"Rag All Night Long" [RagnarokOnline Gathering 2009]

Started by Chibblz, June 16, 2008, 08:01:51 PM

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Hey, guys. Chibblz here, and I'm inviting YOU--yes, you--to the RagnarokOnline gathering of 2009! Thanks of o0Mutsu0o, we had an awesome gathering at Fanime08. So what I'm trying to tell you is that for as long as people play Ragnarok, we'll be having this silly gathering, and possibly a skit this time too!

I'm looking forward to seeing who decides to post here. xD

Saturday @ (Time?) by the Fountain

Chibblz - Gypsy
Hirotona - MVP Kiel
Hirotona's friend 1 - Aliza
Hirotona's friend 2 - High Priest
Hirotona's friend 3 - High Wizard
Lonelykangta - Stalker
FinalShadows - Wizard
Hirotona's friend 4 - Assassin
Hirotona's friend 5 - High Priest
Hirotona's friend 6 - Sniper
o0Mutsu0o - Priest or Knight
Oniko - Hunter


OH BOY HERE WE GO <3 This is the cosplay I'm trying to get all my friends coming to take part in : D

Let's see, I'm going to cosplay the MVP Kiel Hyre, one of my friends is going to cosplay as Aliza, I have one friend who wants to do male high priest, one who wants to do female high wizard...

XD I'll try and get alot more to join in though. It's the one cosplay I hope at least a majority of my roommates and people I am inviting to the con can take part in :3 With that all said and done I hope that is anywhere from eight to sixteen+ people?/unrealistic perhaps?


Yup ill be there, but im finally lvling up and gonna be a Stalker lol
Forever lonely


Quote from: Hirotona on June 16, 2008, 08:41:11 PM
Let's see, I'm going to cosplay the MVP Kiel Hyre, one of my friends is going to cosplay as Aliza, I have one friend who wants to do male high priest, one who wants to do female high wizard...
Dude.. You guys can be a whole guild.. o_O; With the exception of the.. uhh.. hacked MVP and Aliza pets? Lmao. Very awesome. No one's cosplayed as an RO monster for a few years now. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys! =)

Quote from: Lonelykangta on June 17, 2008, 12:16:10 AM
Yup ill be there, but im finally lvling up and gonna be a Stalker lol
WHOA! Really? I thought I saw somewhere that you were gonna be a paladin. /hmm But wow. Go kill them porings, man! GO KILL THEM GOOD! xD


Grr, I couldn't make it to the '08 gathering! I should set a phone alarm next time. I'm def. going to the '09 gathering (if it's on a Saturday).
on my way to steal yo gurls
Fanimaid Cafe Department Second Head


Quote from: sakuranoyuki on June 17, 2008, 01:29:45 PM
Grr, I couldn't make it to the '08 gathering! I should set a phone alarm next time. I'm def. going to the '09 gathering (if it's on a Saturday).
It's most likely gonna be on Saturday, since it's been for the past few years.. Or was it Sunday once or twice before. EITHER WAY, will you be cosplaying with us this year? And f so, as what? I'd lurve to know. :3


Haha well with any luck that's the plan C: Hopefully I can get someone to cosplay one of the unreleased 3rd classes as well (there are concept sketches of them floating around after all so it's doable). And haha well Kiel Hyre is a very popular MVP amoung my friends ; D I shall not dissapoint.

XD I love how I've been on hiatus for... nine months or so and still really am into the whole RO cosplay idea/talking about the game in general.


Quote from: Hirotona on June 17, 2008, 04:58:18 PM
Haha well with any luck that's the plan C: Hopefully I can get someone to cosplay one of the unreleased 3rd classes as well (there are concept sketches of them floating around afterall so it's doable). And haha well Kiel Hyre is a very popular MVP amoung my friends ; D I shall not dissapoint.

XD I love how I've been on hiatus for... nine months or so and still really am into the whole RO cosplay idea/talking about the game in general.
3rd classes will be Teh Secks. I want to know what Dancer will become.. And when I did my Ninja cosplay last year, I didn't play RO for about a year. But I still kept up-to-date and stuff. xD


Haha well I can't help but stay current since alot of my friends are still very active players (whether it be IRO or private server). The new updates sound really great but I'm just not really into the actual playing/time consumingness of RO at the moment.

Apparently there's now official art of the Warlock, though it looked kind of suspect. I don't like the look of the g.cross and the rune knight though, but it will be interesting to see their skills. And the dark knight and dark collector to.

Ahh you cosplayed a ninja? Do you have pictures?


Quote from: Lonelykangta on June 17, 2008, 12:16:10 AM
Yup ill be there, but im finally lvling up and gonna be a Stalker lol
WHOA! Really? I thought I saw somewhere that you were gonna be a paladin. /hmm But wow. Go kill them porings, man! GO KILL THEM GOOD! xD

i would be a paladin, but man that metal would be hard to make @_@, so im going down my tree and classing up lol
Forever lonely


Who should I call next? The Shrimp?


I got two more friends that said they'd try and make the gathering if they could make the con. They'd be cosplaying a female assassin and female high priest.

Edit: As well now as another friend cosplaying a sniper of yet undeterminded gender.


Wow. This is a lot of people so far. O.o;

I just got the materials for my Gypsy cosplay yesterday, so I'll be starting it soon. I tend to prpocrastinate, so I need to work on this early. >>;

Quote from: Hirotona on June 17, 2008, 05:16:15 PM
Ahh you cosplayed a ninja? Do you have pictures?
I just have one picture of it on cosplay.com. xD

Quote from: Lonelykangta on June 17, 2008, 05:37:38 PM
i would be a paladin, but man that metal would be hard to make @_@, so im going down my tree and classing up lol
GJ. I get addicted to a new class every year. But I'm hopefully gonna stick with Gypsy for a while. And, like, I was looking at the armor stuff people made on cosplay.com, and foam or whatever seemed to be a good metal substitute. O.o;

Quote from: FinalShadows on June 17, 2008, 07:19:53 PM
Add me in.. i'll be a Regular Wizard :P
Yay~ You'll be joining us again~! xP


Haha XD well I hope with any luck to get a gathering the size of AX07's, with the same amount of class variation as well at the very least.

Dl I was talking to a friend who said she might come... but she forgot the class of one of the character she wanted to cosplay. Sadly I forgot as well... her other character is a paladin and that's just going to be to hard to do well (she makes her own cosplays).

And wow I really like your RO cosplays x] I can't wait to see your gypsy.


Quote from: Hirotona on June 22, 2008, 10:54:34 AM
I was talking to a friend who said she might come... but she forgot the class of one of the character she wanted to cosplay. Sadly I forgot as well... her other character is a paladin and that's just going to be to hard to do well (she makes her own cosplays).
I would love to see a Paladin.. ~DX


She insists on making her own cosplays though D: And she already has enough cosplay making related stress as it is...

A good/accurate Paladin would be seriously awesome to see but really quite the project to make.

So what's up? C:


I'm procrastinating again.. Anyone know how to fix this..? xD



On the costume? x3 perhaps commission someone to do it for you?

And me either. Haven't found anymore RO cosplayers yet but hopefully soon.

BTW time of this... can we perhaps do Friday evening? >> Saturday and Sunday are already getting loaded up.


Yeah.. All I've done was gotten the fabric. I just need to get the shiny stuff for the top and bottom.. Basically, the only things on my shopping list are the final details. O_o

And maybe Friday.. It depends on the other cosplayers. We'll see. =o


Well.. you have eight months in anycase : )

And well X3 here's to hoping!

I finally have measurments, now I need to raise funds and find image refs and some to make it.