke version or instrumental? i don't know
how to do it. i tried to do it, but it's not working out. can
someone help me? if not, thanks anyway. :-[


@loconeko: HEYYYYY fancy seein u again! :D u excited for fanime again this year? :) haha
where do u come from again?
Fanime attendee since 2006
2012 Black & White Ball volunteer
2013-now Black & White Ball Staff

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Hong Shon here. does anyone remember me? lol

I performed in 2009(solo, 2nd place) and 2011(duet, 9th place).

this time will be my 3rd try! i guess im now sort of a veteran, but it's never easy to perform in front of everyone. and as the years go, i find more and more AMAZING singers out there, which makes me just soo excited!
i'll do my best to make it this time too, and i hope i could rock and enjoy with everyone again!

- Hong :)
[2009] Fanime Karaoke (2nd place)

[2010] Anime On Display Karaoke (2nd place, as duet)

[2011] Fanime Karaoke (9th place, as duet)

now up for Fanime 2012!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 04, 2012, 04:23:42 AM
@loconeko: HEYYYYY fancy seein u again! :D u excited for fanime again this year? :) haha
where do u come from again?

Hello pretty lady! Good seeing you too! I'm coming from Sacramento. I just got confirmation today that I will be at Fanime. I'm excited for Fanime. Lol! :P

You got your songs picked out my dear?


new to the contest~ are we allowed to use lyric sheets? :o


Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 03, 2012, 08:42:18 PM
i'm gonna sound stupid for asking this: can anyone help me
make a song karaoke version or instrumental? i don't know
how to do it. i tried to do it, but it's not working out. can
someone help me? if not, thanks anyway. :-[
Which song? I'll PM you back the instrumental.


This is actually my first time going to Fanime at all, so I'm excited to see how it goes. I'm thinking about entering the karaoke contest, but it's quite nerve-wracking just thinking about it xD


Quote from: MysticHera on May 06, 2012, 02:31:56 AM
This is actually my first time going to Fanime at all, so I'm excited to see how it goes. I'm thinking about entering the karaoke contest, but it's quite nerve-wracking just thinking about it xD

Just make sure you have fun. Otherwise, its not worthwhile. :) I've met so many great people through this contest. I know you'll have a great time.


Just wondering, how many people do small-ish dances and the like during their performances?


echoes by universe

Quote from: CrunchiMochi on May 05, 2012, 07:21:55 PM
Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 03, 2012, 08:42:18 PM
i'm gonna sound stupid for asking this: can anyone help me
make a song karaoke version or instrumental? i don't know
how to do it. i tried to do it, but it's not working out. can
someone help me? if not, thanks anyway. :-[
Which song? I'll PM you back the instrumental.


Quote from: Marisuga on May 06, 2012, 03:29:41 PM
Just wondering, how many people do small-ish dances and the like during their performances?

A couple of people do. The problem is the stage is not the most sturdy thing on the planet - not that it's going to break, but it will jostle near surroundings and is pretty loud. It's probably not recommended to be super rambunctious on it. Dance moves should be fine though, long as it isn't break dancing or similar stunts.


Quote from: Marisuga on May 06, 2012, 03:29:41 PM
Just wondering, how many people do small-ish dances and the like during their performances?
Actually, from what I've seen, most people are either too nervous to dance about and add in theatrics. That said, go for it! It'll probably add to your performance score. Besides that, I always like to have a routine prepared for any performance like this. Dance to your heart's content!
Accept no substitutes!


Quote from: loconeko on May 04, 2012, 07:37:15 PM
Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 04, 2012, 04:23:42 AM
@loconeko: HEYYYYY fancy seein u again! :D u excited for fanime again this year? :) haha
where do u come from again?

Hello pretty lady! Good seeing you too! I'm coming from Sacramento. I just got confirmation today that I will be at Fanime. I'm excited for Fanime. Lol! :P

You got your songs picked out my dear?

pft no XD im gonna put down two songs that i know are acceptable by the rules but im gonna have to change them before the actual contest itself
ive been so busy with school and work and startin summer school that i havent really had the time to think about it ya kno? XD

Quote from: MysticHera on May 06, 2012, 02:31:56 AM
This is actually my first time going to Fanime at all, so I'm excited to see how it goes. I'm thinking about entering the karaoke contest, but it's quite nerve-wracking just thinking about it xD
dont worry abotu being nervous
everyones nervous their first time and everything
and ive actually met some awesome ppl (supersheba and loconeko some fine examples)
so just enjoy the experience :D
Fanime attendee since 2006
2012 Black & White Ball volunteer
2013-now Black & White Ball Staff

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Fanime Karaoke Contest Sign-up is UP! and I have signed UP!

First time (2009), I competed... Last time (2010), I got to finals...This time, I AIM HIGHER!!  I am confident about my song selections!

But most of all, I will have fun and hope to meet some great people there!!  :D
This year I will Volunteer!

Excited about Karaoke Contest!!


Hah, I'll be delighted if I can make it in! That, and I can't wait to see the audience's reaction when they find out a certain handsome gentleman is starting off with a rather well known english version of a certain magical girl show...
Accept no substitutes!


So what are people plannin on using as their songs? Or is that a taboo thing to talk about before hand ><


Quote from: Marisuga on May 06, 2012, 10:43:49 PM
So what are people plannin on using as their songs? Or is that a taboo thing to talk about before hand ><

haha i have no qualms talkin about my previous songs
i did ayumi hamasaki last year but i dont think im gonna go wit that this year
honestly...i have no idea yet XD i put ayumi hamasaki as my placements cuz im still debating and possibly memorizing other songs :D

wat about u?
Fanime attendee since 2006
2012 Black & White Ball volunteer
2013-now Black & White Ball Staff

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Nina Star 9

I signed up! Hopefully I can get in and into a late enough spot that I'll be able to perform. (And hopefully I'll be able to learn my songs well enough by then...)

I have no qualms about talking about my songs, mostly because no one will know them anyway, haha. My prelims song is Kuchibashi ni Cherry, and my finals round song is Ashinaga no Salvador, both by EGO WRAPPIN'.

As for dancing, some people dance, some people just stand there nervously. I prefer to do something in between, since I don't really do songs conducive to -dancing-, per se, but I like to -perform-, you know? I'm not great at it and don't pretend to be, but it's so much better than just standing there and staring, right? Maybe I'll do some basic foot movements to the beat, I have a tendency to move my hands while I sing (it helps me hit high notes and draw out notes, alright?), and maybe I'd even get the audience to clap along during an instrumental, depending on the song. So really, it's about making yourself as entertaining as possible to watch while still fitting the song. I'm sure that a full-on dance number that augments great singing wouldn't hurt your score. ;P