MS Paint Adventures 2011 Gathering: ==>

Started by AstrayRed 0, February 21, 2011, 01:44:56 PM

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AstrayRed 0

MSPA Gathering

Hi, I'm Steve, Astrayred0 here, Krimson to some, mechanistInquisitor to others.
A lot of people nowadays seem to know about Ms Paint Adventures whether I'm talking with friends, on image boards, or whatever. And there are those who are interested in cosplaying characters from their various series', like Homestuck or Problem Sleuth.
So I thought, hey, why isn't their an official gathering?
And then, I had a thought.
"Steve: Make a MSPA 2011 gathering thread"

And whoop, here we are.

If you don't know what MS Paint Adventures is, here's the site:

It's basically an "interactive" story about whatever the creator, Andrew Hussie, feels like telling.

His main story right now is Homestuck, which is about kids who enter a video game world, and their fun. Kids and Fun. ;)

It's gotten pretty far now, and I suggest you give it a read, if you have the time.

Anyway, I really think there should be an official gathering for this.

Here is the coscom thread created by Hanyaan, some info may be listed here if not

Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

We will need to agree on a few things first:

Day: Saturday  
Time: 4 PM, or 4:13 ;)
Location: MP: 1FCC LA ~ L: FiF HS
Meeting Place: 1st Floor Convention Center (Inside)

List of Attending:
Around 20-30 people

Hanyaan -Gamzee or Kanaya or Hearts Boxcars
Bellzen - Eridan or Dave
ph1shf00d -
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

??? - Hearts Boxcars
Krimson- Eridan, John w/ Gamzee and Dave and a Equius (If he isn't being lazy  :-\ )
demetria656- Terezi
PhantomShadow- Jack Noir
StereotypeTea- Nepeta
Geardog- Karkat, along with a Dave x2 , John, Terezi, Nepeta, Vriska (maybe), Rose (maybe x2) Aradia
knightshift- Dave
PunkRockPanic- Jade along with a Dave
quadhonk- Aradia or Tavros along with a GaMzEe and Dave (maybe)
ZetsubouSensei- Nepeta
b-chan- John
vegetable- Kanaya w/ vriska and Terezi
Melodicanth- Terezi
Deflare- John w/ Dave
SabienStrange- Karkat
SunshineDuk- Bro w/ Redglare and Mindfang
Pino- TinkerVriska
Chazo- Jack
keitoghostie- Nepeta
mishamigo- Karkat w/ Terezi

This is just one big rainbow, isn't it?

PHOTOGRAPHY ORDER~Keep in mind that this order in NOT final. Just temporary.
-Human Kids in front
(Might be by chapter, might not, whatever works) Might be kneeling
-Trolls along the sides and back
-Problem Sleuths: I am still unsure of where to put them.
-Moms, Dads, Bros, luses  and what not will probably be in the back.
-Shipping pairs (If you're in to that thing)

I'll be editing this later for any more news and requirements.

Map soon(?)

AstrayRed 0

-Reserving for tutorials, or other news.


Hey what's up!

Heads up, I may be switching to Kanaya... and i maaaaay have a Hearts Boxcars. :D

AstrayRed 0

Alright! Can't wait!

Time to get my stuff together, already got my hair heir conditioned and ready.

Let's see this list grow.


Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK




Might I reqest we do the gathering after 1 or something?
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK

AstrayRed 0

Quote from: demetria656 on March 01, 2011, 06:54:48 PM
Might I reqest we do the gathering after 1 or something?

Around 1 PM? Maybe? It's because some others want to try to get the "4:13" or 4 PM even, just for fun.
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As soon as we can agree on a spot to have the gathering, I'll see what would work better.


A cool place would be in the front side of the hotel. Where all the tree's, cool stairs and such are.
If not there is a cool looking park right across the street.
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK

AstrayRed 0

I was thinking the fountains, and near the steps outside near hilton.

Fairmont park? Sure! We could have a picnic up in this.


Hello All~! I noticed you do not have a Nepeta! I've been searching for a group to both be in and take pictures of just for fun. Mind if I join?


Hey there; I'm going to be cosplaying as Karkat (with the Nepeta who posted above, haha ^) and I'm interested in the gathering as well~

By the way, I'll probably be bringing along a Dave, John, Terezi, another Nepeta, a Vriska, and quite possibly a Rose. Haha.


Goood afternoon.

Name's Nick, and I'll be cosplaying as Dave and will bringing along a Karkat. Unsure if I'll be able to rope in anyone else at the moment, but I hope to coerce a friend into going us as John. B)

Your name is NICK.

You will be cosplaying as the following:

AstrayRed 0

Alright! Thanks guys.

And yes, we are now OFFICIAL!

Two more months, hope you guys are starting to get ready!~
;D ;D ;D


Thanks for adding! ♥ Damn straight I'm getting started -- granted, the only things I really need to do are get the shirt and cut my hair, but regardless. My Karkat companion is actually trying to figure out a way to make the whites of her eyes appear yellow; any fellow troll cosplayers have any ideas for that? o:

Your name is NICK.

You will be cosplaying as the following:

AstrayRed 0

Well, the only way I can think of is getting Scelera(?) type contacts, but not the full yellow ones.


I know a 2D cosplayer who has contacts that are like that, but black. I could ask her. but they have no pupils. D:
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


I hope to be there! I'll be going as Jade~


Quote from: AstrayRed 0 on March 30, 2011, 11:03:00 PM
Well, the only way I can think of is getting Scelera(?) type contacts, but not the full yellow ones.

Sounds like a plan! I'll let her know.

Quote from: demetria656 on March 31, 2011, 11:05:40 PM
I know a 2D cosplayer who has contacts that are like that, but black. I could ask her. but they have no pupils. D:

Aah, well, it's as good of a start as any! If you could ask her, that'd be real swell. ♥ I'll need to get red contacts for myself, too, which is gonna be tricky because I actually have NO pupil in my right eye, so I'll have to find red contacts with pupils in them, somehow...

Your name is NICK.

You will be cosplaying as the following:


Quote from: knightshift on March 30, 2011, 06:30:27 PM
Thanks for adding! ♥ Damn straight I'm getting started -- granted, the only things I really need to do are get the shirt and cut my hair, but regardless. My Karkat companion is actually trying to figure out a way to make the whites of her eyes appear yellow; any fellow troll cosplayers have any ideas for that? o:

These lenses would probably work great, and these ones could probably work as well, save for the black right around the edge. The only problem about them is their pricing, but the quality you get from them is //definitely// worth it, in my opinion.

Quote from: knightshift on April 04, 2011, 04:33:37 AM
Aah, well, it's as good of a start as any! If you could ask her, that'd be real swell. ♥ I'll need to get red contacts for myself, too, which is gonna be tricky because I actually have NO pupil in my right eye, so I'll have to find red contacts with pupils in them, somehow...

Try this site for your red contacts. They're pricey, but they make custom contact lens to order, and could definitely design a contact with a pupil in it. I'd say it's worth a shot if you have the money as well, haha.