Day 0: Worth It?

Started by Sivartius, January 28, 2014, 07:20:42 PM

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We checked in on Day Zero last year just to avoid the hectic chaos that is check-in day. We got to wake up early and unstressed to get in badge pick up line(I won't go into that, we've all heard it a million times  ;)) This year we're doing Day Zero just to pick up our badges in the crazy long line and luckily staying a friends that night who lives in the city. Don't know if we'll be making it to any events, but I'd personally rather wait in the badge line all night than all morning and miss an event on Friday. Plus I have friends registering with us who can't make it until night, so then they won't miss out on two days of the con due to lack on time to get their badge.


Day 0 has been a regular for me since ~2003. Always nice to get your badge before the "official" start. Historically I've gotten there pretty early 10 AM - noonish to pick up my badge (or my group's badge, back when that was a thing).

Swap meet is definitely a big hit for Day 0 attendees. I know at least one musicfest guest in the past held a small concert for Day 0 people that I stopped in on.

Anyways, Day 0 is awesome. Definitely recommend it! :D
Fanime attendee since 2004
Swap meet staff - 2014
Swap meet co-chair - 2015


[copied from the split-off thread]

Last year was the first year I have ever attended day zero. I will probably continue going on Thursday for however long I attend the convention. Getting the basics like hotel and badge out of the way before the convention starts, and having a little bit of downtime was just really, really nice. Fridays are way too hectic.

Firefury Amahira

Personally, I prefer driving up on Day 0, but then my group is looking at a 6-8 hour drive depending on weather/traffic, so getting up there the day before everything really starts is practically a necessity. While it does mean an extra night of hotel costs, IMO it's worth it just for the peace of mind of being able to get there, get all unpacked and settled at the hotel, and get the waiting in line for badge pickup out of the way before the con is actually underway. Plus you can avoid the check-in rush on Day 1 (assuming that you're staying on-site or at least close to the con center) that way. With hotel check-ins usually being sometime after 12pm, trying to do check-in and get your badge and everything is a huge pain in the butt on Day 1.

My group also springs for an extra night the last day of the con, because again, 6-8 hour drive home, and I'd rather do it fully rested the morning after the last day of the con. (My first year at Fanime, we didn't spring for the extra night at the end, and we had a panel from midnight-2am Sunday night, got back to the hotel and to bed around 4am... yeah, long drive Monday afternoon while still freshly afflicted with con fatigue, not fun!) Also, you avoid the check-out rush on Day 4, you can take your time packing your gear and all your con swag instead of having to scramble while there's still convention stuff going on.
"Fandom should be fun!" - Firefury Amahira
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Day zero? You mean Line-Con? :)


I've not missed a day 0 in 13yrs, I will add  that it is pretty boring compared to the other 4 days.  I think its ideal for the vendors, staff, and press so they can link up and party or chill out


I haven't done a day zero, but I plan to this year because the past two years I went, I feel like I missed a lot of panels I wanted to see on Day 1 because I had to drive to San Jose, check into my hotel, stand in line to get my badge, make sure I didn't pass out from starvation, etc. So I'm looking forward to getting that stuff out of the way on day zero so that I can enjoy Day 1!


We're doing Day 0 this year since our friend lives in the area and we're staying with him that night. I really just want to get it out the way so I can enjoy my morning on Friday without waking super early just to sit in line. I'd rather wake up early to go find parking and have fun XD


Been going to Day 0 since my first fanime years ago. Whether it's worth it is up to you, but it definitely has a life of its own. While the line sucks most years (I usually get in around 7am, so I can't really complain lol), having a 3DS, board games, and friends really speeds things up. Last year I joined a game of Cards Against Humanity with some strangers, and then played Korean jacks and Bang! with some friends. The swap meet is great too. As others said, getting your room is much easier and a sigh of relief. All in all, I always go because it's just one more day of vacation for me.


Quote from: Darth_Diclonius on May 09, 2014, 08:17:27 PM
All in all, I always go because it's just one more day of vacation for me.

Even if Fanime didn't open up pre-registration pick-up on Day Zero, this would be my reason to go.
Why wait one more day for Fanime at home when I can just go and hang and wait with everyone.

Fanime 2017
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