Ragnarok Online Gathering '08

Started by o0Mutsu0o, February 29, 2008, 06:54:55 PM

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   So it's rounding down? your putting the last stitching on your costume? your literally running out the door shuving on your painful boots, or wig. Well, that sucks, Dont be late and make it, Haha <3
Here's the official RO Gathering of Fanime 2008

Infront of the convention center, the fountain!!

( I Apologize for people who are unable to make it! I Just dont want it to be changed anymore, i've changed it quite a few times. I Dont want anyone not be able to come, but.. Either way i go, i know people will be unable to attend, so as i said. I'm sorry, but the time is sticking, sorry guys. Unless it is verified with everyone & they can make it sunday.. it wont be changed so,  the gathering is going as followed. )

So, Here is our list... ( Updated May 19, 08)

THE List ;>
Female Knight - o0Mutsu0o
Male Whitesmith - Ban Mido
Female Ninja - Rainbow Ichi
Male Rogue - Lonelykangta
Female Ninja - Chibblz 
Male High Priest - Nishi
Male Biochemist - Amy
Female Priest - Amy's Friend( Please dont ask.. i forgot the names)
Female Perma Theif - Kiyo
Female Monk -  GS Dragono
joruri - Female Aco
Joruri's Boyfriend - Male TK ( Still ranked are ya?)
Michi24  - High Priest

Evangelion Xgouki  - Male Sin (?)
Maximiliusp  - Male Ninja (?)

People Not cosplaying, but going!
Ket - Random Person
James - Random Person
James Friend ( Hah) - Random person, yet again
Misoka - Just another fan coming to watch
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~


I want to go as a Mage or a High Wizard, but not sure if I can get the cosplay done =/

But yeah.. I'll get back to you guys on that xD
Who should I call next? The Shrimp?

Rainbow Ichi

I'm going to be a Female Ninja

Is it alright for fat old me to still cosplay? (23)

I'll be sewing everything by hand, and my bro promised me a huuma prop for sewing his cape :3
"Brevity is the Soul of the Wit"
"Pen and Sword in accord"

Rainbow Ichi's DeviantART Page:


Well. Final, lol ;D make up your mind and let me know, i'd stick you on the list.. it'd just look alittle unprofessional if it was Final - Wizard = Dx BUT I DONT KNOW YET xD

Lol, so when you decide let me know.

and Of course Rainbow, i'll stick you on the list, thanks ^^;
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~

Ban Mido

hehehe super sexy whitesmith reporting for duty cart term ftw!


I don't think I am this year... ~~;

I'm planning on doing High Novi -> Gypsy through out next year's weekend though..

I'll come take pictures this year.

Yeah.. just.. observing this year... DX


Quote from: Chibblz on March 06, 2008, 08:42:44 AM
I don't think I am this year... ~~;

I'm planning on doing High Novi -> Gypsy through out next year's weekend though..

I'll come take pictures this year.

Yeah.. just.. observing this year... DX

B-But we need people for the gathering T____T /clawsssss
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~


Wah.. Erm.. Iunno.. Maybe.. I'll..


I'll try.. something... maybe... x.x;

Oh god, peer pressure.


wah, us Ragnarök cosplayers dwindle every yea...also ill be going as my male rogue costume again, most likely not sunday because of naruto gathering
Forever lonely


Quote from: Chibblz on March 06, 2008, 03:24:22 PM
Wah.. Erm.. Iunno.. Maybe.. I'll..


I'll try.. something... maybe... x.x;

Oh god, peer pressure.

Nuu ^^ <3 Come on -nudge-
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~


Fiiiineee~ I'll try to do something last-minute.. Either that or I'll fix my Ninja cosplay from last year and hang with y'alls. XP


Quote from: Chibblz on March 11, 2008, 05:51:29 PM
Fiiiineee~ I'll try to do something last-minute.. Either that or I'll fix my Ninja cosplay from last year and hang with y'alls. XP

W00t!!!! TOTALLY I'd help you, xD but i have a few too many costumes to help with.... /sob

BUT!! Sweet ^^ Look foward to meeting you!!! <3
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~


Yar~ Just pick a time and place for the gathering and what not. XP


No Ones discussed that, they just post.. xD who they're going as? I think i should decide on a time soon
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~


Wah~ Pick a time so I can organize my weekend. XD


Ooh I'd love to go to a RO gathering! I'm cosplaying male high priest. I'll vote for either Saturday or Sunday, not too picky about the time as long as it's still daylight outside. XD Though I'm guessing earlier is better so that it doesn't run into any big events? (I'm not local to Fanime so you guys probably know better than me)
Fanime 2016 Cosplay:
Hetalia, Tales of Zestiria, Psycho Pass


Ossum.. I don't mind any of the days. O-o;


Quote from: Nishi on March 19, 2008, 01:08:36 AM
Ooh I'd love to go to a RO gathering! I'm cosplaying male high priest. I'll vote for either Saturday or Sunday, not too picky about the time as long as it's still daylight outside. XD Though I'm guessing earlier is better so that it doesn't run into any big events? (I'm not local to Fanime so you guys probably know better than me)

You Should Totally Marrrryyy meee ( I'm pretty much in love with you because.. well PRIESTS OWN >___< YEP!!)
I'm freaking excited to see your costume.. /slur /drool

^^ You totally have to pose with me.. or let me follow you <3
knight/priest <3 AKA we can party in RL and we can totally eat n00bs ;]
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~


Quote from: Chibblz on March 19, 2008, 11:24:26 AM
Ossum.. I don't mind any of the days. O-o;

I'm debating, maybe... 11am? Saturday? or..hmm, i dont know.. I wanted it saturday, just a time.... hmm
See Ya all next year? ;3 ~

Rainbow Ichi

well last year it was saturday afternoon, or so i remember. I wasn't able to attend because i was playing tabletop >.< plus I only heard it thru word of mouth a couple of minutes into the game D:

I'm havent started sewing my ninja suit, I'm still working on my brother's cape for his own cosplay. Do you think I can still catch up with 1 month's worth of sewing? 1 month left till Fanime..... @_@
Its going to be my first cosplay in Fanime too >.< Go me! :P
"Brevity is the Soul of the Wit"
"Pen and Sword in accord"

Rainbow Ichi's DeviantART Page: