Started by angeljibrille, April 10, 2006, 04:02:31 PM

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The purpose of our Weapon Policy is to clarify Fanime's position on the carrying and use of prop weapons, costume pieces, or actual weapons.  It is intended to be subordinate to Federal, State and Local laws as well as the policies of all space occupied by FanimeCon.  The written policy is subject to change without notice or explanation. The definition of a weapon for the purpose of this policy is anything that is, looks like, or might look like it is dangerous to anyone when viewed up to 20 feet away in poor light. The skill or training of the person in possession of said item is irrelevant. Any actual ineffectiveness of the item in question is irrelevant. If a police officer could think it is a weapon at 20 feet in the dark then it falls under this policy. If there is a reasonable chance the item may cause harm, or could be used to cause harm, on accident or on purpose, or make a person reasonably believe they may come to harm it also falls under this policy.

Purchasing a weapon
All weapons sales must follow Federal, State and Local laws and statutes.  Weapons MAY NOT be sold to minors. All weapons sold must be in a box, bag or other device rendering it ineffective and inaccessable and remain within applicable laws for concealed weapons. They may not be carried around loose. If this is not reasonable, please contact a Rover or other appropriate staff member to resolve the situation before completion of the sale.

If a weapon is purchased at a Fanime event, you have 3 choices:
1: Remove it from the convention-occupied space immediately.
2: Put it in your Hotel room or other personally secured space such as a car.
3: If it follows the other guidlines, have it peace bonded and show it off. OOOHH pretty.

Carrying a weapon
All weapon pieces that are carried, either in hand or on/in a costume must be approved by appropriate convention personal.This can be done at a designated peace-bonding area or the Rover office on the second floor of the Marriott hotel. It is the Possessor's responsibility to do this as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of convention membership. Any item that can not be peace bonded to the satisfaction of convention personel MAY NOT BE CARRIED. This decision is up to the individual Fanime staff, and is not negotiable. In case of any dispute, consult with Rovers leadership.  

Fanime understands the desire to pose for pictures and show off your costume. Heck, we want to see it too. However, it is Fanime's policy that at no time in a public area may a weapon be brandished. This is a common sense rule. Obviously, in a designated photo area reasonable posing may happen. It is never acceptable, for example, to stop in the middle of a hall and brandish a weapon. Someone may walk into your item and poke themselves. Or, by not understanding the situation, react as though your action is a threat to public safety. This is bad, and thats why we don't allow it.

In order for an item to be approved for peace-bonding it must be significant to the costume being worn. No costume is still no costume.  You walking around with a Katana is not a costume. The convention is not an excuse to walk around armed.

Peace Bonding:
Any convention attendee who wishes to carry item(s) that would fit this policy's definition of a weapon must have the item(s) peace bonded. This is regardless of any training, credintals, age, maturity, or status as a general member, staff member, or guest.

Peace Bonding is the proccess of the attachment of brightly colored "zip ties" to a weapon or prop. This process may only be done by trained convention personnel. Staff members will atempt ensure the peace bond does not damage the prop/weapon. It is the responsibility of the weapon carrier to assist in this process and politely point out concerns in this area.

Even if the item is not attached to anything it must be peace bonded. For example, a 6 foot staff, a 10 foot sword etc. This will let staff know that you understand and agree with the policy as stated or amended.

Peace Bonding must be done as soon as possible after entering convention-occupied space. This includes all public hallways of the hotels, anywhere in the convention center, the Civic Center and any space set asside for convetion use.

Please go directly to either the Rovers office or the peacebonding table on the main convention center concourse and one of our trained staffers will be pleased to assist you in taking care of this matter.

Check the program guide for a complete list of peacebonding locations or check at a Convention Info booth for more current information.

See above and, in many cases, it also can keep others from easly grabbing your weapon and using it inappropriately. Peace Bonding also serves as a reminder that you may not brandish the item.

For Peace Bonding, members must go to a designated area and speak with a trained staff member. Peace Bonding must be done each year as the policy may change from year to year. It also must be done each time the peace bonding is removed.
You may not peace bond your own weapon.

More information on Peace Bonding may be found in the FAQ available online and at Rovers and the convention Information Booth. Performers in CosPlay or for a convention sponsored event may seek special arrangements. For additional information and assistance, please speak with your convention contact, CosPlay personnel, or come to Rovers.

