Official Lost and Found Thread

Started by ewu, May 27, 2015, 12:47:39 PM

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Hi everyone,

Please post your requests here. I will also see if we can interface with our lost and found department.


Previous posts:

Quote from: AllyUnion on May 24, 2015, 03:50:29 PM
I lost my Hitsugaya sword yesterday in Industry Video Room 1.  I'd appreciate it's return.  Thanks!

Quote from: beefcup on May 25, 2015, 06:44:33 PM
I lost a black rolling luggage and red/pink backpack during checkout at Hyatt Place on Monday. The hotel and convention staff found nothing. I was heartbroken, and left the con with nothing but my purse and the clothes on my back. The laptop has important documents for work, and many of those items have a lot of sentimental value. I am willing to offer a reward. Please PM me if you have any info, no questions asked. Thank you.

Quote from: abcbadcat on May 26, 2015, 01:20:29 PM
My friend was cosplaying Little Mac and misplaced his gloves. We were in the game room late Sunday night and couldn't find them. Any info about them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



I lost 2 contact staffs outside the Fairmont hotel on Monday around noon. Both of the staffs are 5 ft tall, one is a gold-painted fire staff

and the other is a clear, 6-light, collapsible, LED contact staff and three off the lights on one side are not really working.

If anyone has seen them, picked them up or knows any information that could help me find them it would be greatly appreciated!
I can offer a small reward if found.




I forgot my gray ONE PIECE hooded jacket on the couch on the top floor of the Hilton on May 24th. When I went back for it later in the day it was gone and could not be found either at the front desk or at lost and found. Would appreciate it if whoever took it would return it. Thanks.
< Mew >
FanimeCon Guest Relations (2009 - Present)
Person who gets Japanese guests


I lost an iPad Mini in a hard white shell case in the last viewing room that was open before the Closing Ceremony, showing Home Sweet Home...the Film Room, I think? Was seated in the back right quadrant of the room.


Checking to see if someone found a green rectangle wallet. The clasped part of the wallet opens to my identification, and the zipper opened up to coloured pens. -Thanks.


I lost a disposable camera   :-[


I'm just now paying attention to this thread, oops. ;w;

Anyway!! I'm not entirely sure if I even brought it to Fanime, but I am missing my black 3DS case that possibly could've fallen out of one of my bags on Day 0. However I believe I lost it outside somewhere. ;__; I'm not even sure, I have not seen it anywhere since the con. :X I had Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon X, and Fantasy Life inside the case.

It's most likely too late, but thought I'd ask about it, anyway!! ^^;;
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


I lost my iPhone 6 near the entrance of Ninja Games/Speed Dating.  I sat down against the wall, and then walked off without it. Upon returning to the area 30 min later, someone had walked off with it.  I tried to locate it online, but it said the phone was turned off... which means someone turned it off, since it had a full charge.  If you find it laying around, or decided to keep it but are having second thoughts, please turn it in to the Lost and Found, no questions asked.

It was in a Mario case like this: 

Thank you!
FanimeCon attended: 20 times
1999 - 2001
2006 - 2019
2022 - 2024

Luna Scamander

I know this is last years, but some people are posting.

I FOUND a blue bag with 3 items in it that I'm guessing someone is missing.  Unfortunately, I found it in the valet parking of the fairmont, and our car had just been called, so I didn't have any time to get it to anyone.

The items are a wearable panda head (the big ones that go completely over your head), a figurine, and a canvas spray paint.

I don't want to just... take the first person's word on it who says "that's mine!"  So if you pm me who the figure is of (it's female wearing cat ears/tail to help narrow it a bit), and what the painting is, I'll be thrilled to find some way to reunite you with your items.


I lost a pink parasol with a white handle and red tassels on the end.  It was in a printed plastic sleeve with Chinese lettering on it.  Was in between the time i was at the Naruto Gathering and when i went to lunch when i noticed it gone.  My mother (who is in a wheel chair) was carrying it behind her in a spot in her chair....and if it fell id notice.  So its a bit odd how it went missing in the first place :C

If anyone has found it...please PM me :) Ty!