2015 Cosplayer Gatherings Department ~ 3/17

Started by BSaphire, January 15, 2010, 11:33:16 AM

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2 things:

1 - I'm so excited to come back next year. Staffing with you guys was a blast. To anyone considering staffing with the CGD: it's chaotic, it's exhausting, and it's some of the best fun you'll ever have. <3

2 - Do we have any updates from our photographers? I know Greg has somewhere around 20 pictures up on smugmug, but beyond that I have no idea.



Thank you and your staffers for helping us organize gatherings around the construction!
The photographers that came out to the gathering I ran did a great job working with us! And some of the other gatherings I attended, they also put a lot of good energy into working with the cosplayers.

One point of feedback: some of us did not get certificates for organizing the gatherings.
It was real hit and miss from what I saw, we were told to check back the next day and they would be there for us, and nope.
It's a little disappointing because this is second time this has happened to me (can't remember if it was last year or the year before). It's not an end of the world horrible thing to never get your certificate, but it's nicer when you do get them. And someone who won't be able to make it back next year, never got their's either.
I hope you can see this is corrected for next year? (But see my point this is a second year this has happened.)
Thank you!


Quote from: kimu on June 16, 2012, 11:44:11 PM

Thank you and your staffers for helping us organize gatherings around the construction!
The photographers that came out to the gathering I ran did a great job working with us! And some of the other gatherings I attended, they also put a lot of good energy into working with the cosplayers.

One point of feedback: some of us did not get certificates for organizing the gatherings.
It was real hit and miss from what I saw, we were told to check back the next day and they would be there for us, and nope.
It's a little disappointing because this is second time this has happened to me (can't remember if it was last year or the year before). It's not an end of the world horrible thing to never get your certificate, but it's nicer when you do get them. And someone who won't be able to make it back next year, never got their's either.
I hope you can see this is corrected for next year? (But see my point this is a second year this has happened.)
Thank you!
I understand how you feel and I offer my appologies. I believe it was the year of Steampunk that this happened last time and I can rectify it for those who contact me. I'm even willing to replace a few if people have lost one. I keep extensive paperwork so only those who were organizers should PM me about unreceived or lost certificates and I will see what I can do about replacing them. Please put "CERTIFICATE" in the SUBJECT line and then list your gathering/event (s) and year. It would help to have a complete address where to send them.

Kimu: I worked hard since 2009 to have the Recognition Certificates done. They are important and I need them about three weeks before con to have them filled out and ready to go at con. The two years this has happened I received them @ con and though I have tried to fill them out it just becomes impossible with all that we are doing and the large #'s of gatherings and events. I am trying to ensure that this DOES NOT HAPPEN and I am glad you came forward with your concerns and expressed your appreciation for the certificates. It proves to me just how much they are appreciated by those who check in at the table, the hard work pre con, doing what is required to make each gathering/event "official" on both the URL and Gatherings List, and running it at con. To follow it through from beginning to end is no easy task and for many it comes from a true love of cosplay, which as many know, I do understand.

I have never publicly said anything about them and have had a few ney sayers in the background who didn't want to be on the "Official List"  and have been a slight touchy about following the process. Organizers like you and others are why I put forth such an effort every year and talk with several departments to have them designed and printed. It is but a small way to show ones appreciation for the work that goes into each gathering/event.

I have also looked for several years for someone to do some custom art for our department to put on our department staff badges and more. If you or anyone else is interested please PM me or send an email to: [email protected] and put "CGD ART" in the SUBJECT line.

Thank you again for expressing your concerns. It is very much appreciated.
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


Thank you, B. I do appreciate all the effort you and your staff put in to make cosplay an official part of the con.
And I also appreciate that you keep trying to make things better every year.


I actually had no idea about the certificates last year, as I'd never gotten mine. I was certainly pleasantly surprised this year when one was handed to me, though! B, out of curiosity you wouldn't happen to still have last year's by chance, would you? I can live without it, I'm just wondering. c:
Not attending for 2014. Sorry!