In short:
Anything that falls under this policy's definition of weapon needs to be peace bonded at all times. Items that fall under this policy's definition of a weapon and which are deemed not acceptable to be peace bonded by approved convetnion personel may not be carried/worn or displayed in convention space.

Remember, you are responsible for your weapon at all times.


i understand most of this policy. but just to completely clarify so i don't get in trouble i would like to ask this

the prop guns for my costume are airsoft guns. if the clips are empty and they have the blaze orange tip at the end of the barrel, clearly visible, as well as other then for pictures in designated areas they will remain in the hollsters at my hips, well secured and buckled in safely, are they still concidered harmful enough to need peace bonding?
it's better then breakfast!


Quote from: "Nezumi"i understand most of this policy. but just to completely clarify so i don't get in trouble i would like to ask this

the prop guns for my costume are airsoft guns. if the clips are empty and they have the blaze orange tip at the end of the barrel, clearly visible, as well as other then for pictures in designated areas they will remain in the hollsters at my hips, well secured and buckled in safely, are they still concidered harmful enough to need peace bonding?

Here is a response directly from FanimeCon. If you would like to reach the staffer who wrote this message, send me a PM and I will send you his contact information. Thanks! :) ~Marisa


Thank for spending the time to email and ask. If everyone were as considerate as you this job would be much easier. I am sorry for the delay in this responce. I was running it by some staff members to make sure we were all on the same page. To be honest, Air Soft guns are one of the reasons we have the policy set up like we do. I can start by saying that if the weapon is only slung or hand carried then it is a problem. The orange tip, while required by law, really does nothing. I have seen real guns painted all sorts of colours.

If the weapons are holstered then they can be peace bonded INTO the holster. This will keep you, or anyone, from being able to draw the weapon at any time. This can be adjusted for CosPlay [Masquerade] and judging (see the Masquerade info). I understand this is a bit harsh. Most of my personal costumes include many weapons. I would not be able to use any of my costumes under this policy.

I can tell you that if we have the man power to do so, we will put staff members with the training to do peace bonding around the designated photo areas. These staff members would be able to remove your peace bonding and then put a new one on after the pictures. These staff members should also be able to control and crowd control issues.

Please understand that our problem is not with you. The convention center is considered public space. If someone walking by sees a person draw a gun and does understand the context then panics and calls the cops - we have a problem. From a distance, it is impossible to tell if the gun is loaded or not; real or not. We also need to keep the same policy in all convention space, including the hotels.

I hope this does not impact your enjoyment of the convention significantly. I truly understand the enjoyment of costumes. Please understand that much thought, time and discussion has gone into this policy. We do try to give our attendees as much freedom as we reasonably can.

Again, thank you for trying to clarify the situation. I/we are willing to work with you and try to come up with something we can all live with. Please feel free to email me back, or if you are local, we can arrange to meet at a staff meeting before the con.


Ok, I think this is going to affect my costume so I want to clarify to make absolutly sure.  I'm going to dress as Inuyasha and was planning on bringing a katana that was completly ground down so it had no edge or point whatsoever.  From what I read this would still be against the rules cause it looks like a weapon. Is this correct?  If so I would like to run two other options by you.  1. I also have access to the handle of a katana that only has an inch or so of metal for the blade...I cut the rest off and ground down the remaining surfaces. Of course this would be strictly in the sheath prop cause it would just be weird to pose with a handle :).  and 2nd  I might be able to find an already super sized tetsuiga made from something that's not metal.  Even though it has a basic sword shape would it meet the guidelines?



Quote from: "swordman85"Ok, I think this is going to affect my costume so I want to clarify to make absolutly sure.  I'm going to dress as Inuyasha and was planning on bringing a katana that was completly ground down so it had no edge or point whatsoever.  From what I read this would still be against the rules cause it looks like a weapon. Is this correct?  If so I would like to run two other options by you.  1. I also have access to the handle of a katana that only has an inch or so of metal for the blade...I cut the rest off and ground down the remaining surfaces. Of course this would be strictly in the sheath prop cause it would just be weird to pose with a handle :).  and 2nd  I might be able to find an already super sized tetsuiga made from something that's not metal.  Even though it has a basic sword shape would it meet the guidelines?


Answer from Conops:

As long as we can secure the ground katana into the scabbard and you
are willing to leave it in there, then that is fine.


