Fanime Dance stuff.

Started by bucac, October 18, 2006, 11:01:07 PM

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DJ Reign

Quote from: "Kanchii"All in all, it sounds to me like we just have to really pissed off DJs here because they didn't get the job. Deal with it.

Again, as I said before in my last post: You don't even know what went down, so leave that alone.

QuoteSo what if she doesnt play the same music you do, does everyone have to play the same stuff? That'd be HORRIBLE.

You sure about that?  So if everyone played the SAME EXACT GENRE it would be horrible?  Even if it's your genre of choice?  Also, did I say anything about what she played?  Did I say it was bad?  No I didn't.  In fact, I didn't say anything about what she played, did I?  As a matter of fact, I actually tried to defend her!  Did you read any of my previous posts?

Quote from: "I"Did DJ Caen rock it? Apparently, it seems like she didn't do that bad if some people are saying they liked it.

Quote from: "Sorin""it" so happens to be my roommate, and is most definitely a girl, thankyouverymuch. If you think otherwise, keep that &%#@ to yourself.

Well hey, I made a mistake.  My bad.  Why you gettin all defensive for?

Quotedon't come on these boards acting all high and mighty.
And how was I "acting all high and mighty?"  Don't be coming on these boards tryin to check me when I haven't say ANYTHING negative about ANYONE.  Period.

Quoteyou need to try and at least somewhat cater to the music of the audience. I wouldn't play a punk show for a bunch of 40 year olds, because I know they most likely woulnd't enjoy the music. The sign of being really good at what you do, is being diverse enough and knowing when to play what people want to hear.

Ok, let me ask you this: How would you know that 40 year olds wouldn't enjoy punk?  What, you can just look at one and automatically know what kind of music he/she enjoys listening to?  And you don't have to be diverse to be really good at what you do.  Does it help being diverse?  Sure it does, but that doesn't mean you're going to be better than the other guy who excels in that one thing.  It just means you're trying to appeal to everyone, and some of us knows how had that can be.

Ok look: if I offended anyone, I apologize.  That was not my intent.  I'm just trying to keep all this unecessary fighting to a minimal, but like they say: people are ALWAYS gonna find something to complain about.  I believe everyone here has made their point.  Let's just leave it be now.

dj 8-ball

OK. All arguements and beeyaching at each other aside looking and hearing from people there are two main issues (that actually matter) to be addressed for next year.

1) Variety

Seems there was nothing but high BPM techo/house type music. Not much in the terms of alternative, disco, freestyle, modern rock or golden age hip-hop (yes, that is a term now). (old man rant) Back in the day when my crew used to DJ for Lowell HS in the city there was the problem of half the student body wanting mod and the other wanting hip-hop. This problem was solved by giving the students two different DJ groups in two different areas. The courtyard was for the modern rock DJ's and the gym was for the hip-hop DJ's (we only got to do the gym once :cry: ) Again, if they find a way to provide enough equipment for a seperate room that would solve this problem. (Mixsterious Media?)

2) Quality of mixing

While no one is asking for a Mixtress (not to be biased), a Rich Loxomana or a Rick Lee there  is a certain standard everyone wants to enjoy whether they be an average person or a DJ. A lot of people don't know what a good quality mix sounds like until they hear the difference between the two (tested that theory at a DJ workshop I held with Tek Threat). But once they did notice, they noticed for the rest of their...lives I guess. Of course theres gonna be DJ's that can't for one reason or another whether it be music selection, skill, experience or just a bad night. If we get MOST of the night(s) to have both variety and clean mixing that should stop at leat 90% of these "battles."

And speaking of battles if DJ's didn't see eye to eye they should just settle it in the traditional way...DJ BATTLE!  :D


i dunno if anyone wants this or not, but me, being from the Bay AREA and this being the BIGGEST con in northern california, where the "bay" is techinically... would anyone mind the DJ playing some bay slaps/hyphee music at the con? i mean, if not those kind of music... then what about those "timeless" songs that well... anyone can dance to like "YMCA" or like "jump on it" by sir mix a lot?

it would be a nice addition to the mix of songs already being played by the dj and well... to make everyone's music tastes fair, the music genres can rotate in a circle like techno, then like rave, then like those kinds of songs that you electric slide to...

again, its a party everyone has again different tastes in music.

the dances should be able to accomodate what everyone wants right?
Backstage Personality for CWF - Cosplay Wrestling Federation

dj 8-ball

Quote from: Hakaru_chan on October 22, 2007, 10:21:50 PM
i dunno if anyone wants this or not, but me, being from the Bay AREA and this being the BIGGEST con in northern california, where the "bay" is techinically... would anyone mind the DJ playing some bay slaps/hyphee music at the con? i mean, if not those kind of music... then what about those "timeless" songs that well... anyone can dance to like "YMCA" or like "jump on it" by sir mix a lot?