Happy Thanksgiving Cospeeps!

I moved again and I haven't been able to post for a while, but I haven't forgotten all of you :)

I will be cleaning up the forum soon as I can and getting everything for 2013 rolling. If you email me or pm me I will get back to you asap, but it will be a while so please bear with me on delays... I'm working on things but life has a way of slowing things up. Please help me out during this time by monitoring the forum and helping those that are new on how things operate here... 1st post list and such... I would greatly appreciate it. Miss talking with all of you and I hope that everyone has a great turkey day!

BTW... Looking for staff (see first post at the bottom for the 411) donations for the repair station, workshop ideas and such so be sure and get a message to me if you are interested.

Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


Cosplay Gatherings Department Second 2010-2015
Cosplay Gatherings Department Staff 2009


Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


So I have been busy today! :)
Gatherings List is in progress... need some returning 60+ gatherings to PM me :P
Cosplay Hangout posts have been updated with lots of information!
Gathering/Event URL 1st post has been updated!
Forum clean up is underway!
New threads for "Cosplayer HELP ME..." & "Looking For..."
and I'm finalizing my staff for 2013... which will be closed as of Friday for my department.

This doesn't include all the stuff I do that everyone can't see :P so I'm taking a break and cleaning up my computer and when I get back on i will continue the forum clean up and do updates.

Now to go eat!
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


So Staffing is CLOSED for 2013. Our new game "The OFFICIAL FanimeCon Cosplay Clue" thread's 1st post has been updated with information on the game. You can check it out here:

The "Official Gatherings List" will be posted sometime today with those gatherings who have submitted a COMPLETE Submission Request. Please check your PM's and/or email for any messages from me. The list can be found here:

CHOPPED Cosplay's returning Champs have applied to defend their title, so let's get some team applications! Information on Chopped Cosplay and the Team Application can be found on posts #6 & 7 here:

The Gatherings URL Thread was updated! You can find it here:

The Cosplayer Crane Ceremony on Friday is happening this year and I have 40+ little cranes done. I hope others are making some too so we can get 1,000 for Friday evening. More info can be found here:

I now will go to work on my new cosplay, Moon Maiden from Okami :P which I hope to have done and wear it Friday evening at the Cosplayer Crane Ceremony. I am also going to do a new random cosplay from another game and my only hint will be.... Vaut Tech XD but more on that later. So for now I'm signing off...
Bandaids, Pocky & Coffee
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


PM's have been sent out! Please check your boxes for responses from me.
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


So today has been busy!
Forum clean up is complete with 65 locked pages of threads! This helps keep the 2013 info up to date and at the cospeeps fingers!
Updated gathering URL thread!
AND... The 1st post of the "Official Gatherings & Events" list!

@ Organizers: Lock for pm's &/or posts in your threads for info from me. Confirmation is around the corner so it is time to update your first posts, work on your photo orders and get an assistant of two if your #'s expected have grown larger than you want to handle alone :P

If you haven't PM'd me with your SR... time to get crackin on it!

Though the number of gatherings is down, the # of large 60+ gatherings is up. We have 20 - 60+ gatherings and 13 - 20 events... so I'm pretty excited!

Thank you cospeeps for your patients and help this year! I love you all!
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


Happy Holidays Cospeeps!

So 2013 is about to end and though it has been a long year I can honestly say I am glad to see it go with the hopes of 2014 being 1000 x's better!

2013 had a whole lot happen both in the department and in my life so there are going to be some changes coming to 2014 CGD.
1st things first.... THE CONSTRUCTION IS OVER!!!!!! Thank you cosplay gods! This means our beautiful new map from this year will be changed accordingly. This also means that G8 will be reconstructed to G8 a & b (no more c) and G9 will have at least 3 locations for gatherings. G6 ("The Slab") will still be used for some gatherings and Cosplay Games so no worries there.
Inside the convention center... well there will be a few minor changes made, such as the Gatherings Table will be moved to a new location and that will be reflected on the new 2014 CGD map, and there will be some other minor changes, but nothing to worry over and I will keep you posted.