So as long as the "weapon" is peace bonded, its ok?


A quick question concerning Holstered Guns.

I have a airsoft that will be holstered but will have no bbs, no clip inserted, and the battery slot lid will be left opened at all times. Is this deemed acceptable to wear or am I going to have to have it out of sights because my costume is based on a police officer's uniform.

On yet another break....

Evangelion Xgouki

I have a question regarding swords.  I know metal swords are not allowed (unless peace-bonded into the sheath), but what is the policy involving custom-made, wooden swords?  Currently, I have a sword being commissioned out of wood for my Kurogane cosplay because I would like to use it in photos (aka out of the sheath).  Will that be ok?


I have the same question as Evangelion Xgouki - my sword will be completely made out of wood, except for the leather sheath. Will it still be required to be peace-bonded?
Also, if there isn't a away to peace-bond it to the sheath, what do you do? Peace-bonde the weaponry to the cosplayer's clothes?


Ok so If I let the ground katana be peacebonded in the sheath will I still be able to take it out for photo ops?



Quote from: "MisakiFan41"A quick question concerning Holstered Guns.

I have a airsoft that will be holstered but will have no bbs, no clip inserted, and the battery slot lid will be left opened at all times. Is this deemed acceptable to wear or am I going to have to have it out of sights because my costume is based on a police officer's uniform.
it's probably the same for your airsoft gun as it is for mine. you will have to get it peace bonded to the holster. however i have been told that at the designated photo stations there will be con ops and peace bonders who will cut the bonding for the picture and then re-bond the weapon after words.

so in short, yes, you will need to get it peace bonded, but you can still take it out for photo opportunities and such in the proper designated areas.
it's better then breakfast!

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "swordman85"Ok so If I let the ground katana be peacebonded in the sheath will I still be able to take it out for photo ops?

Obviously your question was already answered with a "yes". :roll:


I'm bringing a sword that will have to be peace bonded into the sheath. I'm assuming that the peace bonds are like zip ties. Does anone know how long they will be? There's only one place on my sword that can be bonded, but it's a little ways down the sheath.

lying is an art form

I will be making two wooden keyblades for my cosplay, would that be acceptable?
Do you like Magic: the Gathering or just fun games in general? I'm offering a fun way to play Magic right here! I'm bringing these to Fanime 2009 :) PM me to secure one!

The High Summoner Yuna

Quote from: "Itachi no Jutsu"I will be making two wooden keyblades for my cosplay, would that be acceptable?

Yes I was wondering the same, would keyblades be okay?


Quote from: "The High Summoner Yuna"
Quote from: "Itachi no Jutsu"I will be making two wooden keyblades for my cosplay, would that be acceptable?

Yes I was wondering the same, would keyblades be okay?

I'm presuming by these you mean the Kingdom Hearts stuff? If so, not a problem, these are perfectly OK.


I plan on making a monk staff/slingshot as part of my costume, is their anything I need to or have to do to make it so I can bring it in?

Yukari Kaiba

ok i have a question about the sword im going to be using. I'm cosplaying as Renji from Bleach and my sword is going to be in its shikai form. if you havent seen the anime, it basically has these spike looking things coming out from one side of the blade. my sword is made entirely out of wood, and the "spikes" are blunt and sanded down so they won't hurt anybody. is this still acceptable for peacebonding, since i wont be able to sheath it?
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


Quote from: "Yukari Kaiba"ok i have a question about the sword im going to be using. I'm cosplaying as Renji from Bleach and my sword is going to be in its shikai form. if you havent seen the anime, it basically has these spike looking things coming out from one side of the blade. my sword is made entirely out of wood, and the "spikes" are blunt and sanded down so they won't hurt anybody. is this still acceptable for peacebonding, since i wont be able to sheath it?

It should be, but check with the rovers @ the convention.

Yukari Kaiba

Quote from: "angeljibrille"
Quote from: "Yukari Kaiba"ok i have a question about the sword im going to be using. I'm cosplaying as Renji from Bleach and my sword is going to be in its shikai form. if you havent seen the anime, it basically has these spike looking things coming out from one side of the blade. my sword is made entirely out of wood, and the "spikes" are blunt and sanded down so they won't hurt anybody. is this still acceptable for peacebonding, since i wont be able to sheath it?

It should be, but check with the rovers @ the convention.

ok - thanks for the advice ^^
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)