Gah! I just have a hard time stomaching the bay/hyphy stuff. Then again this is from a DJ's perspective. When I would go to a club with my (then) wife we would have to show up for at the opening if she was Dj'ing. And the 1st hour the DJ was all hyphy, then the next hour the next DJ was all hyphy, then the third and the fourth. Hyphy hyphy hyphy! And the most irritating part? Didn't matter which DJ it was, it was just the same songs in a different order. That was so wack I swear! So now when I'm DJ'ing at a lounge and someone wants hyphy all night long I tell them to either turn the radio on or go to any of those asian/ricer  sponsored parties in SF.  :P

The timeless stuff, yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about.  ;D


epic progressive


The Nameplate Ninja

@8-Ball:  I can definitely see where you're coming from with this as I myself miss all of the timeless tracks.
             If people like hyphy then that's their taste and I listen to it every now and then but I miss the
             classics myself.  Oh and nice one mentioning Rich and the others, made me feel a tad nostalgic
             there for a moment ^_^  A DJ battle would be cool to see at a con like fanime, escpecially the
             team battles like back in the 90's
Dedicated to Ryoichi Koga & Goofy Style ^_^


The 2007 con rave was kool and fun. The only problem I had was that they replayed a few songs a lot. For example I was there and I was like "omg sweet butterfly frm ddr." Left and came back played butterfly again "wooo! Again! Sexy time!" then the 4th time they played it "#%&$ BUTTERFLY"

I enjoy techno house electronic or whatever but every now and then I thought it would be fun to get "dumb" o.0

Ok so I have a suggestion. It seems that the top generes of music people want are

Electronic (tech house etc)

Hiphop (includes hyphy)

anime remixes/video game favs

Why don't we or the dj make it to where there's a certin time frame they play these genres. 1st hour and a half or so Techno 2nd hip hop and so on.

So if people wanna go to enjoy hiphop they'll go around the time they start playing the type of music. And for people who don't care they'll just stay the entire time and have n such.
XBL GamerTag: xViciousxRamenx


Quote from: Hakaru_chan on October 22, 2007, 10:21:50 PM
would anyone mind the DJ playing some bay slaps/hyphee music at the con? 
No. Just, no. That's the LAST thing i'd ever want to hear when i'm trying to enjoy myself. I'd rather listen to nails scraping against a chalkboard than hear even a second of bay area/hyphee.

But that's just me. If everyone else wants to listen to that kind of "music" (I use the word music loosely) then be my guest.
Co-Captain/"The one who talks too much" of MANime!,17203.0.html


so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious


Quote from: Squeeky_Moonkin on January 01, 2008, 02:08:55 AM
so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious

Oooo, I would SO be down for some infected mushroom, or my personal favorite, DJ Angerfist. <333

As for the rap stuff, the fact remains that the vast majority of people at a con would rather dance to techno. I hate rap, personally x.x;


Been awhile... I was being messaged by Reign to return to the dance... Man I miss living in NorCal.
Official Katsuhiko Jinnai Myspace Page

Katsuhiko Jinnai "The Anime Convention Experience" - NEW ORIGINAL CD - COMING SUMMER 2009.

AnimE'xcalibur/Shinoda Sound Recordings

Liars Dice

Are all the slots for mixing taken already? I've been trying to mix at fanime for years, but they never get back to me.


Quote from: Squeeky_Moonkin on January 01, 2008, 02:08:55 AM
so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious

Infected Mushroom is great.  Not exactly the best music to dance to ever though.

I wish I had the money for a faster computer so I could use Traktor.  All of the freeware and shareware DJing programs I can run on my iBook aren't very good.

Liars Dice

Quote from: IamTetsuo on January 22, 2008, 12:57:03 AM
Quote from: Squeeky_Moonkin on January 01, 2008, 02:08:55 AM
so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious

Infected Mushroom is great.  Not exactly the best music to dance to ever though.

I wish I had the money for a faster computer so I could use Traktor.  All of the freeware and shareware DJing programs I can run on my iBook aren't very good.
Traktor isn't too good. If you're gunna digital dj use scratch live or something.

Dj Stormy Rayner

Quote from: Squeeky_Moonkin on January 01, 2008, 02:08:55 AM
so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious

If your interested in Psy-Trance feel free to listen to one of my mixes which was featured on British radio station during the show Lithium303, and Canadian radio station, my sound is a darker Tech-Trance / Psy-Trance ^_^ or if your just interested in buying some Psy check out or they always have good stuff ^_^ anyways heres the link to my mix plus the tracklist.


01 - Gavyn Mytchel - Resurrection (Original mix) / Joof Recordings

02 - Nicholas Bennison - Cyphon (Original mix)  / Propulsion Records

03 - Anne Savage - The Do (James Lawson Remix) / Joof Recordings

04 - John 00 Fleming - Rasa Lila (Jay Selway Remix) / Joof Recordings

05 - Echotek - Changing Frames / B.N.E. Brand New Entertainment

06 - Time Lock - Inner bright / B.N.E. Brand New Entertainment

07 - Protoculture - Driven   / Nano Records

08 - Pixel & X-Noise - Beats From Beyond / HOM-Mega Productions

09 - Astrix - Incoming   / Light Music Records

10 - Indra - Dancefloor / Spliff Music

Stormy, (Dave S.)

