Cosplay Question

Started by Lorus, September 19, 2006, 09:23:51 PM

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I have a pretty simple question about the Cosplay stuff. I have never been to an anime convention and was recently starting to get interested in going to one. If I were to go and dress up as a character, would there be some sort of fee? Are there certain rules you must follow? Is there a requirement to perform a skit on stage, or is that optional? Sorry if I sound like a total newbie.  :D  Thanks.

-Edit 9/20/06-
Thanks for all the feedback guys! I hope I don't look too silly when I go. I'll probably do a little bit of fitness training to look a little more 'in character.' Thanks again! :D


Quote from: "Lorus"I have a pretty simple question about the Cosplay stuff. I have never been to an anime convention and was recently starting to get interested in going to one.

Yay! Welcome!!! *welcome dance for you~~*

Quote from: "Lorus"If I were to go and dress up as a character, would there be some sort of fee?


Quote from: "Lorus"Are there certain rules you must follow?

The usual- no nudity, keep outfits as PG/PG13ish as possible. Remember, we *are* family-friendly, so try not to traumatize any little kids. Also, no real weapons, airsoft guns, or anything else that might be harmful. Weapons/props need to be checked out by ConOps and "tagged" to make sure they're con-safe. These rules will be posted up on the website. But, basically, just be smart and you should be fine! ^__^

Quote from: "Lorus"Is there a requirement to perform a skit on stage, or is that optional?


Quote from: "Lorus"Sorry if I sound like a total newbie.  :D  Thanks.

No prob. Kudos to you for being brave enough to ask! =]
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Yay Cosplay n00bie!

Well, there's no fee to cosplay, nor is a skit required (although there'd be many bonus points if you did!), but it's always fun!
For starting off, here's some tips to have in mind. Last Fanime was my first con and cosplay ever, and I learned some things:
*Devote some good time and a fair budget for your cosplay. My last one (Ranma Saotome) was made with less than $15 in less than one month. It was AWFUL, but people knew who I was and it was fun. I'm sure that you can do better than I can!
*Not all things have to be made/bought. I spent little on my costume, buying only what was absolutely necessary. Consider the things you have at home before going out and buying things. That way you save more money and buy only what you need!
*HAVE FUN. If working on your cosplay is frustrating you, take a breather. Watch some anime/read some manga, probably even with your character in it. Then try again, with a clearer and calmer mind. Then you'll have all sorts of 10 levels of fun-o-matic-o-rama.

...then again, I'm in no place to talk. The only difference between you and me is one "budget" costume... -_-
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


And be prepared to get your picture taken  :)


I was thinking about as a Final Fantasy character... If I were to get a wig, would I have to get a haircut so it stays on better? Or... doesn't really matter? I've never wore a wig before.  :?


You can have thick, curly hair down to your heels and still wear a wig, it's just a matter of making sure you arrange it properly. Assuming your hair isn't crazy like that, you'll probably be good with just getting a wig cap and some hairpins to keep your wig secure.