Now for some notes to the gathering organizers:

There were MANY large, super large, and several MEGA gatherings last year. I am making concessions accordingly since I know the planning involved for these things. You will still get to submit 1st for time/day/location for these and any other gatherings you are planning, however please make sure you are ready to PM me that information once the list OPENS. I will not consider ANY gathering or cosplayer event submission requests until the list opens for the corresponding gathering or cosplayer event. Definitions of large, super large, and mega will be listed with time @ location allotments on the Gatherings List thread once I get done revamping some stuff so look for the first 4 posts of that thread to be updated soon with dates and info on the revamped process.

I also want to remind all returning organizers to update your thread title to reflect 2014 (if you haven't already :P ) and make sure your first post is cleaned up too. If you are a new organizer taking over an old gathering please make sure you contact the previous thread starter/organizer to see if they are going to return to run the gathering again first.

Special Note on the Cosplay . com threads:
I will list those threads, on the URL thread, that meet the requirements I have set for the Fanime forum threads here. PLEASE remember that a gathering or event to be listed as "official" MUST have an active thread here on this section of the Fanime Forums. Here is where I communicate with the organizers so it is important that the organizers are active on these forums for me and the cosplayers that post in these threads.

I will be doing thread clean up very soon, this means locking old or inactive threads, so look for my post in the thread or if you are an organizer look for my PM because I will unlock it for you to update and make it an active thread again.

NOW... for Department news &/or business:

The department is looking for general staff, photographers, and a new position for those who do videography. See the first post for the general requirements and how to apply. If you wish to know more about getting into the video crew please submit me the general staff stuff along with a link to 3 videos that represent your video art. Each should not be more than 4 minutes long and be created by you and if you have one or two people who have helped you create your art then please list contact info for them if they will be a part of your crew. In the SUBJECT line of the email please put "Fanime 2014 CGD Video Crew" and send the email to [email protected]

I am also looking for chibi style artists to create a project or two for the department. If you are interested please send 3 jpeg images attached to your email and put "CGD Chibi Art" in the SUBJECT line please. The three images should represent the various techniques and style you use and define your chibi style. Send your email to [email protected]

As for department events, the Cosplayer Crane Ceremony will be returning on Friday evening of Fanime. There will be tech available for those who wish to do a short presentation on or for a loved one.
Our Chopped Cosplay competition will be returning this year with a BANG! We will be moving the show out to "The Hub" riser stage area on Saturday evening and team submissions are OPEN Now for those who wish to show their mad cosplay creation skills in a competitive environment. This is a challenging and exciting event for those competing and for those watching! All are welcome to apply so put your team (up to 5 members) together and join in on the madness! *more info and links to come so keep looking.
Some of the great workshops/Q&D sessions will be returning to the Cosplay Hangout during the days and we are looking for more cosplay related workshops to host, so if you are interested please send an email to [email protected] and put CH Cosplay Workshop in the SUBJECT line.
Our CGD Photographers are ready to take photos again this year. There will be some special stuff with them coming along with their professional style and cosplay charisma. There will be more to come on this so keep looking :)

Well enough for now... I know there is a lot to digest and I have MUCH MUCH MORE to do still but I want to wish you ALL a Happy and Safe Holiday's.

Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


Hi, B -

I think you meant Day Zero May 22, 2014, not May 29, right?  ;D
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


1st post has a quick update! More to come so check back!
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist

Nina Star 9

B, is Chopped Cosplay returning this year? I haven't seen any posts or info about it.


I wish the Kill la Kill gathering could be moved to Friday....I really wanted to attend it
Live long and cosplay



mostly was the first choice on your organizer's list (I believe, don't hold me to it), so maybe next year you can talk with your organizer to work out a time better for the both of you.