Powers that be, please consider this to avoid schedule problems

Started by Amanojaku, April 24, 2012, 06:55:05 PM

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Let's avoid the "cluster" that was last here's missing schedule, and consider something that 10+ anime con's across the country have done:  Use this mobile app created by http://guidebook.com

The schedule, maps, exhibits, general info, everything a person would need could all be available.  Someone get on this, for the love of kami-sama.
FanimeCon attended: 20 times
1999 - 2001
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There was a mobile schedule last year.  Guidebook may be better, but amazing as it sounds not everyone has a smart phone.  I don't and even if I did I still like having a paper schedule.  but then I am a little strange....
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Personally, I haven't been "wowed" by guidebook yet. So long as there's a pdf/mobile webpage guide, I'm good.
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I do agree last years lack of a phyical schedule, was incovenient. I had a smart phone, but what good is it when your battrey is dead?

What ever the reason why there was a limited amount, I hope some one will correct this.

Or at lest make a huge note on the main site to print your own schedule at home before you attend Fanime.
A few simple big billbords with the schedule on them would have helped out too.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


(Answering posts without quoting them)

We are going to have a physical schedule and (maybe) the PDF available.

We actually have had a mobile schedule that we've advertised everywhere... I guess we'll need to do a much better job. ;)

We tried to go with using mostly digital schedules (going green, using technology, etc.) and it didn't work out as well as we'd though. It wasn't one of our best ideas and we've learned from it. =)
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
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Is there a schedule right now yet? I'd like to get my plans ready.

I didn't know there was a mobile (mobile-friendly?) schedule last year, otherwise, people wouldn't have been hounding me for the physical schedule that I printed and brought. Anyway, a mobile-friendly schedule would be totally awesome. Works great with cosplaying and trying to reduce what you carry around.


Quote from: OGIGA on May 01, 2012, 03:24:02 PM
Is there a schedule right now yet? I'd like to get my plans ready.

They generally don't have the schedule ready/publicly available until the week of the con.
ASAHiCon Registration Head - '10-'12
ASAHiCon Web Head - '11-'13
FanimeCon Attendee - '10-Forever
FanimeCon Info Desk Minion - '14


Quote from: kookiekween99 on May 01, 2012, 03:47:48 PM
Quote from: OGIGA on May 01, 2012, 03:24:02 PM
Is there a schedule right now yet? I'd like to get my plans ready.

They generally don't have the schedule ready/publicly available until the week of the con.
I will have an update within the next 48 hours.
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
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Firefury Amahira

Quote from: MPLe on May 19, 2012, 06:51:26 PM
I will have an update within the next 48 hours.

Still, guys.... probably not a bad idea after last year to print out your own schedule ahead of time to bring with you. ;) Even if it means combing the forums for panel time/locations and the like. (Which, fortunately, it sounds like that won't be necessary, yay!)
"Fandom should be fun!" - Firefury Amahira
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The benefit of mobile vs. paper is the ease of keeping track of your schedule and being able to much more easily find an event to attend at any given. Even more importantly, it is reminder factor so that you don't forget to attend something.


Update: Schedule website is being worked on. Pocket Guide *will* be in the registration bag, however it is already a bit out-of-date (nature of the beast), our info desks will give updates, as well our various Twitter accounts (Main, Panels, Karaoke, eGaming, and Clockwork Alchemy), our monitors throughout the convention center (and DoubleTree) will have updates too.
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
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ASAHiCon Registration Head - '10-'12
ASAHiCon Web Head - '11-'13
FanimeCon Attendee - '10-Forever
FanimeCon Info Desk Minion - '14


Quote from: kookiekween99 on May 21, 2012, 01:28:40 AMYay, info desk! :D
Our goal is to make up for every scheduling mishap that has occurred in the past x years. Will we succeed? Maybe. We might have to perform some of sacrifice though.
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
Have questions (about almost anything)? Message me!


So, the schedule will include both the Fanime panels and the Clockwork Alchemy panels?  I saw their panels listed on their site and would love to be able to fit some of them in.
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.



Quote from: BunofGovt on May 21, 2012, 07:57:29 PMSo, the schedule will include both the Fanime panels and the Clockwork Alchemy panels?  I saw their panels listed on their site and would love to be able to fit some of them in.
The pocket schedule will definitely contain both.

Quote from: OGIGA on May 22, 2012, 02:32:14 AM
Any ETA on when the schedule will be released?
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
Have questions (about almost anything)? Message me!


Quote from: OGIGA on May 22, 2012, 02:32:14 AM
Any ETA on when the schedule will be released?

I estimate that it will be released on Thursday, May 24th at 10PM.
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Wow, it sure seems like it.
That's just sad. Two days left before the con and not even spreadsheet with "tba" on it.

It kind of reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld. You know the "No soup for you" one. :-\
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Quote from: echoshadow on May 22, 2012, 09:38:06 PM
Wow, it sure seems like it.
That's just sad. Two days left before the con and not even spreadsheet with "tba" on it.

It kind of reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld. You know the "No soup for you" one. :-\
Pfft hahaha that episode.
But yeah, this is a pain.  I'm volunteering at Clockwork Academy, so I need the schedule to know what panels I want my friends to check in for me.
Check out my current Cosplays, Panels & Plans!


Quote from: echoshadow on May 22, 2012, 09:38:06 PM
Wow, it sure seems like it.
That's just sad. Two days left before the con and not even spreadsheet with "tba" on it.

It kind of reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld. You know the "No soup for you" one. :-\
We can always release a spreadsheet with nothing but TBA on it... The issue is that we'd still get ridiculed for that. Lose-Lose.

We are working hard on the schedule though!
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
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