Stormy Rayner @

dj 8-ball

Quote from: Liars Dice on January 22, 2008, 07:16:59 PM
Quote from: IamTetsuo on January 22, 2008, 12:57:03 AM
Quote from: Squeeky_Moonkin on January 01, 2008, 02:08:55 AM
so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious

Infected Mushroom is great.  Not exactly the best music to dance to ever though.

I wish I had the money for a faster computer so I could use Traktor.  All of the freeware and shareware DJing programs I can run on my iBook aren't very good.
Traktor isn't too good. If you're gunna digital dj use scratch live or something.

Tru dat. Scratch live/Serato is pretty much the industry standard now. Funny thing is the actual program is free (you can DL it), it's just the hardware/interface that's gonna cost you!
However, the latest version of Serato does allow you to listen to the song w/out the interface so in times of desperate need you can use the 1/8" output to play the song. You just don't have the control of mixing anymore. Basically it turns your laptop into a giant iPod.

I just don't like how DJ's are becoming to reliant on either the program doing all the work for them or the remixed mp3 version. It's like if you take certain features away (like skipless mode) or you force a DJ to use the original version they can't handle it. You still gotta learn the fundamentals.

Dj Stormy Rayner

Quote from: dj 8-ball on January 23, 2008, 03:00:50 PM
Quote from: Liars Dice on January 22, 2008, 07:16:59 PM
Quote from: IamTetsuo on January 22, 2008, 12:57:03 AM
Quote from: Squeeky_Moonkin on January 01, 2008, 02:08:55 AM
so anyone into goa-psy trance? or infected mushroom? Just curious

Infected Mushroom is great.  Not exactly the best music to dance to ever though.

I wish I had the money for a faster computer so I could use Traktor.  All of the freeware and shareware DJing programs I can run on my iBook aren't very good.
Traktor isn't too good. If you're gunna digital dj use scratch live or something.

Tru dat. Scratch live/Serato is pretty much the industry standard now. Funny thing is the actual program is free (you can DL it), it's just the hardware/interface that's gonna cost you!
However, the latest version of Serato does allow you to listen to the song w/out the interface so in times of desperate need you can use the 1/8" output to play the song. You just don't have the control of mixing anymore. Basically it turns your laptop into a giant iPod.

I just don't like how DJ's are becoming to reliant on either the program doing all the work for them or the remixed mp3 version. It's like if you take certain features away (like skipless mode) or you force a DJ to use the original version they can't handle it. You still gotta learn the fundamentals.

Exactly! when i see people mixing with laptops it makes me slightly sad...its like cheating... sorta... i know i wont be converting away from cds for atleast awhile.. but with the new technology coming out such as USB devices like Pioneers new product the MEP7000 i hope just hope that people will start using the USB devices i instead of a laptop that way they can still be cutting edge without the laptop doing the mixing for you, with the MEP7000 reading the USB and assigning them to the players i think people will hopefully continue on with the technical aspects of mixing we have all grown to love <33 ^_^


Stormy Rayner @

DJ Jinrei

Quote from: dj 8-ball on October 24, 2007, 02:35:48 PM
Quote from: Hakaru_chan on October 22, 2007, 10:21:50 PM
i dunno if anyone wants this or not, but me, being from the Bay AREA and this being the BIGGEST con in northern california, where the "bay" is techinically... would anyone mind the DJ playing some bay slaps/hyphee music at the con? i mean, if not those kind of music... then what about those "timeless" songs that well... anyone can dance to like "YMCA" or like "jump on it" by sir mix a lot?

Gah! I just have a hard time stomaching the bay/hyphy stuff.


dj 8-ball

I DJ'd for years (over 20) lugging record crates (not to mention speakers, remember Cerwin Vega Quakes anyone?). I couldn't get into CD's cuz I found it too hard trying to find particular songs regardless of "cataloging" and the feeling of vinyl control.  I just finally got my laptop last August and I gotta say what a damn relief! But that's not to say I haven't paid my dues or if you were to take it away from me I can't DJ anymore. Hand me some vinyl and I'd have no problem. Of course a lot of the new kids now are just gonna "die" on the tables if you make them use vinyl (let alone carry a crate) cuz they "can't handle the version" or "it skips." hah

Speaking of "kids" we've got a "youngling" in our crew right now that's using our CD's/laptop but we force him to carry record crates anywayz! bwahaha

As for the bay/hyphy stuff. I will say that I do like the beats. It's just the rapping gets too "ebonic" (that would be the bast way to describe it). You take old skool (style) hip-hop and the rapping isn't nearly as ghetto or gangsta. Just my .02 on that subject.

"Cuz you can only go dumb for so long..." :lol:


Hi there ^__^

I've been to many cons and sadly they are all trance / techno ^^  That type of music is alright, but I'd like to hear some other forms of music as well :) 

I.e. Eurobeat, Dance, class songs such as the Electric Slide, YMCA, Grease Medley, Jpop, Jrock, any form of Japanse music, etc.  I think the dance would appeal to more people if there was more variety. I understand techno is the trend now, but it won't hurt to play other stuff too :D

It would make my day if the DJ would play a better variety and perhaps save the techno for late at night. I.e. After midnight

