Pandora Hearts Gathering 2010

Started by CaptTreasureTroveTi, June 25, 2009, 12:10:01 AM

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haha I want to do next years Pandora Hearts gathering XD it was fun!


Zomg I know right!~
But we gotta make sure who is DEFINITELY going to the after photo-shoots "Tea party", cuz' ours kinda failed this year.. =3=
We had fun though, & made the best of it~~ ^O^



Quote from: xXunyuuXx on June 08, 2010, 09:13:56 PM
Working on Echo next~ ^(=w=)^
Idk what cosplay im doing next D: Horo...or Tales of Symphonia...or Rin...or...or... O_O IDK!!


Oh~ Echo's outfit looks very purty  & easy to move in, can't wait to see the outcome Unyuu =3
Suiseiseki, I think you should do the one that looks the hardest first, so you get it over with. ^^
I'm having my Izuna Ninja outfit commissioned (The skirt, shirt, scarf & sash are ready to go!)
All I need is the rest of the outfit.


Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 09, 2010, 07:38:03 AM
Oh~ Echo's outfit looks very purty  & easy to move in, can't wait to see the outcome Unyuu =3
Suiseiseki, I think you should do the one that looks the hardest first, so you get it over with. ^^
I'm having my Izuna Ninja outfit commissioned (The skirt, shirt, scarf & sash are ready to go!)
All I need is the rest of the outfit.
Aww yay :D haha and since my boyfriend agreed on doing Llyod for me I'm going to shoot for Colette ^^(Though the cosplays r expensive...ugh...We're saving up and plus I'm being forced to get a job this summer)


Oh a job :D I think I should hold a garage sale this summer..
I bet you N your BF are gonna look cute N' adorable :)


Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 09, 2010, 10:45:26 AM
Oh a job :D I think I should hold a garage sale this summer..
I bet you N your BF are gonna look cute N' adorable :)

haa thank q ^^


I am a big Tales Fanatic. I know all the Tales game out there and played mostly all of it >w< *Nerding out*
Anyways~ I love TOS. I was thinking of doing Collete one day too~ Though Presea is more of my girl so I might go for her~I love Presea >w< So far I did some from Tales of Abyss and I'm working on Tales of Graces atm.


TOS has such cute cosplay, I'd love to be Sheena for  few days..
{But Nu! I have to stick to Izuna.. >o<}
and Colette's seems like such a sweetheart, & Presea reminds me of a tough chic from Gintama :o


Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 10, 2010, 06:03:42 AM
TOS has such cute cosplay, I'd love to be Sheena for  few days..
{But Nu! I have to stick to Izuna.. >o<}
and Colette's seems like such a sweetheart, & Presea reminds me of a tough chic from Gintama :o

Presea is my girl >W< Yes she is tough but she is also quite adorable~~~ >///<
I love Sheena as well~ You should do Sheene someday~ The outfit is simple enough.


Actually I think we should all do a Tales of Symphonia Cosplay! ^^ I think that'd be cool!

P.S. uhh...people are alrdy starting to set up next years gatherings :O Should I do pandora hearts and Tales of Symphonia, u think?


Quote from: Suiseiseki on June 11, 2010, 02:08:49 PM
Actually I think we should all do a Tales of Symphonia Cosplay! ^^ I think that'd be cool!

P.S. uhh...people are alrdy starting to set up next years gatherings :O Should I do pandora hearts and Tales of Symphonia, u think?

Actually you should do a Tales gathering in general because Tales is a big series just like Final Fantasy and such. Would be weird just to do one part of a big series like for an example a Final Fantasy 7 gathering when you can just do a Final Fantasy gathering. Btw, there is already a Tales gathering every year so we can just join in. There was one this Fanime which I was in too.


I think you should choose both, it will be an exciting challenge, yes? :D
Ahh, Suiseiseki, Unyuu I think we should set up for next year's gathering too: We gotta get SERIOUS and make a guest list O:
However, things came up.. my dad not approving of my little cosplay, & I may not be able to attend next year's Fanime. *emo waterfall sobs* TT^TT
HOWEVER I will continue to keep you guys in with the news.


I hate it when parents gets in the way of little things like that. Its not like your running around in a wild outfit or anything @_@
We can set up a gathering but its still a little early but we can. For Tales like I said, there is already a person who host it every year and its call the Tales gathering. Been running for quite these years now.


Exactly! They should trust their old-enough-responsible-child to roam the pave ways of Fanime. >_>
Mhm, should we make a list of the Photoshoots, and the after photoshoots Tea Party?


Sounds good everyone :) I'll get the Pandora Hearts Gathering set up shortly (Right after I have breakfast! :D)
And sounds good! We should try to do some tales cosplay (I've only watched symphonia though DX lol oh well)
Midnight: I'm so sorry bout that :( my parents give me a pretty long leesh usually with cosplay even though they dont really have interest in it *pouts* theres nothing really wrong with the will of abyss cosplay...its strapless?...with a skirt?...but thats about it :/


Aha, I'm having lunch right now.. (Chicken curry+rice)
What's up with parents hating on cosplay/anime?
I don't know.. i probably never will understand that factor of them... =__=
Yes, but next year, on of my parents said to put straps on the Will of the Abyss cosplay..


Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 12, 2010, 12:31:47 PM
Aha, I'm having lunch right now.. (Chicken curry+rice)
What's up with parents hating on cosplay/anime?
I don't know.. i probably never will understand that factor of them... =__=
Yes, but next year, on of my parents said to put straps on the Will of the Abyss cosplay..
put straps and then take them off when u get there? :D


You only watch Symphonia? Dx
I thought you played it ;-;
The anime for TOS was quite old and it wasn't even done yet. There is so much more to it then how they end it but thank gawd they are continuing because Presea and all the other character hasn't shown up yet. Watch Tales of the Abyss since it follows the game precisely. Then Tales of Eternia and Tales of Phantasia. Eternia is about 13 ep and Phantasia is another OVA about 3 ep. >w<